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Everything posted by spincast

  1. nice! I gotta try that lake again soon.
  2. Nice gator. a casual day trollin' and boating fish tough way to spend day.
  3. ahhh, 3 day weekend without holiday weekend traffic :)

  4. were humans out of season when you and Bill were up there?
  5. Nice going! Look like you guys had a blast - what a beauty weather wise too!
  6. had my hand held GPS, full of a years' worth of way points fall out of my hoodie jacket at the boat launch as I reached down to grab the gunwhale the first year I had the boat. Tried to find it with the net, but it was just mud. I no longer keep anything in my hoodie pockets when on the water.
  7. wonder if he's the one that aerated your downspout last year? That's a chunky one for sure
  8. Gotta love those first warm days of spring . It still kills me that is your back yard. walk to the end of the yard to catch your fresh walleye supper. Excellent!
  9. first black tongue of the year in the boat

    1. Pikeslayer
    2. Pikeslayer


      Did G catch that for ya? ;)

    3. spincast


      LOL - you funny 2 :). No, THIS one was mine. He got yesterdays 'Ho (and yes, it was bigger)

  10. that would be freaky. Just thinking about accessing a harbour around break walls and 0 visibilty. probably be safer waiting it out.
  11. already time for the first service for the kicker....only feels like 5 hours?

  12. the second one looks like it were some slimy fun.Gonna have to make a trip for some of those soon.
  13. No alarm this morning so didn't get to the lake till well after sun up. Hardly a breath of air on the water, clear sunny skies. Thought at first we were onto something, but turned out, it was just a tanning day mostly. Just a bit of residual kype and then, well, great day for some tanning and photo-shooting a couple from last weekend Notice the tackle - it defies the odds how often I say, well, what shall we switch up, and something hits one of the other rods. Should be finding our groove any day now.
  14. Nice couple a fatties there. Perfect pictures.
  15. Found this the other day while looking at a classified. http://www.mustangsurvival.com/sites/default/files/pdf/Mustang%20Survival%20HIT%20Inflatable%20PFD%20Safety%20Advisory%20-%20CAN%20Consumer%20ALERT%2004Sept2012.pdf
  16. weekend's lookin' like its got some potential

    1. irishfield


      It certainly is... and then the day after that.. and the day after that.. and the..


    2. spincast


      spoken like a true opportunist Wayne! Unfortunately work hampers many of those opportunities for my target opportunity

    3. irishfield


      Just ready to stick the key in the ignition and head North Rick! Enjoy your summer and that new boat!


  17. Not sure what you're looking for but panfish and pike can be had in all of these - pittock, conestoga, guelph lake, pinehurst, shades mills. I used to launch at the old King st bridge then head down to the damn in Cambridge - but there is a portage and some shallow sections on that so it may be out given the leg. Once Bass is open, Glen Morris to Paris is a great stretch for a day. The Nith can be fun too if the water levels are right http://www.grandriver.ca/
  18. Sorry to hear Albert - they sure do make an incredible bond that tears deep when it is broken.
  19. here's a few to choose from http://www.netknots.com/fishing_knots/
  20. These work well - but I found them small and pricey so I just made some with ply and 1x2'.s Depending on the gap between your ceiling and your garage door, great place for the off season collection. http://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/home/storage-organization/garage/garage-wall-storage-solutions/mastercraft-ceiling-storage-rack-0680380p.html#.U3sdwPldWSo Great way to make room for the boat in the garage
  21. Finally got a couple a' slimers in the boat today. Felt good to get the white stripe off my back.

    1. misfish


      Very nice bud.

    2. Tim Mills

      Tim Mills

      Good stuff, when's the report?

    3. spincast


      in time. still too poor a showing for a story. Once we get a few stung together.


  22. beauty first trout - congrats. Once they figure out they're hooked they are usually a whole different feel from that first gentle bite. There's a reason they're called silver bullets.Get them in the lake in summer for some fine acrobatics
  23. great report - good job on the perserverance
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