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Everything posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. we spoiled our 19 month old son but he didnt really care lol. next year he will be more into it. I think my wife was more excited then our son this year lol. My christmas is on the 27th when im at bass pro shops with $350 worth of gift cards! Cheers!
  2. merry xmas!!!! everyone here is still sleepy lol cheers!
  3. good to hear he is doing better! cheers!
  4. great year thanks for the post! i love the island fireplace! cheers!
  5. merry christmas lew and to everyone else! cheers!
  6. my best to your furry friend! it sucks that these things happen and always when money is tight. but you are doing the right thing. hope he gets better soon cheers!
  7. what a way to strat the holidays! congrats! Cheers!
  8. simon clearly has a mental issue. who trys to stomp on some with a skate on? it was just lucky ruttu was hurt real bad or it woudl have been over for simon. I love the tough guys but that was Bull. Cheers!
  9. you can open a factory in Russia tax free but you have to pay for the infrastructure. bring in roads, phones, electricity. This is obviously a place looking for that ticket. CHeers!
  10. i think its that pic you have up on display there mepps? Cheers!
  11. with the warm tempertures and rain coming into southern ontario this weekend you can be sure that people will fall though the ice. We are not in the north country here. a mild day like today with rain can do some serious damage to the ice. be safe! cheers!
  12. that is a monster smallie wow!!!!!!!!! Cheers!
  13. 4 or 5 playboy girls in sexy lingerie! Opps sorry wrong dream CHeers!
  14. i picked the under on that game because of the snow that was coming. Cheers!
  15. i have an 8hp mtd that has been a great machine since i got it 5 years ago. cheers!
  16. very cool!!! thanks for taking the time to post!
  17. I think catch and release needs to be practiced more. I think limits in alot of areas need to be cut from 6 to 3. Stocking will also have to be put into place on alot of lakes. The reason for my opionions are simple. I read a report saying that by 2050 there will be close to 50 million people in canada. THis means added pressure and we are not going to get addition lakes. so we need to cut back on whats harvested and start a good stocking program that makes sense to sustain our fisheries. Cheers!
  18. Here in Oakville the snow is starting to build up. Just started coming down heavier the last 20 minutes or so. Cant wait I hope we get 2 feet! lol be safe if you have to drive in this though! Cheers!
  19. im looking forward to it!!!! tomorrow is a home day and sunday my wife and i are doing a cpr course like 10 minutes from home. It sure will be nice to be close to home for a change when snow comes. Cheers!
  20. 409 page report??? i have a hard time staying up for 2 innings of baseball before i fall alseep. reading a 409 page report on baseball would take me 25 years. Cheers!
  21. not surprised nipissing is shallow and its been cold enought up there to make ice. the problem is, how safe is it? they have had lots of snow up there so who knows how thick the ice is. I think i woudl wait a few weeks just to be safe. Although i hear the smaller lakes, Like circle lake in north bay is being ice fished everyday and fish are biting. Cheers!
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