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Everything posted by NAW

  1. ^^^ ^^^ They don't jiggle much. To firm to jiggle.. More of a shake
  2. I use the 10Lb Fireline Micro-Ice Cristal. The odd ice jam when it's really cold. It's not enough to bother me. I use a 6-1/2Lb fl leader for trout and whities. I would use something heavier if i where going for big pike though.. What species are you going to be fishing for?
  3. I'm planning on building one of these this year. I'm going to build a separate "stand alone" bench seat that will act as a storage box for my gear. The box will be mounted to the collapsed hut while transporting. Then moved inside, and used as a bench seat while fishing. I need to think of a quick/easy way I can mount the box to the collapsed hut. I don’t want it to fall off while screaming across the ice at very high speed behind my 250 Bravo..
  4. I might get out on G-Bay after duck hunting Saturday morning. We'll see how the weather is... Maybe do a little Simcoe perchin on Sunday after deer hunting.. Damb, that soulds like a solid weekend
  5. Do you need to register one of those fold out homemade huts? I see them a lot on Simcoe. But never noticed numbers on them..
  6. That didn't make my spill my coffee. Close though..
  7. That's great news man. Congrets..
  8. I've fished that stretch looking for them before. No luck for me.. That was in the spring. I've heard from a few people that they are there though. Good luck.. Let us know if you get anything..
  9. I cought my first and only Ski on Sparrow this spring. When does that lake turn over?
  10. I thought Simcoe perch were big Damb...
  11. I'm not much of a Jigger, but I bought one of the HM-85 rods by Walleye Angler Series. They're great. Absolutly no complaints.
  12. It all depends on how long you want your commute to be. Assuming you’re moving to the area for work. There's tons of small towns and cities north of T.O.
  13. I called OFAH to see what they had to say about the matter. I ended up talking to a Biologist. That really didn't do my any good; he could only tell me what he "thought". From what he said, it has to do with the insurance, as mentioned earlier in this thread. He also mentioned that most hunters who have the mindset to sign up for an OFAH membership are usually up on their hunter etiquette and safety, which makes it less of a liability to have guys/gals like that in the woods. He also briefly talked about the fact that a hunter killed a person while deer hunting within the last few years, and that caused the county to change some policies regarding hunters on county land. Still seems like OFAH and Simcoe are looking for a cash grab.. I'll be sticking to my private land from now on. "Other than deer, what can be hunted in those forests? Grouse? Turkey? Rabbit?" All of those. Some of the forests have swamps, lakes and rivers. There's over 30,000 acres of county land, lost of mixed opportunities for hunting. Hardwoods, Softwoods, fields, Abandoned towns.. Lots of cool placed to hunt.
  14. http://www.ofah.org/SimcoeCounty/intro.cfm
  15. What gets me is that if you want to bike in the forest, you don't have to be a paying member of a biking club. Or if you want to walk in the forest, you don't have to be a paying member of a walking club. Why single out the hunters. There are rivers, and laks on some Simcoe forests. You don't have to me a member of OFAH to fish in on Simcoe land though. What the hell eh,
  16. For all those who hunt in Simcoe Forests. Did you know that effective this year, you have to be an OFAH member to legally hunt in a Simcoe Forest. I'm not sure if there’s been a post on this before. Sorry if there has... I don't think I should have to buy an OFAH membership to be able hunt on county land What do you guys think?? Does anyone know who enforces this law, and what the penalties are??
  17. I have a pair of them. No complaints. Their merino wool socks are good too, but no life time warranty. I'd love to see the look on the customer service persons face when you bring a dirty stinky 15 year old sock back to the store because it has a whole in it
  18. No Kidding Hows the new dog at retreiving?? Looks like your givin him a good workout.
  19. I think both hunters and fisherman have to use common sense in these situations. Example. I hunt on the North river / Matchedash Bay. The same time hunting season starts, that salmon begin running. The first time I hunted there, I set up right on the river. Soon after I had fisherman trolling spoons through the centre of my decoy spread. I couldn't get mad at them, because I was taking up half the river. I didn't know the boat traffic would be so high. I didn't do that again. I now set up off the beaten path, and far away from any fisherman on the river. Like others have said. Those hunters were there hours before you, setting up, and preparing for the hunt. Just having fisherman in the area can wreck the entire day for the hunters (in a small pond situation). If you see hunters, give them a large amount of distance. They deserve it for their efforts.
  20. There's a couple here. http://www.sailgb.com/c/buoyant_clothing/ Just google them. There's a decent amount of floatation jackets out there that aren't orange. Personally, when I'm Ice fishing, I could care less about how I look The more visible the better. Usually match a blaze orange hat with my bright yellow/orange floater!
  21. If Wyatt likes to retreive, he's going to absolutly love hangin out with Sinker! If this post came along a year from now, I'd be all over it.
  22. That's wild. Never been moose hunting. Looks fun!
  23. I think about ice fishing every day! I've even started going to the LSMB again daily to see when the boys think the ice will be in on cook's bay You know you're getting itchy when you start doing that
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