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Everything posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. wow some awesome looking cars! but i wonder if some of those lambo's could tow a boat? thanks for the pics! cheers!
  2. good to hear she is ok. Hope she has a speedy recovery! Cheers!
  3. what an ass. man if that is mouthing off he should have seen me at that age. love that its on video tape. hope they fire his ass.
  4. those are some big fish! Thanks for the report! Cheers!
  5. yep this one has been around for years. Cheers!
  6. Not my idea of a 3some! Kind of neat that they trained a moose. Still though its a wild animal, not sure its the best idea! Cheers!
  7. welcome to the board! And your wearing the right hat thats for sure! Cheers!
  8. good to hear!!! Thats a nice little lake, glad to hear that its being patrolled! Cheers!
  9. i feel for the families big time. However, If they left the staked trails I dont care if they are from toronto or from baysville its still as dangerous when you leave the staked trails and i cant say im surprised it was locals. Just like the locals that went down on south simcoe back in dec. I have heard of more then a few trails that are closed becasue of unsafe ice and if you check out the ofsc website it clearly tells you to stay on the staked trails on most lakes in central ontario. Its such a shame, this is how snowmobilers get a bad wrap. I must admit, the case for floater suits for lake runners is making more and more sense. Stay safe out there all! Cheers!
  10. i think its awesome! Good for you guys! Cheers!
  11. well it started! One of my favorite days of the year is here and under way! over 12 hours of coverage including the 3 hours from 12-3 before the pros play where cbc tours towns across Canada talking about hockey with real players. There is no whining millionare players here, no billionare owners raising ticket prices, its real canadian kids playing the game all over the country. To me this is Hockey!!!!!!! I love it!!!! happy hockey day! cheers!
  12. wow im super jealous of you guys. i only fished about 20 days last year. i have a wife and young son is one reason i cant get out. the other would be the 60-70 hours a week i work. my son is still to young to fish but i would imagine my numbers will sky rocket once he can fish. cheers!
  13. i have been hit with flying ice of a transport before. it sure isnt fun. I dont think its possible to clear it off those big rigs but sure wish there was a simple way. Glad you didnt get hurt! Cheers!
  14. wow that was awesome! And to have it on video is amazing! Cheers!
  15. great report! Got to love nipissing! Cheers!
  16. the pic with sugarpacket and splenda is priceless! good report! cheers!
  17. great report! looks like a fun day! Cheers!
  18. sounds like a fun time! Congrats on the win! Cheers!
  19. 100 bucks all you can drink at the local bar and gets you a square. 100 squares. 6 of us decided to split winnings to give us a 6% chance at winning instead of a 1% chance. The whole game my buddy and I where the only people cheering for new england. until the last 2 minutes of the game when we realized that if the final scored ended up 17-14 we would split $4000. Needless to say we said forget the patriots and Go giants Go!!!!!! They scored then kicked the extra point and we went crazy!!! lol After tipping out the waitresses who keep the beer full in front of us all night and the bars take on the night we ended up with over $600 bucks each. Not a bad night of fun if you ask me! Super Sunday for sure! Now I am dealing with hangover monday but hey it was worth it lol Cheers!
  20. i do about 5000km a month and i can tell you i have never been pulled over when my cruise is set at 118 i drive by them all the time and dont slow down at all. That is on the 400 series highways. in residential areas you are better off to stay around the speed limit not so much to avoid the ticket as to avoid little ones running around. Cheers!
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