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Everything posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. yeah i thought peters landed the better shots too. cheers!
  2. as a former goalie that used to like the fighting I thought it was awesome. Its rare to see a tough guy and a goalie go at it. The chest protector on emery sure does slow the punches down. I used to pull my arm out so i could throw punches better and faster to make it a little more even. As for the hit it was late for sure but it was a shoulder and he was lining him up before he got rid of the puck so it could be argued either way i guess. I dont really care for lindy but i blame murry for putting on his skilled players. how could you? he should have been expecting it!!!!!! Good old time hockey though loved watching it! Cheers!
  3. am suppose to be heading ot north bay this afternoon, hopefuly it clears up by then! Cheers!
  4. here is one of my favorite pics. it is my son at 2 days old and his greatgrandfather. Unfortunatly he died a few months later. 96 years old and never spent a night in the hospital until he was 94. one of the greatest people i will ever meet in my life! Sure glad my son got to meet him! Ps my first fish was a perch caught with my grandfather in cambellford on the trent river!
  5. kash has some decent fishing, about 5 years ago we were cathcing alot of small ones but the small ones should be great sized now. but i would go for marten river. i here the fishing is outstanding. Cheers!
  6. i use to question eating pike too. then one day a friend made both walleye and pike and i could not thell the difference. i think its like all fish if its cooked right it will taste great lol Cheers!
  7. well my son is 10months old so pretty soon i will get to fish with him! but for now I would say my grandfather who past away recently. and a friend who died last 6 months ago from cancer. CHeers!
  8. hey lew that sucks! Hope she can recover quickly and with as little pain as possible! As for the punk that did it. try to be at ease with the fact that what goes around comes around!
  9. here is the problem i have with this thing. There is a negative impact on the economy with this. But why should canadians that are number 9 on the list be involved? Why not China who has 1 billion people and a big chuck of the manufacturing jobs in the world be the focus to lower there emmisions. maybe force companies to come back to north america to manufacturer goods so we can rebuild our suffering manufacturing industry?
  10. holy cow that fire is huge! Smokey would so be all over our butts if we tried that up here. Cheers!
  11. wow glad your daughter is ok! Could have been much worse is what is the scary thing! Some people think that they are nascar racers and it always seems to be the ones that cause the accidents that never get into them.
  12. wow nice report! Always nice seeing reports form out of country! Cheers!
  13. nice! Looks like you had some fun! Cheers!
  14. i was going to say tug boat but not really efficeint.
  15. ps. i hate to gear off topic from the terrible news in the windsor area but unions have played a big part in forcing manufacturers to shut down, not just in the auto industry but in any manufacturing industry. hope our auto workers in windsor can find work or relocate to woodstock where there is a new toyota plant.
  16. yes bad news for sure! I don't know parry sound as well as I know Barrie. Parry sound is smaller and a cottage community mainly. you most likely have better luck trying to find work in barrie where there is 150 000 people and growing then in parry sound where the growth is there but not like to the south. Cheers!
  17. man that sucks! Where up north are you from? Cheers!
  18. man what great news! Lets hope it keeps getting better! Cheers!
  19. you know how many lives it will save? i think it is a fantastic idea! GOod job! Cheers!
  20. live in oakville was to be in sarnia today stayed at home and sold more on the phone then driving in that white stuff. worked out well for me and the bosses! Cheers!
  21. dead baiting for pike is awesome! Although for walleye I always have had better luck wth live minnows. CHeers!
  22. a guy i talked to a billy bobs bait up in north bay was telling me he puts a broken lock that looks like it was smashed on the door of his hut so thieves think that it has already been broken into and leave his alone. he claimed that the last 4 years of doing so he has not had a break in. Cheers!
  23. drove in hamilton this morning and white out conditions and icey roads. here in oakville its blowing but light snow. weird how oakville east to pickering always seems to miss the squalls. apparently when the storm rolls in we are not going to miss it. oh well i have been dieing to use my snowblower this year! Be safe if you have to drive all! Cheers!
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