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Everything posted by Marko

  1. If you guys wanna talk hockey start a hockey tread. This is a baseball one....not everyone on this board cares about the damn leafs or sens
  2. hey guys i`ll play as well.
  3. If blue jays played in NL they would have been in playoffs probably last 3 years! Its hard when 3 out of top 5 teams play in your division
  4. As long as we keep on putting up with it they`ll keep on raising the gas prices. Its really that simple. Until 30 million of us stand up in Canada and say enough is enough this will continue
  5. we saw a pick up about 20 yards from the shore on Sunday....we couldnt believe it. I didnt think anybody would be stupid enough to take their car on that ice....let alone put their families in it.
  6. Horrible...just awful. My deepest condolences to the families.
  7. My gf`s family lives 15 minutes west from carp and been there couple of times. Other then the fair it didnt strike me as a place where a lot was going on. I wish i knew about this earlier...damn! Now i have an excuse to peace out for half of a day when we are up there!!
  8. I plan on going ice fishing for the first time in my life in a week or two......im gonna soil myself if i hear ice making that noise LOl
  9. Hey guys, I was browsing around when i came across a video. Just as Dave was releasing a large mouth,large snapping turtle came to check out whats going on. I think if Dave had dipped his hand 2 inches to the left, he could have lost it. Wow how lucky was that its on here http://www.factsoffishing.com/
  10. http://www.sledgehammerlure.com/dealers.php According to their website these guys might have some. Ontario Pro Tackle 70 Rapids Rd. R.R. #1 Thomasburg, Ontario, Canada K0K 3H0 PH: 613-473-2988 Toll Free. 1-888-442-7456 Email: [email protected] Angler's Pro Shop 312 Broadway Orangeville, Ont. CA L9w 1L3 PH: 519-941-4218 Email: [email protected] Kawartha Lakes Bait & Tackle 10 Queen St. Lindsay, Ontario, CA K9V 1E9 PH: 705-878-3474 Probably wouldn't hurt to call and ask.
  11. Drum love minnows! Like bigugli said, just keep them on the bottom and you`ll catch a few.
  12. I`ve seen carp swim right up to my smaller mepps and take a swipe at them.(size 0 and 1)
  13. Rogers is the worst company in the world...with even worse customer service. Every time i used to have to call them, i`d get that feeling in my stomach because i knew it would not end good.
  14. Went there yesterday and i have never seen it that high. Girl told me it was 49 CMS.....it did drop some overnight though You wont be able to fish today and tomorrow is a big question mark as well. Assuming of course we don't get anymore rain..
  15. wow that's a big girl. Way to go man
  16. First time i bought stuff from them it never showed up. They re-sent my order and then when it came here one of the reels was missing. Called to ask what was up and they tell me the reel has been discontinued so we didn't send you one. Problem I had with that is that i was never called and notified about the reel not coming. It was supposed to be my friends bday present.
  17. wow this blows...fished with john couple times....didn't even know he was sick! I`ll miss him....not a week goes by without some awful news....sad indeed.
  18. Mother`s nature warning perhaps. An awful thing to have to happen to anyone.
  19. Honestly i don't know how people are making ends meet around here who make 40k or less a year. I don't remember last time i walked into a grocery store and spend under 70 bucks and walked out with nothing but basics really. Its retarded that you need 300 dollars to fill up 2 jeeps and a boat when it takes you a week to make it after everybody takes their cut. There will be a tipping point again and another recession will come and us people will suffer. It just cant continue going like this for too too much longer
  20. Deepest condolences Dan, keep your head up.
  21. Float rod and pier casting rod are yours for sure. Rest is anybody`s guess really
  22. There was a report floating around from either today or yesterday.....i think two were caught.
  23. Thats funny right there ahah! Haven't made that mistake......yet
  24. Those are some nice fish guys. Sucker fishing on a noodle rod is awesome, early in the season they can put up a fight!
  25. bummer....would have liked to go!
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