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Everything posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. could be a zander(think that is how its spelled) europes version of a walleye Cheers!
  2. i will be on nipissing the friday after opening. then i will be fihing some smaller lakes in the parry sound area sunday monday that same weekend. I will be using a jig and worm as well but also have some power grubs on hand. Cheers!
  3. right on looks like you gus had alot of fun! cheers!
  4. im not lucky enough to have dreams about fishing. my luck is more like dreams about the inlaws moving in. cheers!
  5. its true, i here this is the next big thing in the fishing industry. the manufacturers are expecting this to be huge for them. CHeers!
  6. i fished alot last year on lake nipissing. The fishing was good for walleye. THe only problem was the slot. all fish i caught were all in the slot. I would like to see it set to anything under 18 inches you can keep and anything over you have to put back. this way if you want to keep 1 or 2 for the table great but you have to let the bigger ones go. The limit of 4 is fine but 2 would be better. For Largemouth all over I would like to see the limit go to 4 but only smaller ones. Smallmouth im fine with a limit of 6 but still why keep a fish that is 5 pounds 15 years old???? let it go to spawn more big ones. keep the smaller ones. Pike im cool with as is. Musky why keep a musky? have it c & r Just one more note about nipissing. extend the season. let it go till the end of november instead of october 15th. Just my thoughts anyway. Cheers!
  7. i have that same camera just the previous model. you will love it. great score! Cheers!
  8. damn hurry up and get the warm air sent up here. its cold and windy here. guess its better then being in dallas right now though!
  9. happy bday!! hope you are having a good one! Cheers!
  10. i have seen a pike grab a small duckling. On belmont lake in havelock. the pike didnt look ot big either. maybe 8 or 9 pounds. Im sure it happens more often then we think but it was somehting that I will never forget. Cheers!
  11. when i was a teenager i always said i would mount a smallmouth that was 4pounds or more. Caught some 4 pounders and let them all go. in todays times a 4 pound smallmouth is a nice fish but not really a tropy. I would say I would get a repilca mount of a 6pounder. Walleye i would get a replica of anything over 12. Not sure if i would ever get a real fish mount unless the fish couldnt be released. Cheers!
  12. i fished the south bay alot last year and will fish it alot this year too. i used walleye worm harnesses on weedlines and did well. i probally caught 40 or 50 walleye all were in the slot. small mouth bite on tubes on rocky points. i did well with top water lures. Largies hit plastics but I only caught a few. I dont target musky but had a few break me of on top water baits believe it or not. If you go to Billy bobs bait in callandar bay and spend some money in there bait shop they are willing to give you some better locations and baits to use. Trust me spend the money its well worth there advice! It sure worked for me. Cheers!
  13. thanks for the responses guys! I will certainly use your advice. I cant wait to get out on the water! only a couple weeks to go Cheers!
  14. remeber the days when our milatary was used to sand bag floods? or shovel out t.o. in snow storms? wish it was like that now. RIP and all the best to the families of these braves soldiers!
  15. the first week of may im headed to the parry sound region and need some help. I really am dying to go fishing and the only thing open are perch and crappie. I have never targeted these species before. The lake im fishing I know pretty well and have caught perch around docks and rocky shoals. i know i need to downsize the baits i use. but with ice out only for a week or 2 do I have to fish in deeper water? different structure? Any advice would be great. Keep in mind i will be in a buddies 12ft aluminum with 9.9 and this time of year the water will still be freezing so i rather not have to go to far out from shore if i dont have to. Thanks! Cheers!
  16. it does look like a bass, interesting fish for sure!
  17. buffalo will take the isles in 5 pens in 7 i say buffallo and the ducks in the final. As for the leafs....die hard leaf fan here. but seriously if they would have made it to the playoffs they would have lost first round anyway. Until they get a solid 40+++ goal scorer to play with sundin and raycroft plays much better i think next year may be much of the same. Maybe a healthy wellwood and peca would have got them into the playoffs but i think raycrofts lack of confidence and average play would not have carried them to far. Cheers!
  18. man its going to be a long wait till may opener thanks for rubbing it in, lol nice catch though!
  19. trolling with spoons tipped with shiners have worked for me. I have also had success using sucker minnows. dead or alive they have produced. Cheers!
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