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Everything posted by spincast

  1. nice fish looking forward to chasing a few of those on Erie this summer
  2. Yeah, finally. Lets just say we resorted to some illegal parking methodologies to by me the necessary clearance to go around. When they they on the feed, they are fat fish for sure. They are a blast on a lighter set up (lighter in comparison to my usual big water stuff) Wish I could say the same - pretty much a weekend warrior or holidays for me unfortunately. But if an open seat comes up I'll PM you - any luck on the search for you new boat yet? Did you look at that Offshore? Really? Maybe I'll give them a call. That would be sweet if they are. My last feed back is Jordan is still frozen, PD is open but no docks. I lack the patience part of that statement
  3. I've been trying to get at mine for two weeks but I was blocked in. I have a few upgrades I want to get at before downrigging season hits. Just having the boat back home feels good - means spring is here (and yes, Jordan is still frozen:) ) But there is always Queenston till then
  4. Melting snow, a little rain, and my garage as of this aft.. I'm ready now to find a couple more like this to start this season
  5. I get that part - but if some, or some of, the answers don't apply to the person filling out the survey, and you can't leave them blank, nor answer with no opinion or an N/A the result is instead of getting a survey that shows (in this case) a bunch of resources that are not being used, then the person doesn't complete the survey. That in itself skews the numbers.
  6. that one wasn't thought out too well. doesn't permit a null answer in fields to some of the questions - really how many of the public are gonna use the raw data or have a suggestion on how to improve it? if you dont use a source, you cant select null as an answer? N/A or No opinion as an option might have been a thought
  7. "Well.... what is wrong with C-51? In general most have no clue other than the idiots in Occupy and Idle are against it... which to mean make it more likely to be be good for Canada." ? Really? http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/csis-oversight-urged-by-ex-pms-as-conservatives-rush-bill-c-51-debate-1.2963179 As the Harper government moved to speed up the parliamentary debate on its latest anti-terrorism legislation, four former prime ministers — three Liberal and one Progressive Conservative — are among almost two dozen prominent Canadians calling for stronger security oversight. Chris Hall: Political battle lines drawn over anti-terror bill as election nears Tom Mulcair says NDP will oppose anti-terrorism bill C-51 Video | Peter MacKay on the definition of terrorism: 'Look it up' The joint statement, published in English and French newspapers Thursday, comes as the Conservative government proposes a new mandate for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS). "Protecting human rights and protecting public safety are complementary objectives, but experience has shown that serious human rights abuses can occur in the name of maintaining national security," the statement says. "Given the secrecy around national security activities, abuses can go undetected and without remedy. "This results not only in devastating personal consequences for the individuals, but a profoundly negative impact on Canada's reputation as a rights-respecting nation." The letter is signed by Jean Chrétien, Paul Martin, Joe Clark, John Turner and 18 others involved in security matters between 1968 and 2014, including: five former Supreme Court justices. seven former Liberal solicitors general and ministers of justice. three past members of the intelligence review committee. two former privacy commissioners. a retired RCMP watchdog. The Security Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC) currentlyoversees CSIS, conducting several studies each year and tabling a report in Parliament. But critics point out the review committee is just that, a review body, not an oversight agency peering over the spy service's shoulder in real time.
  8. And that's just the environmental front. I fear him more for how he has quietly but effectively changed Canada from being a Parliamentary system to one where the Prime Minister has ultimate power. Exactly what he was against while in opposition. Interesting research when you see how many positions he has completely reversed since taking the helm Dig below the spin. Rodcaster is 100% correct on the govern by fear comment, but failed to mention the denigration and negativity aspects. If you disagree with this man, you aren't given an opportunity to discuss it - you are denigrated and called equal to a pedophile, or on the side of the terrorists. I lived in the UK for a while - during the period when the IRA was bombing trains and public places. That was terrorism. http://www.ipolitics.ca/2012/12/07/how-harper-exploits-canadians-ignorance-of-parliamentary-democracy/
  9. I had completely the opposite experience - maintained the Sante Fe at the dealership, opting to pay the premium just in case something wnt sideways because I have always been a high miler, blowing through mileage warranty periods in a year or a little more. I paid for the timing chain change at 90,000 per the maintenance manual. at 124,000 - 24000 after the end of warranty- the timing chain let loose and the 0 interference engine did a self destruct. The dealership that did the timing chain was no longer a Hyundai dealer, and basically told me to pound salt. I took the receipts to our local dealer in Brantford (where I had originally bought it) , who went to bat for me. Hyundai paid for all but 120.00 of the repairs on what was an almost 3k bill. Sinker - your experience was bad - but really, without proof of that oil change, and being done at the dealership I am not sure any dealer of any vehicle would have accepted that cost? And to the OP - I pulled my dual console 16 footer for a year (after the events above - before that I used them Sierra) with the the Sante Fe for a year. It could do it, and managed all the ramps fine (including Fishmasters and Port Burwell if you are familiar with those), but it worked, really hard, and I didn't feel that long term it would have been able to handle it. Fuel use went through the roof when it was on too. I use the same fuel with the Ridgeline as I did with the SF
  10. congrats! There is no manual for that one, but as you will discover, that is one of the best things. You get to write the book (Really looks like Dad)
  11. those scenes a the memorial bring back some memories.
  12. Just out of curiosity - are you confident relying on a CT C, minimum wage untrained part time staffer to determine if your battery is gonna start when you're in the blue zone with (or without) your kids, humming along with the fishfinder, riggers, radio and who know what draining the cells, and you see a front coming? If you are determined to max the life out of the battery, at least take them to to a battery specialist. The danger in an old cell is not that it wont start at the beginning of the day, but rather that it won't in the middle.
  13. looks like fun day! numb bum.... brings back the days of 8 hour bike rides
  14. true, but in Canada, the shoulder seasons are known for their brevity
  15. Redwing blackbirds in our trees, followed by the Robins and then the orioles. They all come in about 7 days of each other usually. Pretty sure I saw a Redwing buzzing across the highway on Thursday.The should be yodeling out back any day now
  16. I think they found the rest of her family in Sk on the way to the store http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/mounties-stop-speeding-pickup-with-17-people-aboard-1.2992321
  17. for the rest of us who cant wait .... 3 days of + temps are working their magic......
  18. yooose guys are a real bunch a' jokers.
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