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Everything posted by NAW

  1. I have deer questions, but didn't want to start a new NF post to ask it. I figured i'd add it here. Here's my Q: Do deer eat soya beans before the beens have been cut? Or do they wait to munch on that stuff untill after it's be cut down?? I have three properties that I hunt in Simcoe for deer, and they all have Soya beans in them. 2 of the properties have a fraction of the sign they had last year when corn was planted. I'm wondering if the deer sign will pick up after the Soya bean harvest?? Sunday will be my first day in the stand. AM and PM -- A marathon of sorts. Thanks gents.
  2. Looks like a fun day on the 6. Always a fun lake to fish. Congrets on the win. What was the grand prize??
  3. Nice little gun you got there. That'l make a nice gun to pass down to the kids one day. You may want to wear a pair of safety glasses the first couple times you shoot it. My dad gave me his old Remington 1100 autoloader. It hadn’t been fired in 25 years when I got my hands on it. I remember the first time I shot the gun. I wore my safety glasses, and brought a buddy along with me. We where both a little nervous before the gun was fired for the first time. We were worried the gun would malfunction, or blow apart (not likely). My buddy was standing behind me, and to the right. When I fired the gun for the first time, the discharged shell casing flew out of the chamber, and headed straight for my buddies head. He thought the gun blew up, and pieces of it where flying at his head You should have heard him scream I thought he had been shot or something! Good luck ,and happy hunting.
  4. That's wicked. The ideas are just rushing through my head now!
  5. I had a Yamaha Bravo given to me last year with the same thing. I pulled the tank off the sled and drained the old gas. Then I cleaned it all out on the inside as best as I could. I can’t remember what solution I used to break up the sludge in the tank I made sure all the gas lines where clean by removing them, and cleaning as necessary. I bought a new fuel filter, and had the carb cleaned by a professional. She runs mint now. Perfect little hard warer rig.
  6. Thanks for all the comments! I was going to buy the motors, but when I called the first guy, he had already made the sale to someone else. No deal. I'll hold out untill I find a newer 20 to 25 Hp motor for sale or trade. Something with a little better reviews. Thanks again,
  7. I think I see where this post is going Where are the Merc Guys!!
  8. I have an opportunity to pick up two Merc 20Hp motors for a decent price. (very decent price) However… One has no spark, and the other has no reverse and hood. I figure I should be able to make one good running motor, and have a decent parts motor to boot. It should make for a nice winter project. So my questions are: 1. Does anyone here run that motor, and if so, what is your opinion on their performance/reliability? 2. Are new parts readily available for them? 3. How are they on GAS? 4. How are they for trolling? 5. Do they have the slip clutch prop, or shear pin? Any advice on these motors would be great. I'm going to check both of them out on Sunday. Thanks
  9. That's one hell of a story. Good luck finding the "kid".
  10. NAW


    I haven’t had any hits on my add yet. I guess know one wants to trade up a 25Hp motor for a 15Hp Merc, plus a little cash on top.. I’ll get rid of the thing eventually
  11. Exactly what I was thinking. The last time I brought my camera fishing, I got skunked. And to boot, I left my $1000 SLR sitting on the dock by the boat launch. Thankfully it was returned to me later that day. What I need is a cheap, waterproof digital camera.
  12. That's a great picture you took. My vote has been cast. Good luck!
  13. Thanks for you kind words GCD. I have several digital cameras; I just have a bad tendency to forget them at home. As for the C&R for birds. I have, but not intentionally.
  14. So I’ve been posting on this forum since June, and I haven’t really introduced myself to the community. So I thought I would take a quick minute and tell you about the great weekend I had. It pretty well sums up the kind of guy I am. It's to bad I forgot the camera. On Friday nightI headed up to an old, thought to be abandoned, hunt camp near my cottage for the duck hunting opener. I got there at night, just after sunset. First I set up the koys and my new duck blind for its first duck hunt. Then I came ashore, and started a fire. There were way too many roots, and sharp points to set up a tent. So I just slept in the open beside the fire. That was a great experience. A first time for me doing this sober. It turns out the camp I thought was abandoned, was actually still in use. About an hour and half before shooting time, and I’m greeted by a pissed off hunter hollering at me from the other side of the bay. “You’re in my Blind… You got balls boy…”. The hunt went well. I was able to drop 4 wood ducks. After the hunt, this other hunter came buy an introduced him self. He had a very recognizable face. After I told him I wasn’t a city slicker, and I’ve had a family cottage on the lake since the early 30’s, he turned into a very nice guy. Turns out he was the guy from the Survivor Man episode where they did the “lost hunters” scenario. I took off after that friendly discussion, and headed for the boat launch. I figured I’d stop by a new weed bed I’d found a few weeks earlier. On my first cast landed a 4 Lb pike. A few more drifts of the weed bed, and I landed 6 lb pike. Both on a meps spinner, in 15-20 feet. The few weeks before it was endless bass, and now pike. I think I might have found a honey hole. Figured that was enough of a good thing, and headed back home. It was a great peaceful start to the weekend. I made it home just after lunch on Saturday. The rest of the weekend was spent working around the house, and a little wife appreciation on Sunday. Anyway, hope you enjoy reading about my weekend. I look forward to being an active member of this community. F-is-H P.S. You'l find that I have horrible grammer. Possibly some of the worst on this forum. Sorry about this in advace for all future posts.
  15. I just talked to someone I barley understood for 5 minutes, and now I have WFN. An extra $3.00 a month, no big deal. I hope they have some good ice fishing shows in the winter!
  16. $3 per month.. That's cheap man. I'll have to check that out. If it's that cheap, I'll get it fir sure.. I didn't realize you could get WFN on it's own. Considering Rogers is selling 1 episode of Facts of Fishing for $1.99, why not get WFN for the whole month for $3
  17. I was checking out ROD this weekend to see if they had any free WFN shows, as they do every so often. To my surprise, they have added a ton of new hunting and fishing shows to the roster. However, none of the shows are free!! From what I could see they all cost $1.99. Some them you get two 1/2 hour shows, and other you get a one 1 hour show. I don't really like paying to watch TV shows, but I guess if I’m really itchin' to watch some hunting or fishing, then it's worth the $1.99. They even have a few Canada in the Rough shows you can buy. I love that show. I havn't seen any post about this yet, so I thought I would let you all know.
  18. I did that in PEI once. We got skunked becuase of a drastic change in water temps. Hard to tell if this chain thing would have done anything though. We where using it more to slow down our drift, rather then to churn up bottom though.
  19. For the 25 bucks I spent on it. I'm going to use it untill the crotch blows out of it!!
  20. That's one tiny walleye!! I bought an old Mustang Floater from a guy who used to sail. He only wore it once or twice. Paid 25 bucks..
  21. Take her Ice Fishing on a nice -40 morning with high winds and zero visibility (on 6" of cracking ice). My wife isn't into fishing much at all. But on nice days, she loves to come out and read a book in the boat while I fish. That works for me, cuz she enjoys running the trolling motor, while I stand up front on the casting deck.
  22. I got sick of having to buy licenses every year. So, when it came time to renew my card (this year), I got it with 3 years fishing and 3 years small game hunting. It cost a few bucks, but you do save money that way. That's gunna save me some grief
  23. Well, I guess Couch really is "your lake". Congrets on your success!
  24. Yes, that's getting me cranked for hunting season too.
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