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Everything posted by Pikeslayer

  1. Whoop whoop :thumbsup_anim: Nice Simon, Cheers, Simon
  2. Hmmm Craig. One would require proof (such as a photo) that there were actually bananas on the boat. Maybe your son could help you figure out photobucket
  3. Hope you get one Adam. I didn't bother withe derby ticket this year. Lots of guests and a few charity outings pretty much disqualifies any fish on my boat. Ggod luck to you It was pretty bouncy out there on Sunday. Pretty sure that put some added stress on the lines. Lesson learned though. Check cable more often. Thx Wayne. Sure was a confidence builder/payback after a couple of clusters on Saturday.
  4. Yep. Totally nice! Thx guys. Nice to have the fishery in our back yard. BC's still on my bucket list though.
  5. Holy Cow, didn't quite cover it Paul You might have to sit on Cliff's lap. The outlaw will be stoked all week. Actually, so will I. Thx Cliff. I'm happy being the go to guy for Marianne.
  6. I marked the wp where we released it Mike. I'm pretty sure it will be there Sunday. Put out an SOS to John @ Tightlines. He came through big time. Worth every hundred!! Hope you and Ryan can make it out Dan.
  7. That little bow looks like this Vince Looks like you everyone had a great day. We got caught in a nasty storm a week ago Sunday. Good on ya for getting off the water in time See you Saturday. Simon
  8. Thx Cliff. PM'd you about the seat . Cheers, Symon
  9. Thanks for the help. I tried but then the url was lost?? This is the link I am attempting to past <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/b_eZ0V2Udtg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Hoping one of the mods see this and can maybe fix it and send some dummy instructions. Thx, Slayer
  10. Took out my son-in-law and the outlaws (his parents) on LO yesterday. After a not great day prior (due to motor/equip malfunctions), I was looking for redemption. Based on the recent previous outings, I had a program and was determined to stick with it. We got a late start as the outlaws were a little late rising. Anyways, on the water @ 7:30, waypoints @ 8:00 and all six lines in by 8:15. We stayed clear of the packs and shared our 'zone' with maybe 3-4 other boats. We were marking huge (I mean really huge bait balls) every 10/15 minutes. I marked each with a wp and had a new route programmed into the Lowrance. We had a few shakers (released) in the first 30 minutes. First good fish came at approx 9:00. Here's a short clip (camera battery was low and wanted to preserve power for something significant ). <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/UXBTXgR6nIY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> It was a solid 10 minute fight and weighed in @ 16.9 lbs. A quick torpedo back in the water, no upgrade = no picture. Next 60 minutes was more shakers and a few knock offs & a nice 6 lb bow, but we stuck to the program. 10:15 we got a monster hit of the port wire line, but it broke off. At the same time, we were changing spoons on the riggers and lost the Moor Sub Troll probe & topedo weight due to a kink in the line??? I took it in stride, but now we were fishing blind and the winds had turned and came from the east. We stuck with the known depths, maintained our route and carried on (with 2 less lines in the water). 10:30 am port side wire fires again, outlaw Steve is up. The dipsey was set 150' back. When the fish stopped peeling wire, there was 390' feet of wire between Steve and a big fish. Here's a short clip (batteries ) just about the time the wire stopped singing; <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/b_eZ0V2Udtg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> So 20 minutes later, not withstanding some tense drama and a challenging net job off the stern, the King came to Daddy. Here's Steve's "4 lbs maybe 5" A little assistance was required to torpedo the fish back in the water. 32.4 lbs on a rapala electronic hand scale. The first tyee ever for our 'crew'. It's 11:00 am after the adventure is over. Waves and winds had picked up substantially and it was time to head back to port. It was a relatively short day on the water but certainly one of the most memorable ever. As mentioned, this was a 'pricey' fish; Lost torpedo weight..............$35.00 Lost probe unit.....................$190.00 Fish of a lifetime......................................... NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Slayer ps. How the heck can I get the actual youtube video on the post????????????????
  11. Just make sure Mrs. Ryan picks the model. Then all is golden. Simon
  12. Richard, As Wayne has stated, you gots to be extremely dilligent. And here's my two cents worth of experience; 'Positive Recovery Attitude/Behaviour' will be a game breaker in you winning this thing. BUT, there is a fine line between PRAB (hmmmm, I like that acronym) and overdoing it. Conversely, you don't want to go to the opposite end either; negative recovery attitude/behaviour (which BTW it sems you are not capable of). If you think about, you've probably gone and done something you shouldn't have?? Pushed the envelope a little too far perhaps??? Get that cell count righted and stay well !! Regards, Simon
  13. love it love it love it love it (especially since no one got drowned) I could watch it all day long
  14. Sue told me to tell you to behave yourself Cliff. And remember............. 'There ain't no chicks in jail'
  15. This is my go to site for wind forecasting. http://www.sailflow....wHomeSiteID=772 I set Ontario West Bouy as my home page. Check the 7 day forecast/history tabs for indicators. As of current forecasts (subject to change of course), Saturday is looking good so far. Sunday is looking a little choppy but I am taking the outlaws out so for sure we will go fishing on Sunday as well. If there is sustained easterlies for more than 18-24 hours, I stay home. If you're referencing 'the weather network', you might as well cross your fingers, click you're heels 3 times and say.................. Slayer
  16. This one never gets 'tired'. So Tundra it is eh Bob???
  17. Hey everyone. Thanks for the replies and pm's (yes, I will try to post more up to date fishing reports). I think I'll stick around for another 500 if the mods/admins will let me. So in all seriousness, when do the freebies and cash starts to flow ??? Tighlines to all, Slayer
  18. You're quite right. I edited accordingly.
  19. a couple of Fridays and Labour Day weekend are open shoot me pm's.
  20. Hey Cliff, My brother in law Steve has a place right on the river across from Hull. It's vacant until the 27th of Sept. Not sur if it's the area you are looking for, buts it's available to you if you want it. Let me know, Simon
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