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Everything posted by spincast

  1. love the Osprey shots. Point and shoots are great for pin-and-fin side of the river shots, not so hot for the far and aways, huh? I feel the same way every time I take a distance shot.
  2. Lake O, here we go. :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BillM


      I think I am going to give the southern shore of Lake O another 3 weeks before wasting anymore gas :)

    3. misfish


      Just say when Rick. Are there browns swimming around or just kings cohos and bows?

    4. spincast


      Lots of browns to be had in the spring, even from the shore. Kings, coho and bows are around too. And of course Lakers, but not as many as later in the year. Hoping the new boat comes home next weekend. Then we're back out again


  3. WOOOO HOOOOO first day out, only had a couple hours, but boated the first fish of the season. A sweet little brown. Back tomorrow for some serious time on the water

    1. zamboniwaterboy
    2. Freshtrax


      Me too, unfortunately I only washed.Lures today.

  4. Quite a few of us have probably already read this, but I thought it worth sharing given Fischen's post Boats do sink even with experienced people at the helm. I use this as a word of caution when I go out, especially since I met Dave and chatted with him personally about the incident. The author of this is an experienced great lakes fisherman and author. You can tell by his face that these events are still clear as a bell in his mind and experience. "I never go out without an inflatable pfd anymore Rick -and everyone on my boat has to wear pfds" An inflatable is on my list, as I hate wearing a pfd - but I'll put up with it in the meantime http://www.glangler.com/_blog/Great_Lakes_Angler/post/MULL%27s_BLOG_Stupid,_Adrift_and_Thanking_God_for_a_Coleman_Cooler/
  5. you can't help but wonder if one of the welds let go under the waterline in the rough seas? From a principle perspective, I would pursue it - because this is not just about your incident, as scary and costly as it was. The next time this happens, the outcome maybe different - maybe it already has been with that sad situation with the 4 boaters on Erie. Unfortunately, I don't think you will end up further ahead financially one way or another, as your lawyer will not be cheap. The best outcome would be an out court, pre trial settlement offer. Best of luck, no matter what course you choose to take.
  6. If you cant make the interview on opener, you'll be sick when walleye opens too, and bass, and , well you get the point.
  7. beauty fish. Spent today spring cleaning the boat. Hoping for some decent weather next weekend to head out on the lake
  8. Jack's really really growing fast. This summer will be a blast for you guys ( when it finally gets there).
  9. Spent a day at Discovery Cove with the kids. What an awesome way to spend a day. My daughter took about 400 photos on the reef with the el cheapo point and shoot, swimming with the rays and fish. Some of them are pretty cool I like this one because you get to see someone walking with the fish. There's also a hairy roller coaster or 2 at the main park and some neat birds to see and then a few misc interesting shots a pano of the reef swimming area
  10. pair of beauties there for sure. Nicely done. Can't wait to hit the water again
  11. looks like 2 foot - itis won. The Starfire is up for sale.

    1. Tim Mills

      Tim Mills

      Congrats I'm sure it will sell quick. What did you buy?

    2. spincast


      176 Starfish, 115 main, 20 hp kicker, plus matching set up. Just needed something little bigger and deeper for the Lady O outings.

    3. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Congrats!,nice choice!

  12. Absolutely. Add a torpedo or diver to get additional depth on sectioned core. Great stealth presentation. For the OP, if you are looking to get some set ups, some great input above - there are quite a few boards for big water trolling that frequently have great deals on lightly used set ups. Oh,and if your'e gonna stack and run dispeys your first year, bring scissors or a knife, lost of extra lines and terminal tackle and patience , especially on weekends when the water is full of boats.
  13. Good job. As others have said, once you reach the target, keeping the on the fit diet full time is just as hard. I need to get back on my plan too. Slipped off a while ago and the weight has been slowly coming back despite regular exercise and a mostly controlled diet. I find the holidays or trips really blow it for me.
  14. The Aviva quote for the quote above - 528.00 deductible - 250 (hint - your deductible should actually be a the amount you can comfortably afford - be it 250 or 2500 - it makes a difference to the insurance company - so ASK, because it makes a difference to your premium - I will actually be raising this) coverage on boat - 14k protection and indemnity - 2 m under insured / uninsured boater 1 m water skiing sub-limit - 1 m medical payments - 5 k reimbursement of emergency expenses - 1 k personal effect - 2k electronics - included in the 14 k . premium is the same for a value of up to 30 k. After that a pro rata charge will apply With the exception of very new boat where you can purchase a waiver on the depreciation policy for a short period of time, every policy is going to limit the coverage to current day value. What you want to see is coverage that includes "replace with similar" wording, and then you document the boat, your add-ons and take pictures Send them in to the insurance company, Then if something does happen, establishing like / similar is easy and the company has to provide something equal to the documentation. You buy insurance direct, you are in a shark tank. The insurance companies are not in the business to provide you coverage and pay your claims. They are in it to make money. They are publicly traded for profit companies. If they reduce your payout in a claim, they positively impact profits. In the event of of claim, who is going to have more influence on what your microscopic premium will produce in the form a payment perspective - you, the individual who paid them less than a 1000 bucks, or a major brokerage who places several million dollars worth of insurance with them a year?
  15. Try pacific marine. No layup term and quick approval for values under 30k, (300 bucks, comparable coverage) over 30k, just pay a pro rata premium for the extra. Got this through my broker, who runs a 50 footer on Lake Huron, so she probably knows the market pretty well. If you want the contact info, just pm me.
  16. To paraphrase Bill Murray from Caddyshack - "There'll be no muskie - but on your deathbed, you'll be blessed with a king salmon"
  17. Lookin' like the Starfire may be going up for sale in a couple weeks.

    1. spincast


      and then, maybe not :(

  18. sweet! - counting down the days till I see those greeny blue hues of Lake O on either side of the gunnels
  19. sorry to hear that Dave - so suddenly would make it way harder.
  20. Awesome! Thanks for sharing. I think we'll be a adding that to our bucket list
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