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Everything posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. sorry for the bad news. Its never easy even if it is expected.
  2. i understand boths sides of this. the question is does the mods here want to grow this site bigger then it is? The reason i say that is if you restrict the images to only memebership you ruin alot of peoples first opionion of what this great site offers! That in return will push people away instead of growing. If i had to make a choice i would say no dont restrict it. the pictures that are part of reports are the main attraction. why would you restrict pictures when its very obvious that the posts that get the most attention are the ones that have pictures in them. Just my thoughts! Cheers!
  3. my grandfather worked as a machinist on that jet. When they scrapped it Nasa wanted him to go down south to work with them as they were in desperate need of people to work on there aircraft. My grandfather declined going down there as I beleive there was a war at the time and was worried about my uncle and my dad being sent to battle. At the time they didnt have a clue of how tech. advanced that jet was. someone got a heavy load of cash in there pocket and that was the end of that. Awesome jet though! Cheers!
  4. cool pics! Thanks for sharing! Cheers!
  5. good on you for taking your mom out!!!!! Sorry the fishing was slow. CHeers!
  6. great report! Contrats on the walleye! Cheers!
  7. wow that was one awesome report!!!! Cheers!
  8. man i really feel for you. i hope there is a defect somewhere so you can get a new boat. i am really wishing you the best on this one!
  9. nice little boat you got yourself there! cheers!
  10. 7 years for 800 hundred bucks...........BURN haha hope he gets full term!
  11. ouch!!!! Looks like you guys were having a good day until that hook up. Glad your ok! Cheers!
  12. oohhh party at your place!!!! have a fun weekend! Cheers!
  13. that is a great day for sure! Nice report thanks for sharing! Cheers!
  14. Agreed!! Congrats on the fish! Cheers!
  15. dark coloured lures believe it or not. Not sure why but i also catch fish at night using dark baits. Cheers!
  16. nice!!! looks like a good meal will come from that! cheers!
  17. that was a great read!!! thanks for sharing! Cheers!
  18. nice work man!!!! sorry about the prop though. Cheers!
  19. i was 10 fishing for bass at the mouth of the credit with family. hooked into a chromie that was a few pounds using worms. Remeber how excited i was to this day! CHeers!
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