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Everything posted by NAW

  1. AWESOME!!! I was wondering when I would see a post like this from you!! Reminds me a lot of Riley when she was a pup. Before she turned white.
  2. Nice! What I thought where going to be fidle heads at my place turned out to some weird type of fern. They coil the same as fidle heads, but have a red stem, not green? Don't think they would taste very good!
  3. That's what makes it so Brutal.. Some people just don't have a clue.
  4. Just think of the thousands of people who don't have a clue, that don't read this site, and fish OOS all the time. Not even knowing they're in the wrong.
  5. Opener May 1st in zone 14! That's Tuesday! Walleye and Pike fishing hopefully Tuesday after work on G-Bay. Have you thought about renting a cottage somewhere on G-Bay for the weekend. Lots of hot spots up that way, just need to know where they are!
  6. Well the good thing is. I saw a flock of birds in one of fields I just got written permission for earlier this week. Talked to the farmer. The other guy who hunts there is gone this weekend. GAME ON..!!!!
  7. They do not live on the property.
  8. Man oh Man. What a mess. And whats with all the classic trucks, and antique tractors in that town?
  9. Thanks for sharing TJ. Man. How much weight has he lost?
  10. Thanks for the advice Sinker. I opperate along the same lines as you do. What sucks is. We've had permission on 3 great properties, and in the last year, 2 of the older farmers passed away, and their kids gated the properties, and put up no hunting signs. And the 3rd property was sold, and is going to be turned into some sort of commercial building lot. I would have loved to go knocking on doors months ago, but I've been pre-occupied with other crap. I was going to scrap this season, but figure I'll give it a shot.
  11. I know. It's brutal. I've got 450 acres of signed permission in writing from the owners. No dam Turkeys in any of those properties..
  12. That's what got me thinking, and lead to me posting this. I don't know what the farmers lease agreement says about hunting, and granting access. But by the farmer giving me permission, I can only assume that he has the right to do that. If not, he is breaching his lease agreement. I know that the land owner doesn't like hunters on his properties (blanket statement). The guy owns thousands, and thousands of acres. But I don't know if the farmers lease agreement gives him the authority to grant hunting permission. Thanks for you opinions so far guys! All my hunting buddies just tell me to go hunt the place, and don't think twice. You guys give good, un-biased options, and I appreciate that.
  13. So I've been trying to get access to a decent looking property for a while now. I finally see the farmers out and about, so I go and talk to them. Turns out they rent to property from a Korean fella down in the City. They don’t know his phone number, just the contact info for the property manger. The farmers (the tenants) give me verbal permission to hunt the property. I call the property manager to ask him, and he tells me the Land Owner did not give him the authority to allow hunters on his property. But he knows the land owner doesn't want hunters on his properties. So, I don’t have permission from the land owner. But I have verbal permission from the farmers who rent the property. Would you hunt this property? I am going to try to get the land owners phone number, and call him directly. But the property manager didn't seem to keen on giving me his number.
  14. I had a fishy feeling you where going to do that. I was going to do the same thing. But then my boss dragged me to Canadian Tire yesterday and convinced me to buy a tag. Congrets on the bird Chuck!! Where the pics??
  15. With a peace of rope tied through both the handles, right in the middle of the handle where you would put your hand. I've tried getting fancy, and rig up a fancy mount and float, but the reality is, they work great just using a peace of rope though the handles.
  16. Tursday Turkey Talk? No Goblers down yet eh..
  17. Welcome aboard. I use Ikea bags for drift socks on my boat. But I don't use them for trolling, just to slow my drift. Not sure how they would hold up in the long run. They open up very large when drifting.
  18. NAW

    Hook Set

    I removed the video of the little gaffer practicing hook set because I couldn't figure out how to edit out the personal info. Here's a few pics though. This is one of may fav's. That's the front of the face, peacking out from the shadows.
  19. NAW

    Hook Set

    Thanks Simon. That's what I ended up doing. I set all my other albums to private. Just wondering if there's a way to embed a video, just like you can do with U Tube.
  20. YES.. IT IS ILLIGAL TO TARGET OOS FISH. OOS = OUT OF SEASON. The MNR will take the fance new kayak away from you, and all of your gear!
  21. Are Pike and Walleye open on Belwood Lake. You might want to check the before targeting them Sharp looking install! Interesting location for the rod holder. It looks like you will have limited range of motion for the rod when trolling, cuz it will hit the fish finder if at a 45° agle.
  22. I'm not sure you will be able to see this video. First time trying to post a video from Photobucket. I'm pretty sure he/she is practicing hook sets in there!!! A short video from my 20 week ultra sound on Tuesday. Does anyone know how to insert a video from photobucket so it doesn't link people to my account?
  23. Ya. I have a co-worker who asks me every Monday morning... "Did you murder any fish this weekend?"... Some people just don't get it.
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