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Everything posted by NAW

  1. That Awesome Rob!! Congrets to you and your family.
  2. Thanks for the heads up! Where you running/training hunting dogs?
  3. I've never eatin a blue gill before. But if people are comparing them to perch..I might have to give it a try
  4. Have a good one Wayne. Who's giving you the B-Day spankings this year?
  5. Looks like everyone had a great time!
  6. Not so much a saying, but more of an action. I always get a kick out of the guys who use a spinning reel like a baitcaster. They have the reel upside down, and turn it backwards to retrieve.
  7. This years turkey hunt will be all messed up. They came out of hibranation early
  8. Get the boat out Skip.. I drove by at 6pm today, and snapped a few pics for ya! Few spots with ice floating around, and debris. I wouldn't be ripping around full throttle. But a putz over to the perch grounds..Sure I also get a kick out of the sign posted at the boat launch about the minnows on Simcoe. They put it there this winter. The don't plow that parking lot, so even if the ice was good, very few people access the lake from that point
  9. My bigest so far this year. Nothing special. Big Crappies too!
  10. Soon Ron.. Soon. I went for a walk yesterday on my lunch. Lots of guys shore fishing near the marina. Another few days of nice weather, and the launch should be good. Maybe, (big maybe) it will be ready for this weekend.
  11. 2 hours north of Barrie. The lakes might be crusted over still? They where last weekend in Bracebridge.
  12. That's not racist at all.. I was thinking the same thing
  13. Very sad you here about you loss. Don't beat your self up. Cats are ment to be outdoors. It is in no way your fault. Hopefully you can who has the poison out, and see if you can get them remove it. There's no need to be poisoning animals..
  14. Sounds like a great last trip of the year! That gator is dark..
  15. Well Justin. Me, my wife, and my nephew spent a good 4 hours in the bush today. And not one shed to be had... Tons of sign, but no sheds..
  16. How would one go about getting on this calling list??
  17. That's good stuff Joey. I just found these guys tonight. I think their Canadian. Sounds good so far. Called "Deep Dark Woods"
  18. That was very well done man. Nice little gator too
  19. A little Mini-Peanut. Very good to see Bruce! When are you going to start him on the Perch diet??
  20. Thanks for the updated. Now, you should back charge the police for the half day of work you missed..
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