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Everything posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. i love that show. I will be sure to watch it tonight! Cheers!
  2. if you stop buying gas one day for once a week, motnh or year. the goverment will just raise taxes so the price will go up to compensate for it. lets not blame gas companies for this. the governmnet takes there huge amount of tax on this as well! its funny if you think about it. if the gas companies make a billion $$$$ the government is making how much lol! the way i look at it is gas prices are a bargain compared to what they will be 10 years from now. Cheers!
  3. welcome aboard! must be awesome wishing with your 4 year old? I have a 1 year old and cant wait till i can take him fishing! Cheers!
  4. when i was a kid i used to fish the creek where glen abby golf course runs through. we used to get kicked out for walking the shore line. One day a buddy of mine had an inflatable kayak and we drifted through and when they called the cops on us the cops said there was nothing they could do since the water is not owned by the course. we just wanted to fish. although i totally understood the golf courses point of view. alot of kids were down there stirring up ----. anyway after that i never got bothered again even when i walked the shores. Cheers!
  5. nice catch! Man only a couple more weeks before i get ti hit the water for some eyes! I cant wait! Cheers!
  6. damn ugly looking fish. call Bull on your brother just to get him going. Cheers!
  7. i say go for it! Its better then not going at all! Cheers!
  8. is there not a guy on this site that makes cedar boats out of powassan? im pretty sure there is. maybe he could jump in. cheers!
  9. looks like a decent catch! got to love the fight those fish give. im not into carp that much but it is better then not fishing thats for sure! cheers!
  10. i will be there the following friday. hope the walleye bite is on then! Cheers!
  11. that was a fun read! Thanks! Cheers!
  12. sounds promising. hope all goes well!
  13. glad i didnt see it and im glad the mods took care of it! Cheers!
  14. wow looks like you had a great day. happy mothers day! cheers
  15. glad to see them all doing well! Cheers!
  16. right on looks like a great time was had by all! Cheers!
  17. i use plastics all the time. i used to use live worms on harnesses but one day the bait shop i go to was out so i was forced to use plastics. I tend to use one plastic worm for hours and catch fish. There are still sometimes where i will have one rod rigged and ready with live bait if i feel im missing strikes because of the plastic. Good luck! Cheers!
  18. i may have to pick one up for my trip to nipissing the in a couple weeks. Looks like nice combo for $30 Cheers!
  19. welcome aboard baitbuster. I promise you spend some time here, you will like it. Normally the members here are much more friendly. another month or so and most species of fish will be open season and all will be right in the online world of OFC! Cheers!
  20. what a good looking dog! Have fun with her! cheers!
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