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Everything posted by NAW

  1. Wups.. You wont let that one down will you!! I wouldn't
  2. The wife calls me Monkey as a nickname (all started after our first camping trip together when she saw me scale a tree to hang a tarp) So my av pic is of a monkey. It just happens to be spear fishing, while hanging upsidedown from a tree. Fitting.
  3. My brother just got back from Cuba, and that's what he bought me as a gift Looks and smells great. I'll find out how it tastes tonight!
  4. I bet! He looks like a mean old buger in his avitar pic
  5. Not sure if you can get them a crappy tire, or wally world. I picked mine up at a local baits shop (Simcoe bait and tackle). I rig mine with a slip sinker when in 15' or less. Bottom bouncer when trolling in deeper waters. "Slow Death" means that the presentation is supposed to mimic the slow death of a minnow. However, they where designed to be rigged with crawlers. I’ve used gulp alive and live shiners on a slow death hooks, and landed some fish too.
  6. Take a pill Ziki. I've never personally met Roy, but I’ll back him up to no end. The Mods on this site are great. We all know someone who is mentally challenged. His post wasn't meant to bash those with disorders. That seems obvious. Enought said. Edit: I posted this the same time Roy posted the above.... I didn't see what he had said... Roy, your a good guy....
  7. I like them a lot. You gotta use swivels though.. Lots a twirling going on. I've caught tons of bass on them so far. A pike too. I would definitely recommend them to others.
  8. Thanks for the report Andy, and conrets on the new PB. Maybe the next full moon, you'll get a new PB!
  9. I started using Slow Death hooks this summer. Caught lots of Bass on them. Not so lucky with the eyes though. That's not because of the hooks, that because I couldn't catch a walleye if my life depended on it!!!
  10. I called Sandycove Marine, and they put me in contact with their boat recycling guy up in Honey Harbour. Headin there on Saturday to get the parts I need. Thanks again for the help.
  11. I had to stop reading this halfway through. I'm at work, and I can't contain the laughter!!! I'll save reading this until I get home this evening. Thanks for starting my day right It sure beats reading about panzies leaving the forum because they drive sunfires.
  12. 1" PVC is a good idea. However, my current design has some long unsupported sections, and I don't think the PVC would be rigid enough. I want this thing to be tough as nails.. Thanks for the ideas though, very much appreciaded.
  13. Silver Pike?? Last I read on here, there was controversy over the differences between a Grass Pike (on the list) and a silver pike. Also heard them called a Blue Pike. Might be worth adding to the list.
  14. Thanks for the tips. I think there are some boat wreckers up off Hwy 11 around Orillia. I think I'll head up there. If I can't find anything, I like the idea of using the angle brackets you've shown there Sinker. Thanks for the pics. My hunting partener has a simlar blind to what you've shown, and I'm trying to 1 up him
  15. Thanks for the report. Nice pics of your journeys.
  16. I’m in the process of building a duck blind for my 14’ aluminum boat. I will be bending a custom frame out of ¾” galvanized EMT. To connect the frame together I want to use pre-fab’d metal brackets. I was hoping to use the same brackets that most boat cover frames are made from. I’m trying to find some old junker boats that I can use to salvage parts. I need 8 “T” joints to assemble the frame. I also need 8 mounting brackets to mount the frame to the boat. Does anyone know where I can find a few old boats to salvage parts from?? I heard there are a few boat wreckers in the area (Simcoe County). I did a quick Google search but didn’t find anything. Thanks, Tightlines, and straight shootin
  17. It's nice to get paid to help out others. Congrets on the new job!
  18. It would appear i jumped the gun a little on that one. Sorry about questioning the info above. I assumed a V6 Impala would be able to out tow my 4 cyl Golf. But it can't.. I bet it'l stop faster though..
  19. You sure about that?? My 4 cyl Golf is ~1300 lbs towing cap.. It's half the car..
  20. I personally tow a 14' tinner with a 15Hp motor behind my 4 banger VW Golf. It tows great. It's not really the best in the winter (light car.. front wheel drive...), and for the long halls up north. But it works perfect for anything inside 300kms of travel distance. My good friend drives an Impala, and he trailers a 16' aluminum w/ 40hp motor. It also pulls no problem. However, I get a little freaked out when he has to react quickly with such a big boat on the back of a car. He's been doing it for a long time with no issues. You'l be just fine with the set up you suggested.
  21. Are you lookin for someone to transport you and your canoe from the GTA up to the French River?? Then come back in two weeks, and take you back down to GTA? That's gunna be expensive.. Invite someone with a car to come with you!
  22. Show up about an hour before it gets dark for the night. Look for Cudz, and Jdub, and follow them out (from a distance!) Guaranteed Smallies In all seriousness though, herd there's lots a bass around Georgina that you can sight fish for. Might be a good place to start if you don't have a sonar. Good luck.
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