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Everything posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. nipissing the weekend after walleye opening. Magnetawan river for bass opener. Lots of river fishing this year, thames, grand, credit, saugeen for smallies. Since the inlaws are in north bay I am willing to bet I will hit the south bay and callandar bay at least a dozen times this year. Heres hopeing ot a great year fishing! CHeers!
  2. you cant really buy anything for less then that out there so I think its a fair deal if the motor is in as good a shape as he claims. Hope it works out for you! Cheers!!
  3. those are some scary looking skies! CMT i remember that storm very well! THat is some cool video! Cheers!
  4. the buds are playing well tonight! One more period and we are back up to 8th place! Cheers!
  5. not as many lakes and rivers to fish. means more crowded areas and all the big fish get caught. If you look at all the lakes and the size of the lakes here in ontario. you cant tell me that there are not thousands of record fish here. They are probally over there thinking wish they had bass the size of the ones here. or with they had musky in the numbers the canadians have. as for importing new species into waters here? why mess with a good thing? you never know the downside of importing species into different water bodies. it could be very harmful. Cheers!
  6. if you have ever seen a cute girl in a bikini fishing off a bass boat. i call that as good as it gets sexy!
  7. oh well work will be happy i surely will get alot done today instead of watching fishing! Jen that sucks! murphys law though eh?
  8. chicken +++++ man i really hope what goes around comes around is true for those punks!
  9. sorry to here about your dad! 90 years is a good long time for sure. here is to you and your family!
  10. got this email on my crackberry today from wfn saying that starchoice has picked up wfn. Wohoooooo!!! until i got home and tuned in to channel 458 like it said and its not there! thats like taking a kid to a candy store and telling him he can sniff the candy but cant lick it! Or like taking the brewery tour at molsons and not being able to sip any beer! Damn!!! i hope they can fix it i love WFN CHeers!
  11. my condelences to the familes. do you really need to be going 200km per hour on any vehicle?
  12. man that looked like alot of fun!!!! loved the video it was excting watching them get pulled up! Cheers!
  13. sorry to hear about your dog. it is a tough thing to do for sure. hope you get through it ok!
  14. interesting video. i haev heard of matress springs or bush tied up and sunk as cover. its pretty cool what you can find when you have one of those under water cameras! Cheers!
  15. im not sold on the whole globla warming thing. the earth has natural cycles of heating up and cooling down. no doubt we are on the heating upswing. but is there really something tha cna be done to stop it? or are we just delaying the natural cycle of the earth? anyway i knew it was to good to be true with the joke of the first month or so of winter we had. I just knew we were going to get winter. Lets just hope that winter doesnt last until april or worse may lol. CHeers!
  16. very cool and rare to see that. but i agree i would not wantot be that close to the action. nose bleeds seats for me would have been just fine. CHeers!
  17. yeap nice to hear people reconize how great it is here. I am Canadian!!!!!!!!! CHeers!
  18. i quit 2 years ago! Woke up hung over one morning and by the time i had it in me to get up dressed and go outside in the freezing cold it was 1pm. I went that long without a smoke i said 0000 it and quit that day. Have not had one since and dotn ever have any cravings anymore. If i can do it then so can you! Keep at it man you will fell so much better! Cheers!
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