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Everything posted by spincast

  1. the thought of putting pressure on the joy of fishing has no appeal to me personally. I can understand those who do, but to me, fishing is one of the few things in life where the pleasure and the results are not judged by anything other than sheer relaxation and enjoyment I get from a day on the water. The OFC tourney is the only 1 I join. No pressure:- just the fun of seeing a group of guys (many of who are really good anglers) share their best catches of the season. Must have been a frustrating day for ya - next time perhaps tell yourself - just fish. If ya win awesome, if not, you'll catch some big ones when its over.
  2. Been trying to hook up with Live2fish85 for the better part of the summer. He's great guy who is just a pleasure to be around. G-man and I enjoy sharing the boat with him. Hopefully soon the doctors will put a fix on the table and the young man can get on with things. Originally planning a bass day out on Erie, the weather just looked too sweet not to hit my fave - the lady O. With the other half's 1/2 Century celebrations last night, today was a little later start, not hooking up till 6:30 at Jordan as the sun was cresting the horizon. Pulling into Timmies Chris stepped ouf of his van, we grabbed a couple joes and breakfast wraps for the younger lads and by 7:00 were motoring out of the harbour. We set up in 50 FOW just east of Jordan, basing our opening plan on the spoon site's most recent notices. Nothing on the screen till about 60 foot and the first line fires shortly after, but it shakes it off on the guest before much of a fight. 2 more get away from him and we share a few pointers. Finally a solid hit and we get one to the boat. A nice little dancer for our efforts The spot we had reeached was full of boats. In no time at all we had boats trolling all around us. I dont care for parking lot trolling and turned us to head to the BOW-ling alley G's up and notches a nice one right away - in his usual style just a little bigger than what Chris had to show for his efforts. This one was a little camera shy but we did get a profile shot eventually I was up next missed the first 2 attempts, one small king a mere 25 foot from the boat when he spat the hook, and another a beauty bow who wrapped himself up in the dipsey line and manage to pull the hook out again 30 or so feet away. Third hit was a charm: We ended up 1 fish short of 3 full rounds - 8 in the boat and about the same lost / knocked off. All the fish were clean and healthy, no marks and strong firm fish. All but 2 (smaller ones) went back. It was in interesting day - at one point in the alley I looked at the finder and said , hmm 178 FOW, should get one anytime now (we were in the heart of my waypoints). I had barely finished saying it when the rod fired. About 30 minutes later, "well, late morning, sun's out, watermelon time" We change up and not 3 minutes later that watermelon spoon produces. 5 of the fish came in a 1.5 hour window. I am beginning to suspect G is a fish-whisperer. He had big fish of the day, again. It doesn't matter where this fella is in the rotation, when he's up, the fish at the other end are always a good play. In all our outing this year, only twice have I got the bigger fish. Chris got a video of him fighting the king below, that if I get I will add later. Chris - great to see you again bud - and we still have to hit E for some of those tanks you were talking about.
  3. you're killing me. what an outing - . Staying right on your spot, hands off in a 20k wind? Sweet what that i-pilot can do
  4. now thats a water front campsite. Looks like the kids had a blast. Mere metres away from all those fish and no rods? Not sure I could do that.
  5. another great report Pete. Some sweet slime there - congrats. Love the kayak story - that guy will be telling that one at the campfire for a few years.
  6. I've yet to see the person whose understanding of a given situation is improved or changed by preaching, lecturing or confrontation. Further, such an individual who has the law on his side and is confronted by someone with an agenda is likely to respond just how? Change the circumstances with any example you like - crossing the road on a walk signal and delaying a car who honks, or taking your right of way at a merge and being educted by another driver.............. how do YOU wave? I havent watched the video. From what I have read, I would not have done what he did... but he had every right as things are currenlty. That said, I likely wouldn't offer the dude a beer to celebrate his catch, nor celebrate the outcome in anyway. But that is my right too.
  7. Great Vid Jacques - took me this long to get my old laptop to download the whole thing A great selection of shots. 10 lines!!??? Wow. Awesome place to get some winter fishing in. (still to early to put away the rod though bud )
  8. Obviously Pop knows a thing or two ... sounds like an awesome outing
  9. If the weather stays the same as it is forcasted now - Sunday should be a good day to try again for the south shore. http://www.windfinder.com/forecast/vineland_station
  10. 4 dispsey rods eh? make verrrrrrry wide turns. speed between 2.5 and 3.1 good luck!
  11. Thanks for the comments Mike. PM sent
  12. In March as the taste of spring entered the air the clan gathered round to vote for the family cottage get away. After much discussion Temagami won out. Scenery, fishing and a little help locating a place sealed the deal. This week is one where fishing plays a role, but time with the family is the primary reason and time away from work and its embedded blackberry are savoured. Last time we were up in Temagami was 2010. The fishing was good and G-man got introduced to something other than sunfish off the dock with a float. He struggled feeling fish on the jig and got hung up or gave his worm away more often than not. Frustration was not far off when I introduced him to worm harnesses and his love of trolling was born. His sister has always had the touch,be it casting, jigging, or drifting. This year his sister is 13 and lets say interest in fishing, and lamoist anything I understand seems to have waned for the moment. Hopefully it will return. G was equipped with a new light, fast action set up and taught himself to jig after a couple pointers, watching the bass in the clear shallow waters. The fishing wasn't as good this year but we all still had success and enjoyed ourselves.Here's a few moments with family, friends and scenery - all of which were great. Family vacation equals at least one day of tubing Steph got a new camera and wanted to try the action shots, The weather wasnt great, with fronts blowing through almost daiily, and rain on 2 days. Thursday was a torrential down pour spouting funnel clouds. That shut them down. But on Monday a OFC friend showed up and took us out to a fishing spot - sharing OFC fishing stories the whole way "that's Moosebunk rock; that's where Lloyd caught his big fish; that spot there will take your lower end out, Joey and Paul got some good one's here......." A great opportunity to see and experience the lake through the eyes of a resident. he put us on a couple of fish G was thrilled to meet Wayne again after all their post exchanges. Thanks Wayne - really enjoyed our visits. G is taking canoe camp this year and took an opportunity to practice his skills G really wanted a chance to use his stringer he got this year, Having some fun with the morinng catch before the meeting mack the knife. and a few shots of Temagami to sign off. I can never get enough of this scenery moon rise through the trees sitting on the deck time to hang it up till next time
  13. I troll for them - If you have downriggers, in 100 fow I run 1 ball at 90 and another between 75 and 50, depending on where the bait balls and active fish are. I like to be 5 - 15 foot above them. and between 75 and 150 foot back depending on how bright a day and how spooky they are. Gangtroller on the bottom one to attract the big lazy one's interest, and if you have one a glowspoon. The higher ball watermelon or any spoon with a copper back. troll between 1.5 and 3.1 switching up speeds randomly - lakers will often folllow for a long time and then hit. Find the humps on the bottom and circle, or follow and any ledge - the feeders will be there. This shot was up on Temagami. there was a hump that come up to 100 foot and dropped down to the 140 range. We passed over several shots like this (photo courtesy of a morining with Irishfield) good luck and look forward to your report.
  14. That's a golden reward for your efforts. Nice healthy fish.
  15. welcome aboard Bryan - great intro. Look forward to some of your posts spinners for me - meps aglia sized 2 - 5 in red's chartreuse and red / silver combo; black fury in a few patterns and rooster tails - red & silver and yellow.
  16. Rick - that is one HECK of a Walter - especially for that time of day , You're right -Southern Ont is sadly missing these as for Tea - not much in Canada, but in the UK or China - lots
  17. sweet fish there Chad I really shoudl make a trip out for those -love their energy . Good luck on the laker hunt - and if the opportunity ever permits, make a trip down here and we'll see if we can't put you on a few Lake O spring lakers. Just send the PM
  18. Jimmy's a great guy. Havent been out with him, but he seems to know his stuff http://jimmyriggin.com/
  19. Ridgeline. Loaded with the weeks worth of kit, the family and the boat, no problem pulling, and it doesnt sit rear heavy as many smaller vehicles do, which is an issue if you are front wheel drive and trying to get out of a steep ramp. 4 wheel drive is sweet at the ramp, in the snow and on the rough roads. Mileage is decent, ride and room is phenomenal. 1 of only a few trucks recommended by the Lemon Aid guide - which by the way if you want to look at a copy of for 2011 trucks, let me know - Only downside ..the price of the cap - was over 2k to get it installed, ouch.
  20. quality fish there, sweet reward for your perserverence
  21. nice job there Paul. Now you can give someone something to sit on when you kick 'em out of the bow gotta love it when a plan comes together
  22. wow great report. Is your wife related to Juli by any chance?
  23. Good luck if you're tryin' this weekend. Bouncy would be a mild description form what I see? Hey Frankie - be sure to take some vids for me - oh and wear your Kevlar shirt
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