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Everything posted by NAW

  1. Welcome aboard. I can't help you with Onaping lake, but it's great that your boys got the itch to fish
  2. Did you put the impeller in your self. This may seem stupid, but are you sure all the tubes are connected properly? On my evenrude, you have to be very carefull to get the tubes to line up just right, or they will not connect properly, or kink a little.
  3. Thanks again for the tips gang. Just a quick update. We left my dads place at about 7:45, and got to the funeral home at 9:03. Took the south way along the Gardener. It was slow, but it worked out perfect in the end. I'm off to Cuba now!! Got a pack rod, and my Shimano Symetre. A small tackle box. Gunna snag fresh shrimp from the buffet for bait See Ya'll in a week
  4. I really appreciate the quick tips guys. I'll have my GPS on. I never thought to tune in to 680 for traffic. I'll do that. It's nice to know I can lean on my OFC family in a pinch. There's always people willing to help out here. You guys/gals are GREAT!
  5. Thanks Wayne. Ya, getting to his house is easy. It's getting him across town that has me thinking My old mad used to be a truck driver before he lost his licence. He know's the city inside and out. BUT, like I said. He's in a really bad spot right now. Last time I talked to him, he didn't know what day it was, or if it was morning or evening. He's totally lost.
  6. I know this is very last minute, and totally NF. My week has been a disaster. My Step Mom died last weekend. My Dad is in ROUGH shape. I am going to his place at Martin Grove and 401 tomorrow morning at 7:30am. I need to get him to the funeral home at Danforth and Main for 9am. Rush Hour. What's my best bet. 401 to DVP South, Don Mills, O'Connor, Woodbine south to Danforth OR 427 south to Gardener, Lakeshore, then up Woodbine to Danforth. Google says they're both 32 minutes.. Rush hour, things might be different. My old man has lived in T.O his entire life, but I'll be lucky if he's coherent. I'm really not looking forward to tomorrow one single bit. But I have to help my old man out. I'll check this post again in the morning before I leave my house at 6am. Any help from the night hawks would be more the greatly appreciated.
  7. NAW


    Nice little haul Bruce! That'll keep the pup well fed for a few days!
  8. I've always found it to have very low memory, and low stretch. like Brian said, I guess it's a confidence thing? I use Braid on almost all my rods now. But when I'm not using braid, I use Andes. It's also my go to leader material if I don't have 100% flouro on hand. Oh, and a correction Brian, It's a spool of 6lb green I have, not 8lb. Edit. I just re-red my post and thought of something... "I don't always use Mono. But when I do. I prefer Andes" Yes...I've had a few beers.
  9. I picked up a big spool of 8lbs green at Rack and Reel. Ande's line shut down right? If I see any, I'll grab some. Great line eh!
  10. I just forward that to a few people at work.. Thanks for the chuckle. I needed that this morning.
  11. Wow, that's an increadible animal. Hope he knocked up lots of cows!!
  12. Oh my GOD. That's insane. Great job!!!
  13. Brutal.. You almost feel helpless in situations like this. You can't pound their faces in, cuz you'll get charged. If you call the cops, they aren't going to do anything. And obviously calling the MNR didn't materialize in to any charges against them.
  14. Don't ever stop Cliff. I don't know you personally, but you sound like the type of guy who can't stop, thus you shouldn't. You know why.. Once you force yourself to stop, other things start stopping too. Things that shouldn't stop. Things you need to live. Seen it happen to a lot of people.
  15. Nope. We've had Pratt quote work, but his price can't touch our laser guy in Brampton. He's so cheap, I actually shake my head sometimes. Local guys quoting things at $150, he's going them for $50. Ridiculous.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlPjxz4LGak&feature=related These guys can Jam!
  17. I sent you an e-mail from my work account. I know a good guy.
  18. Wow, those are big numbers. Try asking a few people you work with what they think was spend on hunting and fishing last year in the states. Then compare the numbers. Nobody is even close.
  19. Great Read and AWSOME pics Drifter! :thumbsup_anim: I've been waiting for this report
  20. Hey Mr. Hamblin!!! Awsome pic! Thanks for saying hi! I was going to fire you an e-mail this weekend, but things got a little crazy. We had a death in the family. I don't know if you remember a character named Zane.. He and I talk about you every now and then. I do a fishing weekend every year with a few guys from F.E. Madill. Maybe this year we can head out with you for a charter?
  21. I've shot one a few times. Nice guns. The one I fired was 30-30, and it was very managable. They're fun guns, and they look sweat too!
  22. Good way to spend a morning Brain! Nice pics
  23. Nice! Looks like you had a blast.
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