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Everything posted by NAW

  1. Gold Mepps Commet Multi Coloured Mepps Cylopse Rapala cranks Slow Death rig Jig w/ gulp alive
  2. You guys need to release some Fishers in your area to eat the Porcupines, so you can find some nice antelers before they get eatin
  3. I've never been shed hunting myself. I just stumble across them while turkey hunting/scouting. I would be looking specifically for beat down game trails. There are some deer highways around here, that are trampled down to mud, even in the winter. That's where I'm going to start my hunt. Also, areas that look good for bedding down. Areas with tall grass, along the edge of a fields. The scubby areas between bush a field.
  4. Keep at it.. You'll find something. you'l have to, with all the sign you've been seing. I hope to go for a walk this weekend. I'll post a pic if I find anything.
  5. They got to give the new OPP chopper a good work out.. The pilot was in a hurry.
  6. They caught my eye a few times on the drive home. Was wondering what they where.. Thanks for the info
  7. Thanks for the update I'm happy that they didn't end up passing it. When I herd they where trying to push it thru, it was a little ticked off.
  8. I can't wait for the trees to start to bud. In a couple of weeks, I won't be able to see the road from my house A little privacy
  9. http://www.thebarrieexaminer.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=3073140%20%20 You have to in Barrie. You get in an accident, your insurance company gets a bill for the service supplied by the fire deparment. OR atleast that what they're trying to do, not sure if it's passed yet. How is this any different. Car accidents are "accidents".. Ice fisherman on thin ice, in crappy conditions, in my opinion, is not an accident.
  10. Charged under the criminal code.. No likely. Fined at a municipal level for the use of emergency services. Hopefully.
  11. It's not over. More morons will need to be rescued on Simcoe this year.
  12. Till next winter eh! Thanks for the play by play. I enjoyed this report
  13. If you don't like the "fishy" taste, aside from the obvious, and already stated "don't eat fish". You might want to try Crappie. Smaller crappie have very little flavour in my opinion. The larger ones have a bit more flavour. But compared to Perch, or Walleye, they don't have nearly as much fishy flavour. I have some family members who don't really like fresh fish. But they LOVE fresh crappie. Edit.. I did't see that BB already post about this.
  14. In the $100 range. You might be limited to buying used. What do you want to use it for? Ice, Boat, Canoe.. I've seen the Piranah max sell in the $100 range. I've used them before, and for a entry level unit, they work alright.
  15. My wife is due for our first Sept 3rd! I hope at 18 months, my wife will let me take the youngin on the ice. Not likely though.. Good to see you had a great time with the Grand Daughter.!
  16. I listened to this one a few times today. Cash does some great covers.. I think their covers anyways
  17. Was that the same trip you got that hook stuck in your hand?? Sounded like Solo behind the camera
  18. It's bound to happen... Kind of makes your blood boil a little bit eh! The sad part of it is.. They have every right to think that.. These guys give safe ice fisherman a bad rap.
  19. Hey, that looks just like the same portable hut that blew away the nigh of the Nip G2G!! Thanks for posting guys! With the sporadic white outs we've had today, you never know when you'll find yourself in zero visibility out there. Impossible to spot one of those opened up holes while driving a truck.
  20. I try hard not to flame people on OFC. But what you said is not the case at all. All the ice fisherman that I fish with, who I trust with my life, all gave up on this area last weekend. They ALL strongly warned everyone to stay away from that area for the rest of this season. I'm glad these guys all survived, but I'm ashamed on their behalf as an ice fisherman. They shouldn't have been there. End of story.
  21. In that news report, they said the ice was a foot thick in some spots. Where I was last weekend off the 4th the ice was 1" think in spots with 3" of half frozen slush on top. My foot broke through once. Spud went thru in one hit several times. It's great they everyone survived, and only the idiot on the quad who tried to jump the crack got injured. Watching the video, I'm very surprised that someone didn't loose their life. We can sleep easy tonight knowing that no fellow fisherman lost their lives. Hopefully a few people learned a lesson today
  22. Not suprising. Hope everything works out OK, and everyone makes it back alive!
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