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Everything posted by wormdunker

  1. Hey Randy check out quinteicefishing.com lottsa good info. I've never fished quinte, but it's on my bucket list
  2. This past summer I started wearing my PFD at all times. 75% of the time I have the tether connected to my PFD, cause my 14' Lund is scary fast at 29MPH. I troll alot on my own so i feel it's safer to snap on the tether. Better to be safe than sorry!
  3. Thanx for the info. I usually eat sardines & albacore tuna. Surprising to read about grouper not be a healthy fish to eat. Ive never seen any info about walleye, pike & perch. How do they rate these species?
  4. has not set their status

  5. Good question. I feel u need different boots for different situations. I'll add my opinion for ice fishing/waterproof boots. "Nats" are all rubber, lightweight & warm, with removable liners. Also grip the ice & snow similar to winter tires. I couldn't beleive how light they are when I first tried them. Best rubber boot I ever used! Reasonably priced at $90.00.
  6. Hey Alex good to hear from U. We had a blast last year. Name a place & date we'll be there. 2 Brians, 2 crane operators.
  7. Heading to the Gogama area Sunday morning to hook some eyes. Fall is a beautiful time of the year up there. The fall colors are splendid, fishing is awesome. Taking the tent heater!
  8. Thanx for the report. Those are some beauty wallys. Jack is so cute. Love the sunsets.
  9. I enjoyed the M&G on Callandar Bay last January. Met many wonderful OFNers that day. Hey Nipfisher any plans for a M & G this coming hardwater season. I left Sudbury in July, now working in Fort McMurray so my time is limited to keep up to date on the board.
  10. Way to go Chad, tell it like it is! Don't befriend the people from the city our areas thrive on the tourist dollar. I know I used to be one of them! I'm now in the north & loving it. =
  11. Hey skipper I fish Erie Alot. I use 1 1/2 oz bottom bouncers up to 30 depth. If deeper I go to 2 oz. Roy I have to disagree as well, I've caught lottsa walleye in 25 fow,trolling & we get the ones that are hugging the bottom. I've never had good luck targetting suspended walleye. Just my opinion but the proof is in the freezer!! LOL
  12. Hey pete been told there's perch in 64 fow. We were there last week end but couldn't get any minnows. Tried worms & small plastics but no luck. Make sure u have minnows if u want Lake Erie perch. Good luck
  13. Great story & beautiful pix. Thanx for your efforts.
  14. Thanx for the story & pix. I encountered blue walleye in that area several times just a little south of where U were. Chapleau is definitely a place I want to fish.
  15. Welcome to the community. Thanx for sharing your report of Algonquin & the pix r awesome. Keep up the good work.
  16. I wrap my worm harnesses around pool noodles the type kids use as a float in the pool. Cut the noodle into 1' pieces, wrap your harness around them, store the wrapped noodle in large margarine or tupperware type containers. Hope this helps.
  17. Thanx Lew, pic is awesome. I had a similar real life experience while in Sudbury. In my experience the dog was barking from a short distance, momma bear let out a noise & instantly the 3 cubs scampered up nearby trees. The momma stayed on the ground to fend off the dog. Interesting to see mother nature at work. Don't ever think if u encounter a bear that by climbing a tree you'll be safe. They r extrememly fast tree climbers. Maybe false info here. Whether they would chase u up a tree I'm not sure!!
  18. Thanx for a nice report. Awesome pix. I loved the fish pix but the chipmunks R cool! Worlds most famous coffee shop, would that be the Watershed Restaurant? Loved that place been there many times. Best breakfast place I've been to.
  19. I run premium grade Shell gas in my out board motor. Shell burns cleaner because it does not contain ethanol. Also if the gas is going to sit for a while I add gas stabilizer to the tank but make sure U run the motor for a couple minutes to ensure the stabilizer has run thru the gas lines, carb etc. Stabilizer ensures the carburetor parts & other motor parts do not gum up. Good luck
  20. Hey Randy I was fortunate enough to catch 3 blues north of Sudbury
  21. Congratulations Chad & Sarah Awesome she loves fishing as much as U do. She is a keepeer!!
  22. I loved watching Kotter. Horshack was great. I miss seeing the show.
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