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Everything posted by spincast

  1. Took my long time fishing partner Kev out for a day on the water. Found some 43 degree water, another small coho, and one of these. Wont be long now
  2. had to share this one = G on his way to third place at today's martial arts comp. 2 points
  3. had the first album within a few weeks of release back then, and followed them for years. Saw them in concert on the second album tour,Awesome show. "Ohio" is still a great summary of the what is wrong with urban sprawl
  4. Yup, what he said. The folks at the Niagara Spring Fishing show got to know us pretty well. 3 days of wheeling dealing and bartering, right down to the "do you take Canadian Money at par?" It was like those guys hitting the collectibles stores on the TV show- wheel and deal for every purchase. Good thing 3 days gets you $800 a person duty free coming home Pricing package or parting are pretty well what you see on the trolling forums (and my winter pms from the classifieds)
  5. my condolences to the family and friends.
  6. Home again: where we belong g team work being here starting the season with one of these and laughing together as we finish the day - 8 punch buggies (4 each) and a coho we found a few spots where the water was 39 - 40. By next week, with the grace of some warm weather, things should be starting soon.
  7. great shots - love impromptu road trips. cool pic-in-tree too - the big turtle wins
  8. Friday looks to be 2015 initiation.

  9. looking forward to the day I greet this on the waters of Lake O for the first time in 2015
  10. yeah, I'm sure the message is we'll honour any FS warranty or service - but you will likely have to go through hoops to prove it. Same as getting anything back from the repair shop. They just aren't structured to deal with this type of situation, so it will be done poorly. ccmt hit it on the head - its not like Best Buy didn't know this was coming - just a low class way to treat your employees. Yes, its difficult when your closing - but whose fault is that? Gonna be a lot of retail staff looking for work
  11. valid storage points aside - get some saran wrap, double or triple fold it and put over the threads, then tighten. Limited to one or two uses per, but will do the trick.
  12. This is like saying the Leafs will have a winning season again, yah? We're just not sure when....
  13. http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/future-shop-stores-closed-across-canada-some-to-become-best-buy-1.3013534 The company said it was shutting down 66 Future Shop stores effective immediately. Meanwhile, another 65 stores will be closed for a week while they are converted to Best Buy stores. "Due to the consolidation, approximately 500 full-time and 1,000 part-time positions will be eliminated," Best Buy said. "We were called into a meeting [at 7 a.m.]," said one man employed as a computer sales representative at a Future Shop in Quebec City. "They did offer you choices ... but it was the package deal I took, so that's it." "I'm keeping my job. I'm a customer service rep," a woman at the store said. Future Shop was purchased by Best Buy in 2001 for $580 million. In a statement announcing the latest move, the Burnaby, B.C.-based retailer said it reviewed all locations for both retailers and found some were so close in proximity they shared the same parking lot. Two years ago, Best Buy spoke of how it had to adapt to a "changing retail landscape" where online stores were winning a greater share of the electronics market as it closed eight Future Shop and seven Best Buy big box stores across the country.
  14. Anybody tried Hull Hugr boat fenders? http://www.amazon.ca/HH-1CB-Hull-Hugr-Contour-Fender/dp/B000OF3J22/ref=pd_rhf_dp_p_img_2 Seems no matter how I set up the regular cylinder types, and whatever size I use, when the boat is below the top of the dock - particularly at Jordan where the concrete dock is, the boat will bounce against the dock. Wondering if the above will be the cure.
  15. somehow I see his inquiries and bookings increasing exponentially this year........
  16. Saw this guy tonight on the "Daily Planet" show. Pretty cool idea. Perfect set up for ya here BB . Gets you to your spot, and you and Terry can have Nazcar snow races while you wait for the tip ups to fire http://www.gizmag.com/ice-auger-go-kart/35451/
  17. LOL BB. thats catfish blues...... need the brown trout boogie
  18. when I had my 2005 SF I asked the dealership about installing one as I was pulling something about the same weight as you had. They told me mine already had one. I'd check with them first, and be sure to ask if it will affect the warranty.
  19. That must have been from a couple weeks ago Jeff? The mouth is ice and snow free from what I see on the webcam? Haven't seen a berg on the screen in a couple weeks - but yeah once the boom goes it'll be a bowling alley for sure. Looks like next weekend should be worth a try - a few sunny days, coming up some + temps, a little rain in the mix. Still - on Sunday I will be closer to the lake than home after G is finished his sparring practice..........sun, high of 4......
  20. wonder what would happen if they published an annual guide on other foods identifying antibiotics, growth hormones, and environmental contaminants such as pesticides?
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