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Everything posted by Marko

  1. Funny you mentioning this show....my gf was just watching it and I sat down and watched first few minutes of it. People like that make people like me feel normal again hahaa....lady had enough toilet paper stashed up for the next 30 or 40 years. Funny she was telling her husband that he needs to move his tv out of the room so she can put some more crap in it hahah. After 5 minutes i left...couldn't really handle it.
  2. Hey Pete. Congratulations!! and all the best! Marko
  3. My Gf had a great idea. Instead of buying expensive presents for each other, we buy each other 1 small inexpensive present just so we can say that we got each other something and with the rest of the cash we just buy toys and take them to a shelter or a red cross.
  4. Heyif you guys are looking for one more let me know....i have an open day tomorrow and would love to catch a trout or two.
  5. Yes all were caught in a river, 4-6ft of water and a very rocky bottom.
  6. Hey guys how is everyone doing? Hopefully you all had great Thanksgiving and got to spend some time with loved ones. Not much of a bass fisherman really, I tend to start chasing them in rivers here when carp bite dies down. I`ve had some luck this year, got some nice ones. All fish were caught bottom bouncing worms in some fairly strong current and Blue fox size 1 and 2 spinners. I`ll let the pictures do all the talking, i am too tired after having spend 7 hrs on 401 driving from Ottawa today. Love the color pattern on this guy, just a beautiful fish all around. This guy had half of a crayfish sticking out when i caught him, hard to see from this shot...crappy cell cameras. Couple of real pigs now. Its hard to take decent shots when you are standing in water waist deep and in some pretty fast current. My hand is size 10 and some of these pictures are not doing these fish any justice. Only large mouth of the year. Again love the color pattern on this one as well A fishing trip would not be a fishing trip without catching one of these guys....he just nailed my spinner fish sitting next to a 7 ft rod This was the last thing that how many minnows and crayfish saw???!! Decent fish next to a size 12 flip flop Last but not the least my fishing but Trevor with a couple of his own. Hope you guys enjoy the pics!
  7. Just getting ready to get out. Got some cleos and some cyclops. Hopefully something is swimming out there.
  8. Hey guys how is it going. Today i was fishing on Mississippi river, right bellow the bridge on hwy7 between Carlton Place and Perth. This gentlemen walks up to me and tells me that the whole area (River part between two lakes) is a fishing sanctuary. He points to the tree and says everything down to that tree is off limits. Earlier that morning i saw 2 bass boats fishing inside the area that he was claiming to be a sanctuary. I have checked the regs before going there and could not find anything, but not being from there and not knowing that area well at all i left. I drove to Bait Casters, which was only couple of minutes from there and talked to a nice lady who worked there and she said that the area is closed only while bass season is closed, which makes sense. Do any of you guys who are from the area know if that in fact is a sanctuary or that guy was just full of it. Thank you Marko
  9. The more you chum the more fish you are going to attract to the area, and get them feeding and getting used to food being there for them. I would start 2-3 days before you want to fish.
  10. I don't understand where all these charges are coming from??? All they would have to do is fax your files from this doctor to whatever office you wanted them to. Government tries to rip you off wherever possibly they can...good Lord!
  11. To begin you can use Ryan`s guide lines just don't forget after you cast to loosen up your drag completely. If not its just a matter of time before you lose your rod.
  12. World war 2 grenade i snagged while fishing one day. It was waist deep and i didn't want to lose my set up so i decided to go unhook it. I get there i and i start feeling up around for my hook, when i looked down i realized i was feeling up the end tip of the grenade that never detonated in ww2 probably. Told some firefighters about it and they pulled it out gently lol.
  13. Doesnt Kaberle have a no trade clause in his contract?? The only way he gets shipped at the deadline is if he wants to leave, which is something that he doesnt want to do unles maybe he wanted to play for a play off bound team. Burke probably didn`t trade him because nobody offered him two first round picks for him LOL. Trading 3 picks (2 first rounders) for a player coming of a shoulder surgery was just stupid. Every time he takes a hit I bet every leafs fan cringe and dies a little. "Playoffs?! Don't talk about playoffs! Are you kidding me? Playoffs?! in Jim Mora`s voice hahah
  14. My deepest condolences Ron
  15. I thought we were in recesion haha.Dropping that kind of cash on a rod is crazy, for me anyways.Then again like mentioned above to each his own. For that kind of coin it better lead you to where the fish are.
  16. Hey how you doing?I will be open after 5pm, thats when my shift ends unfortunately.
  17. One of the September dates would probably work for me
  18. I can not believe some of you people are arguing over few fish that will start decomposing in a week or two. So there are couple of fish there whats the big deal. Anybody in GTA knows that Ganny gets probably the best run out of all tribs around here so ITS NO SECRET THAT THERE ARE SALMON THERE. Most of us choose not to go there because its sad to see what goes on there when the sun goes down or just in general. I just dont get people, its not like they taste great anyway.
  19. CHEESEHEADS ALL THE WAY! I am so excited about coming up season with a premier qb, up and coming tight end and two superstar receivers! and hopefully a healthy corner
  20. Thanks a lot guys. Managed to figure it out, thank god i didn't need e-test, got that done last year.....what a rip off. Wasnt that hard when you have all your info in front of you. Thanks again
  21. Great report, just awesome! That fish that you are not sure about, i think its Leuciscus cephaulus, some sort of a European chub. I used to catch when i lived in Europe. They would hit small spinners, also caught them float fishing on just about any live insect even frogs.
  22. Hey guys how is it going? Just have a quick question, I need to renew my license plate sticker and i saw people do it on these fairly new MTO machines. I would have gone to Ministry and do it but i have to work till 5. I am just wondering if anybody knows what information i need to renew it on these machines?? Thank you Marko
  23. Has anybody seen this show called the lodge on WFN?? Thats a good looking girl right there managing it bom chicka wah wah lol.
  24. If there are people or kids swimming around, no matter whether if its in front of their cottages or anywhere else fisherman should not be fishing around them no matter how great the fishing can be. I am not sure whats so hard to understand about that. I dont care how many fish may be under that dock but if there are people around or pets or whatever just stay away. If nobody is around then its a different story. I dont know how many times i`ll be fishing from shore and see a kayak coming through and every time i pull mine line out. Last thing i`d want to do is hurt somebody, after all its only fishing.
  25. I am assuming that these restaurants are used to buying fish out of basket for two bucks lol. Nobody is going to pay 14 dollars a pound now when they probably will still be able to buy them out of a cooler for much cheaper.
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