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Everything posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. lol everytime i read a post where you refer to your wife as old yeller i laugh my a-- off. cheers!
  2. Here a couple pics i found surfing. Not sure if you could use them or not but the second one is a huge fish. http://www.fishontario.com/images/articles...lue-walleye.jpg http://www.freewebs.com/knappys/img043-medium.jpg Cheers!
  3. good info on ice safety!!!! everyone should read this! ok justins comments about the cooler cut into the ice was pretty cool to! Cheers!
  4. grrrrrrrrr i typed 3 different messages and deleted them all becauce each one of them would have offended someone. some things are better left unsaid! Cheers!
  5. sounds like you should ship the wife off more often for these little 3 day trips. Cheers!
  6. great stuff. the fact is you guys catch fish from shore that most people can only dream of from a boat. Cheers!
  7. i will be dead honest. i started watching and had to stop to go play with my son. Im very lucky my son is very healthy and happy. part of me is really feeling lucky about it and part of me feels really bad for those who are not as lucky. i cant imagine the feelings these people have with kids with challenges or people who have lost a child. its heart breaking just imagining. im not sure if i will watch the rest of this or not but it sure does make me feel extremly grateful.
  8. no problem guys. a customer of mine put me on to this site and i must say....very cool stuff!
  9. im not surprised. its terrible news but why would you take the chance? be safe all!
  10. wow tragic losses. im very sorry to hear! we are thinking of your family in this terrible time
  11. http://myoutdoortv.com/new/fishing.html Linders fishing edge! 83 episodes wow! fish-in-canada, going fishing, winklemen its like the jackpot! fishing shows when you want them how cool! Enjoy! Cheers!
  12. that was on awesome video! Cheers!
  13. glad to hear you will be ok! got to to you though! I laughed my ass off when reading your post. Everytime you metioned yeller i laughed even harder! Cheers!
  14. vinny is number one right now but come on we all know sid is going ot run away with it eventually. Cheers!
  15. got to wonder how they can be out of stock on a flyer item? I guess thats retail these days! hope you can find it! Cheers!
  16. i missed it but sure hope they will replay it this weekend sometime! