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Everything posted by spincast

  1. Great shots Brian - this year, your turn to come visit our water. See if we can't get more than 1 in the boat
  2. we had this guy singing away yesterday. That's my for sure sign its finally on its way
  3. Sorry to hear Manitou- that's always tough.
  4. I remember those days..... the trips to the summer camp in the back of the station wagon, no seat belts, carbon monoxide rushing in the rolled down tailgate window (and before unleaded gasoline at that), fighting with your brother. The gear was in the back seat to give us room to burn off energy, and the parents some noise reduction. That's when the channel changer wasn't a box, it was the smallest person in the room........
  5. the south shore was tough last year for sure (for me at least). A late start and smaller fish than previous years. Biggest of the season was just a touch over 30, off the North Shore (courtesy of Capt Pikeslayer) Cant wait for this season to start. This colder winter will hopefully keep them in closer longer. Plus I owe the Cpt a Laker day for my half of the deal Hopefully I can pay back the favour
  6. very cool, heading that way soon, and gonna put this guy on the list to check out. That shot of the boat with the three dudes in the front looks like if someone sneezed you be swamped.
  7. Yeah - that's like the "Lifetime Guarantee". It breaks, you take it t the manufacturer, they so oh, that's the expected life of the product. Warranty expired.
  8. Walmart -- simplistic analogy for where the jobs have gone. A consumer shops for the lowest price for a product. A company shops for the lowest price to make the product. In 100 years or so, wages across the globe maybe harmonized, but until then, when someone in an undeveloped third world country will work for a year for the same salary a developed country worker is used to collecting in a day - before benefits, pension etc, this is will be the fallout. Many countries that previously were manufacturing powerhouses are now service industry or technology. There is no middle class left.
  9. http://www.brantfordexpositor.ca/2014/03/11/grand-river-watershed-hasnt-seen-this-much-snow-in-35-years "Bellwood Lake, near Fergus, is the watershed's largest reservoir and can hold 48 million cubic metres of water. The concern is that the snowpack upstream from Bellwood contains some 120 million cubic metres of water, Schultz said." Sure hope we get a slow thaw!
  10. I can't help but think that a court date on that would be an interesting exercise of one's rights. I have met a few enforcement personnel over the years who have the same approach with respect to the HTA. It is interesting to see who (doesn't) show up for the court date, and how rarely such charges actually get heard. Of course that does mean a day away from work, but sometimes, its worth it. Its a shame when to serve and protect becomes warped to intimidate and offend.
  11. well that's a drag. Was hoping I didn't need that huge thing in the boat anymore - the thing is so big you can use it as a sail.
  12. For those of us who hit the big lakes, this is cool http://ocsdata.ncd.noaa.gov/BookletChart/GreatLakesBookletCharts.htm Also handy in case that pesky Hamilton boat shows up......
  13. just as food for thought - if the units are out of warranty and you are just looking for peace of mind, for this kind of thing, any marina will be able to help you out - you don't necessarily need a yammie dealer. I will put a thumbs up for Proctor too - great guys. But boy do they get busy come spring (more so than most, I found) , so be prepared to run it down at the first sign of warm weather if you don't want to wait 3 + weeks. I've been using CAS up on 401 and Cedarcreek the last couple years (mostly because I work in Cambridge) So far I have had nothing but good experiences with them. Souds like you got some solid offers from some solid OFCers too and that could pay you back in spades in the longer term.
  14. I towed a 16 foot dual console Starcraft with our Sienna for a year. The whole package comes in around the same weight as yours. We have the big V6 in the van, and it is rated for the same as yours. Never had any issues on the ramps, never over heated and tranny is still solid - even Burwell where a lot of front wheel vehicles spin out. Our Sienna came equipped with a tranny cooler (I checked before I started pulling it), BUT, the van rides so low to the ground that even without a load in the back, with the boat on your clearance is a real issue. So you need to get a tongue with a big vertical raise on it and drive slow on a lot or roads. On more than one occasion when accessing a lake, I bottomed out - did it once on the Restoule access road, only going 60 in an 80 zone. I thought about adding air shocks to the van, but in the end just decided to buy a truck as my old SUV was in need of replacement. Now the Mrs has her taxi for running around when I'm on the water.
  15. Fantastic shots Mike That last one is just spectacular.
  16. Good to see ya there Kelvin - thanks for the tour!. The show seemed a little smaller this year than in years past, and not really a ton of deals, unless you're looking for a cheap spinning reel or rod - and I really missed the Tightlines booth.Could always count on them for some trolling deals.
  17. X2 to what Wayne & Steve said. Compression test, look over and a sea trial on soft water. Did it with mine 4 years ago and have been flawless so far. If the seller has nothing to worry about he'll take the deal. If he hums and haws, well, that'll maybe be a hint something isn't quite what it should be? Hope it works out for ya. Post few pics once the deal's signed.
  18. goes to show what I know; thought it was a senator
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