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Everything posted by NAW

  1. I'm on Simcoe every weekend for hard water. So any weekend works for me!
  2. I broke my wrist a few years back while snowboarding. It was a compound fracture, and both bones where completely broken, really close to my wrist. I also managed to crush my Median nerve. I couldn’t feel my fingers for weeks, and when then odd bit of feeling came back, it was excruciating. Nerve damage can cause some intense sensations. If you’re concerned, then go see a doctor. I saw my orthopedic surgeon every two weeks when I was in my cast. So there was never a period of time for me to get worried, as I was always being looked at by doctors. There is a very slight chance they screwed up, by not likely.
  3. That's great.. I have a 500 Km round trip to visit my family, and the inlaws... Maybe I'll tell the inlaws I can't make it
  4. I actually just watched that video for the first time. This is an older video. I think it's been posted on here before. Wups Still a nice bull though, and a cool video.
  5. A buddy e-mailed me this earlier today. The new “Pending” Archery Ontario moose record. A big Soo bruiser! http://sootoday.com/content/news/full_stor...oryNumber=43553
  6. I've got a 535 and my fishing/hunting partner has a 343c. They are both solid units. The 535 is not color, but it has a very vast gray scale. I have no complaints about the unit. Nice large screen There are some nice features that the 343c has over the 535, but for the price difference, it's negligible. One other occasional fishing buddy has the x67 ice machine. Maybe I didn’t have it set up right, but I was not pleased with the clarity of the graphics (IMO).
  7. My tenants a few years ago had a PomChi. Her and my dog where best buds untill the tenants moved out. There fun little dogs..
  8. I'm sure this has been discussed before in the past… But can someone tell me how this turned from a guy getting pushed into the water, to one of the “pushers” getting severely beaten, to brain damage caused by a high speed car crash.. I think "the situation escalated" is an understatement.
  9. My aunt's dog had to have his eye removed. I don't notice a difference in his mood/attitude. Your little guy will get over it. No worries
  10. Maybe the city thought the magic salt water they use was going to melt all the snow off your street?
  11. You can use just about any reel for perch fishing. My perch rods all have old crappy reels on them, and they've never failed me. I would just pick up something small, and cheap. As mentioned earlier in this thread, you will want to clean them up, and lube with non-freezing reel oil. My trout/whitefish rods, well that's another story..
  12. The wife and I just picked up an Samsung 46" LCD for $950. It's a great TV from what I can tell. I would have liked to fork out the extra dough, and get a LED. The LCDs are about half the price though. I don't have HD cable, so for watching TV, I don't see a huge difference in picture quality from my last TV. But when you watch Blueray, WOW,, it's amazing.
  13. Giver.. It would be good to have a buddy with ya though..
  14. I stopped in a few days after she opened, while the floor was still half empty. At that time she was talking about carrying a local bow manufacturer. A guy from Stayner area who makes cross bows, and maybe some other styles as well. Not to sure on the details.
  15. I think I have some sort of colts curse. I've been to about a dozen games, and only seen them win once. If I go to the next home game, that'l break their winning streak for sure. Getting the father in-law tickets to the next Hounds/Colts game in Barrie as a christmas gift.
  16. Those should do the trick just fine eh. Nice work Bruce.
  17. Thanks for the info Lew.. I didn't see him removing the cut hooks before releasing the fish. But there could be some editing stuff going on that they don't show on TV?? I shouldn't talk.. The only musky I've ever cought still has my lure in it's mouth
  18. I was going to post on here a month or two ago about how much I dislike this show... It's one of the worst shows I've ever watched. The one thing that really pissed me off was one episode in particular, where Bob was Musky fishing. He didn't try to remove one single hook from the musky he caught. He cut EVERY hook, leaving metal in the fish's mouth. Didn't even try to remove them first, just snip snip snip!! What an idiot.. I think you should at least try to remove a hook before cutting it, and leaving metal in the mouth of the fish. IMO.. I’m not a big musky fisherman, so what do I know..
  19. Do you have a boat, or are you fishing from shore? From shore, hit the barrie docks. From Boat, like it was said before, follow the crowd. The perch fishing can be hit or miss in barrie. Sometimes it's increadible, other times you'l only catch the odd dink.
  20. On the radio this morning they said both got charge nearly $5000. I thought that was a pretty steep fine for the guy who just took some meat.. $700 makes more sense. Thanks for clarifying that Irishfeild..
  21. Earlier this year, a coldwater man shot and killed a oos moose that was walking though his back yard. He and a friend shared the meat. This week they where each charge nearly $5000. Shooting a oos moose in (or neer) a town, and thinking you can get away with it is just ridiculous. Glad they got the BIG charge.. Here’s a question. From what I understand, the MNR can confiscate things you’ve used to aid you in poaching (trucks, trailers, gear, etc..) If you poaching on your property, can they take your land??
  22. Excellent job man. That's a more then my freezer can hold.
  23. I have to admit I’m a little envious
  24. Those are some incredible pictures! I particularly like the one of the photographer taking shots with two cameras at once. That's slick Hey Moose, Make sure you get those kids into the kickboxing too. Mix it up a little. I was there age when I started martal arts. 20 years later, I teach three times a week, jujitsu and karate. I think it's one of the best sports to get kids involved in.
  25. I hear there's a few up on Lake of Bays. I also herd they have some sort of "Ling festival" up there for the locals or something.. I can't confirm that though. I have personally never caught one, or seen one caught for that mater. Good luck, and definitly post some pics if you catch one. They're a cool lookin fish.
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