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Everything posted by spincast

  1. X2 on that one Pete, but it sure isn't looking good right now, .. http://www.theweathernetwork.com/news/articles/the-great-lakes-freeze-up-is-in-full-swing-heres-what-it-looks-like/45873/ Cover on February 21: 52.7 per cent 2014 maximum: 61.5 per cent 14 day forecast still doesn't show any highs above freezing, and the daily lows still dipping frequently into the double digits.
  2. Man, Father Time must have said a real doosey to Mother Nature, 'cause shes been giving him a veeeerrrry cold shoulder for a loooooooong time.

    1. crappieperchhunter


      Thinking the same...he needs to man up and make things right.



  3. I with ya Paudash - don't care for the winter and every year my appreciation wears thinner. Poor circulation and a severe boredom created by jigging do not make for ice fishing pleasure. I spend lots of time researching techniques and places to go -I am slowly pulling together a reference book of techniques and presentations to try over the soft water season. Luremaking.com has some ways to spend an afternoon, no matter what your favourtite fishing method. As a few have said though it can be additive, and before you know it you have spinners and harnesses and jigs and spoons everywhere. I am also trying to believe in the power of positive thought - this was March 25, 2012 with my son .... it could happen again...
  4. You will find roadway is defined in the HTA,and that is what they are using as definition, I suspect . Simcoe ain't a roadway. An ice road up north maybe, but Simcoe....
  5. added the copper set up the spread, eh Simon.. For those considering this trip let me just say chances are fairly good Simon will put you onto a fish or two - maybe even a tyee, it wouldn't be the first time Simon - if the opportunity permits - I still owe you that Laker outing in early June.
  6. Anyone got a Boatsmart book they don't need anymore? Gs getting his license, and it appears the, ah, cleaning lady missed the "don't throw this out" label

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FloatnFly


      yea, I just opened the chapters in a new tab on my browser so that I had the test on one page, and the open chapter on another

    3. Gregoire


      It's hard to find good help these days.

    4. spincast


      LOL aint that the truth - but you know what they say, marriage is grand, divorce is 20.

  7. they make a special bond, really leaves a whole in the life when they pass. sorry for your loss MB2
  8. That's a day to tell about over fires for years to come, and when the pain of loss is gone, laugh about. Really hope you find the jerks, and point the cops their way. Lowlife
  9. This one is nice. I'd need the cuddy (and the sturdy aluminum protection) for sure if I brought it home - what am I saying - it would be my home...... http://www.silverstreakboats.com/index.php?pageid=11&itemid=100
  10. Last time I felt something this cold she was 6 ft and built like a dream with red hair and green eyes.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fisherpete


      Hahahahaha gross Joey!

    3. Rodbender


      colder than a hookers heart

    4. HTHM


      Colder than management making business decisions...

  11. Mikes stuff is top of the line, and Mike is a great guy. If you're at the show be sure to stop in and check out the baits. He makes awesome eggheads in smaller sized for those who like to chase the pike as well.
  12. 'ONE DAY AT A TIME,BUT TREAT IT AS YOUR LAST DAY OF YOUR TIME.' exactly!!!!!! great stuff B. Warm sun, soft water and the only ice around in my cooler or drink. Can get here soon enough.
  13. Spring Fishing & Boat show in the morning. Gotta think there will one day be soft water again....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. spincast


      Not what it normally is! Only 1 hall? WTH?


    3. misfish



    4. spincast


      Give me the little guy every time. Grimsby Tackle, Angling outfitters. No big box community killers for me. I'll pay for service over stooopid


  14. hmmm lets see, teaching myself from scratch how to fish the big lakes has been an interesting experience got home from a trip on Erie not long after I started and discovered that my Scotty manual down-riggers had a locking mechanism. If you didn't lock it, they were prone to falling off in transit. Decided this was the fishing gods way of telling me I needed electrics - $500.00 watched my hand held GPS float down into the murk of the Long Point PP launch one day as it fell out of my hoodie pocket as I tied up the boat. - I now have an elite 5 with a removable mount. It never goes in my pocket 10 lb downrigger weight, 50 foot of line, spinny and fly combo.... about 70 bucks, give or take. I now check my DR cables for fraying wires every trip out back to back wire line breaks - dispy, spinny, fly, spo swivels, maybe a 100 between the two? I now check my wire set ups for fraying wires, every trip out cluster tangle on leadcore, and 50 lb mono - flasher and spoon maybe, 80? I now turn MUCH slower when running lots of lines or,while changing up one day, took a wave from a passing inconsiderate boater and watched about 15 spoons at an average of 8 - 12 per flutter down to the depths before I could save the box....I am seriously thinking of buying a flare gun don't even mention the occasional rod snap... I know more than one angler who was lost a moor subtroll probe or x4 fishhawk due to snapped cables... now that hurts
  15. menage a trois? take a bow....... sweet scenery in the background
  16. A Charlie Brown fishing report - all that was missing was a "Drat!" when the OPP interrupted the greaser chasin' thanks for sharing
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