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Everything posted by Marko

  1. How is the fishing guys?? I am just getting ready to leave, had to wait on a friend to finish up his chores so he could join me. See you all in a bit
  2. Welcome aboard! There are a lot of places around lake O where you can catch trout and salmon on flies for the most part of the year.
  3. Nice fish, Maybe instead of fishing for rainbows i`ll go carp fishing. Carp I can actually catch.
  4. Hey Vic you comming out with us??
  5. Hope this helps The red line would be the path from the parking lot to the bridge,. If thats not correct somebody please do correct me.
  6. If you are not sure of the location, let me know. I can send you a modified map where the fish in is and of the parking lot.
  7. Corn, bread and boilies are probably 3 best baits
  8. Way to go. Its a nice feeling when you know you did good on your first day of work and impressed your new boss.
  9. Dont worry Blaque they are just paranoid about having Canadian Team face Miller again Couldn't really resist lol On the side note Inter and Chelsea game is on CityTv
  10. Sweet! Looking forward to that and catching up with fellow carpers.
  11. If you want to know more about the seller and whether the stuff he or she is selling is fake or not just read some of the comments that other buyers have left. I bought stuff from China, mostly electronics tho. So far so good! Good luck!
  12. Crap, I came home early thinking the game starts at 4:40. Yahoo idiots usually post their starting times in et
  13. I am prety sure game starts at 4:40, here is a link: http://ca.sports.yahoo.com/olympics/vancouver/ice_hockey
  14. I think its 25
  15. Just got home myself man. Not sure if you can call it completely a night shift when u get home at 4 am but hey close enough.
  16. I see how that can be a problem. I wonder if you got pulled over for speeding in one these Toyota cars, would you be able to use a stuck gas pedal as an excuse I am sorry police officer but my gas pedal was stuck.
  17. That sounds about right. When the rainbows come in I wonder if they make it out of the first pool
  18. Was there yesterday, its very very shallow. Still no stench tho and not too many dead fish laying around which probably tells you that there was no major run just quite yet.
  19. You are on fire man. I`ve been carp skunked last 4 outings and don't like it one bit. If Victor and you decide to head down that way for some more carping this summer/fall, one of you guys let me know.
  20. Better a hot dog then a bbq chicken wing lol. By now i thought you would have learned you lesson, the second you grab some food your alarm will go off. Its just the way it is for you. How did you guys make out?
  21. Leave my fish BE!!! Couple of nice ones you got there bud, but nothing beats the pic of the one that you made happy! Yea that pic of me is a bit retarded lol, it was a long night.
  22. Open the the link and first 3 are commonly used off piers http://www.fishusa.com/ACME-Little-Cleo-Spoons_p.html GLB, GLF and GLG, just need a flashlight to get them glowing. As of roe skien i am sure its used with the float set up.
  23. Hope the grass is not too thick hahah, if it is they better tip well
  24. Nice fish for sure, seen few of them every once a while cruising around while chasing salmon in the creek.
  25. Marko


    Probably still a bit early for salmon, wait for some cooler and wetter weather, that gets them going. Oh yea welcome aboard ! Hope you catch a big one soon
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