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Everything posted by NAW

  1. Neat idea.. Not for me though. I can set my tent up in a few minutes. And what would happen if I tried to wake my wife up after some night trolling for walleye.. Not much room in one of those limbs for two. Just sayin
  2. I hear ya Brian. I went to see Mike this weekend, only to find out your guys in the tool room have manditory Saturday overtime. What's with that eh. My job, I've been working 10 to 20 hours overtime everyweek for the past 2 years straight. It's getting a little stressfull to say the least. Plus the 20+ hours a month on the SAR team, and now my wife is knocked up. Oh boy.. I'm feeling it to brother, I feel your pain. I'm very thankfull that I can get out and jig, that's my meditation. Soon it will be casting.
  3. Pickard Peanuts are the best ever.. A million different flavours too. I havn't been to St Jacobs for a long time. Around 20 years I'd say. All I remember are antiques, and candy shops. It's close to KW if you feel like doing any City type stuff as well.
  4. I'm thinking some sort of back pack. Maybe cut a hole in the bottom of an old back pack for the shaft to stick out? Or make some sort of rig that you can strap the motor too? I know my arms would get pretty soar carring a 45lb motor around the bush. I know there are harnesses you can get for lifting motors, but I don't know where, and how much they cost.. You might be able to modify one to attached to a back back.
  5. I'm picturing the two guys from the TD bank comercial.. Cliff and Beans.
  6. Welcome aboard! Good luck finding your lost keys.
  7. Sorry to here about that. Maybe Simcoe has jadded me a little, but I would never leave a portable hut un-attended on the ice overnight. They're way to easy to steel. Specially would not have left any gear in it. On Simcoe, they'll break into anything. And if the find anything of value, it's gone. Leaving a portable out on the ice un-attended is just asking for it down here. By Lake Joe, I'm assuming the one in Muskoka? Not that far north. With the unsafe ice on Simcoe, the theifs must be moving north to get their quota.
  8. I herd from several people that he's having medical issues, and had to close up shop for a while. No idea when, or if he will open again.
  9. What lake did you catch the Herring in? I've never seen anything like that before.
  10. Mine's a Salus, and it's bright yellow! I was cautioning some guys on shore before they went out. One guy says, "Isn't that a floater suit, what have you got to worry about". I told him it's the $1000 worth of gear in my sleigh that I'm woried about. My wife would kill me if all my gear sunk to the bottom.
  11. I was off the 4th on Sunday for abit. Tons of guys. Few sleds and quads. Crazy crazy people on sleds. I measured 1" of black, with 3" of frozen slush. Figured I'd sit on it for a while cuz I was marking fish. Decided to head in. Spud my way back. Old bud went thru with one poke more than once. Scary out there. One of those things I guess You see a few groups of guys way out there, and a well beat down walking path going directly towards them. You set up near the group, and then realize you're in a very un-safe spot. Walking back, you get more then 10' of the walking trail, and your in deep trouble.. Ice was crackin under my feet. My foot went thru once. Never again.
  12. NAW


    Great report man!
  13. Wow. No kidding that's a hog!
  14. I've stopped watching that show after the first 5 minutes of watching it. Just the shown in general is brutal, morality aside.
  15. 20 or a 25. I ran a 25 on my 14. I've also run a 15, and 9.9 on the same boat. You can alway back off the throttle if you need to. But when it's calm and flat, it sure is nice to have the extra top end speed. Also, I camp a lot. With a boat loaded down, it sure is nice to be able to plane out. Specially when you're racing for a spot on the Thursday of a long weekend!
  16. Awesome report Wayne! A little Temagami G2G Beauty Laker you caught too!
  17. Good little read there Solo! "The only anglers who will admit to not being all they should be as fishermen, oddly, are the ones who are actually very good, and who study and work to continually improve as well as broaden their horizons and seek out new experiences." This is the part that doesn't make sense to me.. I'll admit, I need lots more work on several different types of fishing techinques. I'll be the first to admit that to anyone. It's a never ending learning experiance.. So if the above statement where true, that would make me "very good" fisherman.
  18. Personally, I think if you have issues with the way someone is running their fishing board, you don't need to bring it up for discussion on another board. If you have a question for the mods on how they would handle a certain situation, them PM them.? No? I might be totally out to lunch, but it seems to me that you're fishing for ammo to use against the person you're disagreeing with on another board.
  19. Then why bring it up on OFC. Debating this on one fishing board is enough.. IMO.
  20. Good luck man! Get all fixed up for the summer fishing season!
  21. That's cool to see. Thanks for posting that. What did you do with the herring? Toss it back down the hole I'm assuming.
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