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Everything posted by spincast

  1. Sunday - Lake O late launch take 2. Hopefully more productive than the first edition.

    1. misfish
    2. spincast


      Lets just say that IF I were to catch 7 next weekend, you could call me Bond, James Bond. Early starts begin next week

  2. brown Lund? Slow day for west winds for me. I ran just about every colour and set up I had except for dispeys and flies. That sub surface current was insane - on the way back in the planer board was almost behind me and the lead core was running at a 45.
  3. nice ! had that with a pair of bass once on a single jerk bait, but that is pretty cool. I had a similar experience with the bait fish this morning - found one cloud over 20 foot tall and filled the split screen on my elite 5. But nothing around. Hopefully tomorrow will be more productive.
  4. great looking pup. And yeah, he looks like he's got an agenda . Congrats
  5. Saturday is looking Launchable

  6. Had tried 50, 30 and 17 lb flouro. The 17 was good, but I ran out so I switched up. Started with 40 lb big game (lake O, flea season main line) and kept going down. Ended up with 17 lb mono. Worked well last year and reduced the amount of spools I had to keep a track of. The action on the spoon just seemed to work well at that combo. Since then I have been trying various leaders and main lines based on some of Keating's books. This years project is 12 lb mono tied to a 3 colour lead core section followed by a 40 ft leader of 12lb mono. First time out running of the planer, hooked a mid 20lb king. Going to try a a couple spring set ups with the 12 lb line.
  7. I use the blood knot (mostly cause I just cant seem to get the line inside the sheath for a good willis knot): cut the core out and tie the sheath to the leader, and / or section if I am running sectioned core. Never had a problem with it and have pulled in some big kings and lakers on it. Goes through the reel and rod guides without a hiccup. Switched from flouro to mono a year or so ago with good results (seem to get better movement on the spoon). Be interested to hear your results Mike - especially as they will doubtless be accompanied by one of those reports that make my bucket list grow longer.
  8. Looking good - now all she needs is forts slime of the season.
  9. The rods are the only thing smoking on this boat Brian but your welcome out anyway - need some front ballast. We'll have to get our laker chasin' on my water this year. Keep your radar on - the next weekend is only four days away now.
  10. Thanks again all LOL - I had to ask permission to come aboard . As he didn't know which key was for the main, and which for the kicker, he relented and actually waited till I came back from parking the truck before he started her. Thanks Bill - it was agony watching your last outing report and being landlocked! Ha - You are not far off the mark there Dave. Depreciation city for a while Check your messages. I think I got more replies to this posting than 3 fishing reports combined
  11. Handles it really well. Doesn't push in the corners, and I still got lots of get up and go if I need it. I was really happy how she handled - even bringing her back home down the 400 on Friday. Mileage is down compared to the 16 footer of course, but I'm double the weight. 18 litres per 100 ks on the rounder to Jordan - which is all up hill on the way home.
  12. Thanks all. It was just amazing the difference between this boat and the old one. I figured if you're gonna buy new anyway, make it one to last a long time. My Starfire was a 2000 and still watertight and a great boat. This one will be with me for a long time I suspect. Funny you should say that Joey - as I saw them I was thinking you would have been all over this shot - and with your camera and skills you would have really got a feel for the cool visual it presented. There must have been close to 100 of them, and right after this shot they all took of. My poor little point and shoot through the water covered stand-up just doesn't do the scene justice Thanks Rob - they are receiving really good reviews (researched lots) and are said to be giving yammies some real competition. But, it was almost 2 k more for the same yammie. you said it !
  13. Over time it had become obvious to me that I spent far more time on big water than the northern lakes. Not that I don't enjoy those -but both E and O are only 60 minutes away - and with no Toronto traffic between me and these launches its really a no brainer. I loved my Starcraft 16 foot dual console, but it meant being very selective and watchful being out a few miles - Erie especially I don't trust, and the distance you have to run to find fish is significant. So I started looking for something that would still work on the smaller lakes, but provide me a greater margin of comfort on the big water (oh, and it had to fit in the garage too). Hit the Spring Fishing and Boat show to formally launch the search. There weren't too many in my size range, and nothing with a deep V hull unless it was too big. Searched all the websites, again, not a lot, and very little that was recent and had a 4 stroke. I did find one beauty up in Barrie - but couldn't come to a reasonable price. This is how I ended up doing what I always said I would never do - buy new. I like the Starcrafts, so decided to stay there. After visiting many dealers who were not too interested in negotiating a deal, I found myself at a dealer a couple weekends ago with G. They had a 176, dual console promo special in the offsite show room. Fishfinder, 55lb trolling motor, mooring cover included. I asked for pricing with a 115 and a kicker, full stand up, and some tracks. It looked pretty good - actually it was pretty much where everyone else had been before kicker, mooring cover, fishfinder and track. So I put in an offer of $1000.00 less, expecting at this point the same response I got everywhere else. The sales guy went off to huddle, came back and stuck out his hand - Its a deal. I was kind taken off guard, but, heck what do you do now, say, - hey I was just kidding and walk away? Two weeks later I arrive to pick up the new water toy. I am early, and they are running behind, so I sit for a couple hours before she comes out to show herself; took her out to check the power packs The mechanic showed me the ropes, and dials, then hit the gas and in split second we were on a full plane and trimming up the motor. He looks at me "Nice". Yeah baby She is a little stern heavy right now, so I gotta figure a way to get a couple hundred pounds of ballast up front. The casting deck area is huge - in fact a lot of the extra room in this boat is up front and I think that is why she sits a little low in the back. Plus the rod locker has 6 foot tubes for 12 rods (not that my great lakes rods will fit) all in the front. Anyway, the Marina didn't have the track installed (back ordered and only arrived the day before), so my work was cut out for me. Narrow gunwales on this boat, they have built some floor-to- gunwale-height storage lockers / flotation area. Made a couple access holes for mounting and it was time to go: Starboard side took great care and caution when drilling: Lots of weight going up here - so support under the track for as far as my arms could reach Then, wouldn't you know, Scotty is the only maker of riggers that are not compatible with standard risers - fortunately Jos at Angling outfitters came to the rescue with some aluminum plates. McGiver time Mounted and ready: And - 4.5 hours of work, and another 3 hours of driving around later Then messed with installing my fishfinder - The one that came with the boat will go up to the bow once I recharge the patience battery So today, with winds so high I would never have gone out in the Starfire, I said lets see what this is about. Calling for winds from the NW in the 25 k range with gusts up to 50, I knew we would have to hug the shore, and just hoped they would be more west and less north - that way they bounce of the escarpment and give us a couple miles of fishable water We arrived at the launch at 7 and dressed her up for her maiden outing White caps and steady 2 footers were taken in stride and never a worry. The 115 put us out in no time even at half throttle and then the 20 took over. It is difficult setting up in that kind of water and after 30 minutes I was just about to set the last rod up when the port planer board, pulling a SWR with a chartreuse and black rippling redfin did the unmistakable king dance and took off. It was G's turn up and for the next 10 to 15 minutes they played a game of tug of war back and forth. This fish ran everywhere and was taking us out in progressively deeper water. We came out past the shelter of 50 point and were in some good rollers. At one pint the fish changed direction and charged forward and I had to put the 20 into WOT to stop it from overtaking us. Finally G brought the fish up along side, and as I reached to scoop, a roller came along and the fish made a run all at the same time. We watched a easy mid 20s king slipped under that water. But we were all smiles and G was thrilled. He got everything but the pic and what a way to start his year! A little while later I took a small eater Coho in the 2 - 3 lb range, and about an hour later G took a good 10 -12lb laker (no pics in the post as he was a real bleeder ) we managed to get him revived and released. The wind settled down around 11, but the so did the fish, so at lunch time we called it a day. A full dock on the way in cant wait to get some decent water time this year.
  14. The new Starcraft is home :) Get some set up done tomorrow, and hopefully Jordan on Sunday

