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Everything posted by NAW

  1. I will do just that. Sorry for your loss Flex. My condolences.
  2. NAW

    Loop Knots

    Sounds very similar to my perch rig, except I use a spoon on the top, not a jig. How far apart do you spread the jigs? On a different note, did you make it out for the late goose season??
  3. Welcome Back That's very "bigredfisher-esk" of you.. Yes.. I just made up a word.
  4. It may be a little high, but I would say over 50% of the fish I cought this year where natural. Some monsters too! 5-6lb natural whitefish!.. I started to think the clipped fins where growing back or something!
  5. Another fantastic hard water season on Simcoe has come to an end. I know there’s been a bunch of reports from the last weekend of the season. I thought I would add one more to the mix. For the first month of the season, I did great. Caught at least one whitefish every time I went out. My confidence was very high, as was my fishing partners. SO we decided to enter into the CIFC out of Sutton,.. Well.. As soon as my name was on the tournament registry, the fish stopped biting. I went a full month without icing a single friggen whitefish!! including the weekend of the tournament!! The confidence went down the crapper, that’s for sure. This second last weekend of the season things started to turn around. We took the 12Km ride from Alcona over to the mob that grows up north of Georgina Island ("Slyville"). It was worth it, because I broke the loosing streak with two brute Whitefish.. This past Saturday, I invited some old friends up from my high school days.. It was a great end to the season. We were all limited out by 10:00am, and then released another 10 before we left the ice at noon. I managed to ice 6 whitefish, released 4 of them. My fishing partner iced 8, and one of my high school buddies iced his first fish ever.. Here a pic of the group. P.S. Of the 15 fish we cought, 11 where natural to the lake.
  6. NAW

    Loop Knots

    Thanks Harrison. That's some great info..
  7. NAW

    Loop Knots

    Cool, Thanks guys.
  8. I have been using a polymar knot for pretty much everything for the past few years. It’s so quick and easy to tie, and hasn’t failed me yet. I am wondering if I’m selling myself short by using the same knot for everything?? I was watching a fishing show last weekend, and saw a guy using loop knots to tie a jig head. I know that loop allows a lure to move more freely because the line is not tight on the lure. I was just wondering what presentation you guys use loop knots for? And if you really think it's worth the extra time to tie them? I was also wondering if they're as strong as a polymar? I’m thinking they would be beneficial when using heavy flouro leader that would really effect the action of the lure if tied using a polymar knot. I mosly fish with a 6lb flouro leader, so that's not really an issue for me.. Any input would be great.. Thanks, F-is-H
  9. Just pulled the hut off a few hours ago. Alcona area. Access points are getting sketchy, but the ice was good (in our location). If the rain holds off, we're hittin er with the quad this weekend..
  10. I just heard on the news that the 70 year old man who murdered Officer Vu Pham has succumbed to his injuries. I have to admit, I'm a little torn on what to think about his death. The rest of his life in prison, or him being killed? I would never wish death on anyone, but what this guy did what horrible..
  11. The world needs more people like you Randy
  12. I was raised in Wingham, however moved away for school before Officer Pham came to town. I know lots of people who know him. Everyone says he was an incredible man and father. I have never heard any bad words about him. The population of Wingham is going to triple the day of the funeral.. (If they have the funeral in Wingham)
  13. It's a horrible loss for the hole community.. He was a soccer coach, and very involved with his local community from what I understand. What a tragedy eh
  14. Glad to see you got the fishfinder figured out. It sure was a rough weekend on our gear too. Broke the auger, a rod, the fishfinder, etc... Also broke a 1 month no whitefish drought, so it was worth it. Pulled up two massive hogs.. Congrets on the fun trip..
  15. An OPP officer was shot in the head this morning around 10:00am just north of Winthrop (about an hour north of London).. They have not released his name, but said he was air lifted to a hospital in London where he is in grave condition. Supposedly he has been on the force for some 20 years. This happened only a short distance from my hometown where I was raised, so it hit close to home. Lets all hope the officer survives this disaster.. Though it really doesn't sound good. The gunman was hit in the gunfight, but is not in as suvere condition as the officer.. There will be a press conference today at 4:00.
  16. The most fun you'll ever have with a bow. Sneaking around Cooks bay with a bow sniping massive carp.. You can't beat that! As soon as the snow's out of my back yard, I'll start warming up for carp shooting.. Can't wait..
  17. I've been following this closely. Each new article says something a little different. One really messed up thing about the situation though - He tried the same thing earlier this winter around Christmas time. According to family members, he nearly died of hypothermia that time, but was able to get out of the wood alive. He said the wood was to wet to burn, so he couldn’t start a fire. I guess he didn't learn from his past bad experience. As an avid outdoorsman, and volunteer SAR tech, I really feel for his family and friends. He definitely does NOT sound like an idiot, but maybe should have planned things a little better. EDIT: from all the reports I've read, there aprears to be no signs of fowel play. All signs point toward hypothermia..
  18. I needed that today.. Thanks T.J.
  19. Here's the Pic TJ.. I'm the guy on the left with the bright pants.
  20. I have run both, and prefer the 9.9. Like others have mentioned, it's nice to have a little extra power, and top end speed. I camp allot, and the 6 with 2 people and camping gear is DEADLY SLOW!! Not that the 9.9 rips either, but it is noticeably faster.. If you can't get it to trol slow enough, use a sock.. IMO..
  21. The people that took the pics will be e-mailing them to me sometime this week.. The only one I have right now is a crappy fuzy shot taken on my camera phone..
  22. ^^Dam right ^^ Got hang out with him for about 15 minutes before the show started. He's quit the character!
  23. And so it should have read from the start. Have ater girls. They didn't mention anything when the Canadian who won gold in skeleton chuged a picture of beer after winning..
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