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Everything posted by NAW

  1. Friday I'm putting the bottom end back on my outboard. Busy all day Saturday at "Celebrate Barrie". Sunday, if it's hot and sunny - Carp Shooting in Cook's Bay. If it's cloudy.. Six Mile lake for pike.. Either way, I'm going to test out my motor!
  2. My family was in the small bunch of people as well. My grandparents where both young kids when their parents bought crown land on the lake. Something like 8 cents a square foot, or something ridiculous like that. My grandpa’s uncle was a surveyor, who was offered Battleship Island, as payment for some work he did. All in all, between my grandparents families, they had something like 15 cottages on the lake, back when there only were about 75 on the entire lake. They also used to own a few other islands around the lake, a few lots off what is now Steep Rock Rd, and property on either side of the mouth of lost channel (which they dubbed “Woodside Cove”, as they painted it on the rocks in front of the cottage) Have you read the book Echoes of Six Mile yet? It’s a great book detailing the old days on the lakes. It talks about some of the pioneers of the lake, and all of the family history of the early cottagers up there.
  3. I've never caught a muskie on Six Mile. Been fishing there my entire life. Maybe the odd one cruising around in there. But I definitely wouldn't go there just looking for Muskies. Bigugli is right, no fish in lost channel.. Just Poison Ivy, and Rattle Snakes.. Hey Bigugli, you've been around 6 mile for ever, I thought 6 Mile Marina used to be called Volicks back in the day. That's what my Grandpa always calls it anyways?
  4. Yep, that’s the one. Not to sure if they rent boats at the Wawuatosa. I know they do (or used to) at Six Mile. If you’re trying to get to Lost Channel, Six mile might be a better idea. It’s a little closer, but not by much. Both routes have narrows, and shoals to watch out for. They’re well marked on Six Mile though.. Watch out for the poison Ive in Lost Channel!! Gets me every year
  5. It's not on six mile lake Do some more research man.. To get to Hidden Glen Marina, you have to take exit 168, the head back down south on hwy 400 to a private road, only accessable by 400 south. The road is called Hidden Glen road. Look it up. There are only two marina's on Six mile lake, end of story..
  6. That's funny stuf man.. Looks like it was a fun time. Nice Hogs too!
  7. Who knows eh. They didn't stick around to see if it was a bluf charge..
  8. That's not on Six Mile. According to your link, it's in Port Severn, just off Georgian Bay. There's only two marina's on Six Mile, like Big Ugli said. Six Mile lake Marina (used to be Volicks), and Wawuatosa.
  9. ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ Well, that certainly is an interesting point of view. Regarding the ATV incident, from what I understand, the bear charged them while they where on their machines. They we're able to drive away fast enough to avoid a true "attack". Who knows though..
  10. That's one way to do it eh! First time I've seen someone use that google feature for finding phone number.
  11. I couldn't get the video to play, but I read the article. Man, I really hope this guy is exaggerating. That's brutal!
  12. You can't just pay the ticket? Why do they make you go to court??
  13. Those are some fat hogs man.
  14. I’ve been going to the same small lake in Muskoka for May 24 every year for the past 4 years. The crew I’ve been going with have been going there for 10+ years. Nobody has ever seen an OPP, or MNR officer there, ever. To set the scene, the lake is a small conservation area, with no cottages, and a treacherous boat launch. Through the summer, it’s a quite lake, but on the long weekends, it gets CRAZY. (dangerously crazy) I would say 90% of the boats on the lake are not legal. As in, no life jackets, no safety kits, drunk drivers, etc.. On our way back to the launch on Monday, don’t I get stopped by a CO paddling around in a canoe going from campsite to campsite. I was running a canoe with a Minn Kota, so he asked to see my operator’s card. I showed him my card, and also my fishing license. I had all the safety gear required, so we shot it for a few minutes, and he was on his way. One of my buddies got dinged with a $240 ticket for not having enough life jackets in the boat. He could have been strung out for $600, cuz he was two jackets short, and had no safety kit. So I guess he got of easy.. It was good to see him out there. I love getting stopped by CO’s. It makes all the extra effort of being legal worthwhile! As for the fishing. I managed a few decent pike. Also managed to keep the bass off my line. Didn’t catch a single OOS fish the whole weekend. Tossing large Williams spoons.
  15. Awsome fish man. That must have made your whole weekend.
  16. Someone should call in the crew from Destination Truth.. Just kidding. Those guys are brutal... They always leave after only spending one day on site. What the hell can to figure out from spending one day on site. really?
  17. Maybe he was using some Blood Meal for fertilizer. Supposedly it works well
  18. My mouth is watering!! That looks so good.. I'm going to go fire up the BBQ right now. I'm heading over to Willow Beach on Sunday. Where you going? (if you're going willow, can I follow you??)
  19. Crazy what this sport does to people eh! I could go into an MMA fight with out the slightest jitter. But my hands start shaking when i'm locking the trailer to the hitch..
  20. Yep, It's Hog Bay. On Albert Street. There's a vacant lot that people park in there.
  21. Welcome to Barrie SD.! Sounds like a painfull move! I'll likely be out on Simcoe at least one day. Maybe go camping for a day or two on 3 Mile Lake. Thinkin of hittin Nip as well, maybe Sunday morning. And then there's always house work..
  22. You call Coldwater North????
  23. My bad, it’s a provincial wildlife area, not a conservation area. The attack happened near Kinnear sr. and Big Chute Rd. There are lots of scattered country homes/farms in that aream and a dew cottages as well. Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying it's a densly populated area. Just that there are a quite a few homes in that area. There's a sub-division with about 30 homes in it about 2 block away from where the attack occured.
  24. There's a big conservation area there, and a quite a few homes. Not a good spot to have a pissed off bear. I saw a few bears there last year, but they where scared of me, that's for sure.
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