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Everything posted by spincast

  1. Cool Jar - fill it up with peanuts, and put six pack of Stubbies (Labbatt's 50 maybe?) next to it and you got some real nostalgia.
  2. This one wasn't actually an algal bloom, this time http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/story/2013/09/03/lake-ontario-blue-green-algae.html but recent reports indicate that phosphorous levels from untreated sewage and far run off are once again approaching dangerous levels in all the Great Lakes. Erie, as mentioned at the end of this article, had one earlier this year again.
  3. Great intro - welcome aboard. That's a heck of a meal for one person!
  4. congrats on the PB - that things a beast.
  5. the off button. Although I do take it with me just in case. On one occasion it saved my bacon on a very cold day.
  6. FIL just passed aaway after brief fight with the big C. Only 1 GP left for G and his sister. A sad day in our house.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. zamboniwaterboy


      Thinking of you and your family at this time. If there is anything we can do let us know. Condolences.

    3. mercman


      deeply sorry for your loss Rick. Give G a big hug for me.

    4. irishfield


      Condolences for your wife and family Rick. God Speed to your FIL.

  7. awesome Chad! It is those things we work hardest on, that we reflect upon later with the most enjoyment. You dun good
  8. I'm sure there's nothing to worry about Dave. Fuel bundles, when discharged from CANDU reactors, are highly radioactive and are generating significant amounts of heat from radioactive decay. (In the sketch, 10E16 means 10 to the 16th power, i.e., 10 x 10 16 times.) The radioactivity is due essentially to two sources, the fission products and the transuranics (plutonium and other elements heavier than uranium that have been produced in the reactor from the capture of neutrons by uranium atoms). Because of differences in the natures of these two groups, two different approaches are needed to protect against the radioactive hazards that they present: The bulk of the fission products, including those causing most concern, are very highly radioactive. They must therefore be surrounded by shielding to absorb the radiation that they emit for the period that the radiation is strong enough to be harmful. Since their intense radioactivity is due to their relatively short half-lives, e.g., cesium-137 with 30 years, it decreases rapidly. After about ten half-lives of the fission products, i.e., several hundred years, the radioactivity is dominated by the transuranics which have very long half-lives, e.g., plutonium-239 with 24,000 years, and hence very low specific activity. The property most relevant to health is that their radioactivity is by emission of alpha-particles (Chapter 2) which have only a very short range in matter, so that they must be prevented from entering the human body, by inhalation or ingestion.* And its not like it could ever leak. History has proven we know how to handle this stuff, right? http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/story/2013/08/23/fukushima-water.html Of course the problem is, the cat is sort of out of the bag now, so to speak ? *Quote From J.A.L Robinson - Decide The Nuclear Issues for yourself.
  9. wow great fish and awesome story. Fish of a lifetime for sure. I guess you know where all the walleye went.
  10. great report - I can see it now. "Nope, that's just a small fish, I can tell by the sound of the reel" Way to go showing the man a great day
  11. thanks for the report; looks like a good time. beauty 'eye.
  12. Thanks Mike. I'm working on enjoying it while I can. Soon "other" pass times will doubtless replace time with Dad,. Hopefully he will come back after. With any luck, our outing will be as productive, or more.
  13. or that you fish at more civilised times? What was it you said about getting up at 4 or 5 am?
  14. OOOh, that happened too, especially after he lost 3 in a row. He was so mad, he pulled his hoodie up and shut er down. Then about half hour later when I said "get the net" he came alive. After that it was non stop G questions.
  15. Haven't been able to get out with G as much this year. Between family commitments, family illnesses and winds messing with the few days left, it has been difficult getting something together, and harder getting a decent fish day together. So this morning we got out a little later than normal and were greeted by an almost empty launch. The derby (ies) must be over. We lost the first 4 hooks; some at the boat, some on the way. G became discouraged and passed the next fish to me to break the jinx. It worked. We ended up 6 for 13. Was a beauty day to be out on the water. We kept a couple small first year Chinook for the plates, and some trout for the smoker. the rest went back to play another day. Nice to finally put together the right components.
  16. best catch of the season for sure . Those smiles are ear to ear
  17. that can't be Misfish - look at the shirt??? See, you're not blinded.
  18. Fantastic photos, and what a way to fight back.
  19. Its been a tough year all over the big O this year. They just aren't following their normal patterns. My normal go to's have been vacant on more than one occasion. Keep on searchin' it's a big lake and they're n there somewhere
  20. I believe one of this year's GLA (?) mags had an article on how productive this can be in the right circumstances. I'm sure that for an experienced jig fisherman, on the right water on the right day this'll put fish in the boat.
  21. tres bien; some beauty fish there. congrats on the PB
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