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Everything posted by spincast

  1. Thanks. Nipigon - Onaman River Resort
  2. cool pics indeed. Gotta try a few like that next time I'm out
  3. Nice going bud. Gotta get me some of those soon
  4. 2nd times a charm: I was hunting for 40 + pike 2nd fish of the trip put a smile on my face: this old beast crushed my Agila. 42 incher The next morning, first fish, a 43 in PB that ended up being biggest fish of the trip: Second fish this bruiser put a hole in my net with his beak. Ended up with 3 over 40 for the trip, and one at 39 3/4,(no tail pinch) and too many to count in the almost there range More on the trip from Rodcaster later, including an ear to ear smile on the young man for getting his PB in a special quest for him Beauty spot, big water; long drive
  5. awesome shots again Mike. Nice goin'
  6. ROAD TRIP time. NIpigon bound after work tomorrow. Hey Chad - ready or not here we go

    1. BillM


      Enjoy the drive! Watch out for the giant furry critters :) I hope the wind forecasts are in your favour!

    2. Musky or Specks
    3. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      That's today? I should start packing :D

  7. cool mahn, just make sure you got a beeeeg memory card. I made a few with mine. Eets a memory peeeeeeg
  8. right on - congrats, on all counts
  9. nice way to start the season.
  10. you are bass tardly bud - nice grouping!. I am still in need of the first bass outing.... hmmm
  11. great vid, perfect pace for a summer sunset
  12. great shots (as always) Joey - this one is spectacular always good to get away with friends and just enjoy the simple pleasures
  13. Condolences on Bren and your loss. Love the golden sunsets up there - I think I took the same shot from the same place when we visited back in 2010. That train trip is just a great experience - but man, the skitters up there must take steroids - they is some kinda big. Good luck and enjoy the change in life directions - as I'm sure you will
  14. Just back from a trip down Wheatley / Leamington, way. Here a few from our first outing. 33 - 35 FOW, worm harness off a 3 colour section of leadcore running off a planer board about 100 foot back, worm harness, and a down rigger running 90 back. Target depth was 20 foot.. We didn't run bottom bouncers this trip, but heard this was a hot presentation this weekend. Just look for the parking lot of boats and start trolling
  15. Third annual father-son, end-of-school weekend get away starts tomorrow - not sure who is more excited this year. Its like Christmas in June :)

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Have fun Rick,time goes way to fast!

    2. kickingfrog


      Great Idea. I'll have to remember that for next year.

  16. given the cost of the motor vs the cost of a mechanics inspection, really? Just get it inspected.
  17. Hey Simon - no, this was our trip: Simon to G: You need help ? G to Simon: Sure, can you hold the net? and I still owe you that laker trip to say thanks for finding this one
  18. Father in law passed away in Sept and wanted G and I to have his tackle. Some really cool stuff in the old brown box I think we're gonna frame them in memory of John. Some of the stuff is still in the box original boxes. Very cool
  19. nice little spot. That rod makes for some fun action with those toothy little gems
  20. Help me Doc, there's something seriously wrong. I stayed home today and worked on the H-D list rather than going fishing? Is it too late?

    1. Terry


      it's not terminal , take two tea spoons of cod liver oil and some ex-lax...this too will pass and you will be back to normal

    2. Pikeslayer


      You tweaked your onboard HD unit??

    3. grt1


      thought I heard that whip crack

  21. Looks like a blast, and a great way to spend time with the family. So Poppy - how many perch did ya clean?
  22. great shots as usual Dave. You ever watch those grossbeaks fly? Their wing pattern looks like a helicopter rotor. Love the eagle.
  23. Prepping for the Nipigon trek

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. misfish


      Thats why I cant go .


      Have a great trip Rick.


      Maybe next time.

    3. Terry


      I could learn to drink beer, you twist the cap counter clock wise to open, right

    4. spincast


      I just do cans Terry, eliminates the possibility for embarrassment

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