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Everything posted by spincast

  1. cool shots Dave. I was out at the same time checking out the crescent moon but didn't see anything like that down this way, shame, I would have really enjoyed that. The "red string" shot is neat
  2. Lake St Clair sunday .... perhaps finally the weather will cooperate?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. spincast


      Thanks Bri - just need mother nature to cooperate. Enjoy the vid - got anything to do with Cadillac? That'll warm ya up

    3. misfish
    4. Crooked Rapids

      Crooked Rapids

      yes Spincast...perch

  3. Thanks Joey - that's very generous of you. I'll take you up on that. My email is on my profile. Cheers R
  4. Joey - My parents had a picture almost exactly the same as this in our house during my childhood, sitting over the kitchen table. Before that, I remember it in my grandparents house in the UK, Brings back a ton of memories. Completely forgot about it till I saw this. What a great shot.
  5. beauty report - the scenery& the fish just stellar - nice way to close out the season
  6. fantastic Mike. just fanastic
  7. holy poop that is one incredible fish - and well deserved.
  8. Another great report with outstanding fish- nice year you've had there Mike. This year's posts alone are fodder for almost 1/2 a decade of trips for me. I'm going to have to stop reading them soon, my bucket list is running out room between you and Moosebunk.
  9. congrats - nice fish. They sure are an adrenaline rush. Pics taken with your Fuji? I get the same finger shots.
  10. Its the Russians......................................... I had the same the other day - went to post and it turned into a very long string of symbols. refreshed and all good?
  11. Thanks C-S; I'll give that a shot. Your PM came through too btw.
  12. Cool report. Doesn't matter where you catch 'em, they are the king of adrenaline. Some great photos.
  13. thanks for the feedback guys. Helps give some back ground to the rod. Will definitely try it out - at the right time. The decoration thing has also occurred to me Dave, thanks. But that will call for a cottage, a few years down the road yet.. My man cave harbours the boat in the summer and the cars in the winter. No room for my comfy chair (unless I sit at the console)
  14. My father in law passed away on Labour day. He was an interesting man - born on the Mirimachi, worked in prospecting camps in Pickle Lake for Algoma Steel during his younger days. Also used to love fishing when he was a young man - and his father in law was a true outdoorsman in NB. We have some amazing photos (and stories) to remember them both by. Amongst the many treasures he had accumulated in his life was a fly rod that he passed to me. Currently I don't fly fish (saving that one for my retirement), so my knowledge is next to nil on the subject, and no one in the family really has any details on the rod. I am wondering if anybody here can help me with information on this rod? It looks like it is bamboo, and it has 3 separate tips - I assume for different weight flys / water? The only mark on it is a picture of a gold sailfish or marlin (?) on a blue background jumping out of the water as if hooked. No other markings. The hook holder is a brass circle. The whole thing looks like a real piece of art work It came in a home made box, with some flies and floats - all of which look really cool. A definite keepsake for the family. Also wondering if this is something I should itemize with the insurance company? Obviously we cant replace the sentimental value, and I suspect it cant be replaced physically either, but it may still have a value that makes itemising it worthwhile? If anyone has any idea as to $ value I'd be interested in hearing (preferably via PM)
  15. awesome! Nothin' like being out-fished by your kid . I have a fair amount of experience on that topic.
  16. x2 - Our thoughts and best wishes for you and your family Bruce.
  17. Aaaaannnnd, the winds quash yet another outing in 2013..........

    1. misfish


      South winds have ben howling all day here Rick. Simcoe will be a right off in the main lake. Thank goodness for creeks and riv,s.

  18. looks like my plans for St Clair for tomorrow just got blown out. phft

  19. beauty spot. Our first frost down here this morning too. Kind of early given how long it took summer to find us this year, I thought. The firewood looks like you should be good till,.... New Years? fat little spec.
  20. Once again a great report. Man when you said you had a "few" fly ins planned this year, you weren't kidding. I like that this one is family friendly. Could be a wedge... to expand the family enjoyment in our house. thanks for putting that together
  21. nice outing Chris - gotta get me a couple of those soon.
  22. beauty specimens. That first one is a tank Like the signature too - cool book.
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