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BillM


      Right on man! Let us know how you make out!

    3. Pikeslayer


      Congrats Rick :)

    4. spincast


      Thank you Niagara escarpment - plese bounce those winds about 5 miles off shore today.

  15. Looks like a great day out to welcome the soft water season Probably had the spot pretty much to yourselves again too did ya? Good thing ya got witnesses for that bruiser brown story .
  16. beauty fish. Persistence and patience pay
  17. ohhh, the pain. In between boats. Nice going!
  18. Congrats, beauty fish under any circumstances, but for a first on opener, excellent. And heed the advice on keeping that spot to yourself.
  19. Me thinks you worry too much Anthony. Obviously things have changed since I bought her and you just walked into a service Canada office. I would just mail in the form we did last night to the address here as I mentioned. http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/marinesafety/debs-obs-paperwork-paperwork_boat_licence-3212.htm Let them worry about the taxes. In the meantime you got gas money
  20. Enjoy the Boat fishingguy28 - Now, if the marina can just get my new one ready before next weekend!

    1. misfish


      I like fishing in new boats.;0)

      Grats on the sale Rick.

    2. spincast


      Thanks - OFC first. And yup, you are on the invite list for this year for sure! Had about 200 offers after it hit Kijiji. I think its in good hands though. Anthony is a respectful polite and nice (and oh so excited about his first boat) young man.

  21. great series Joey!. look forward to the hatch-ling shots
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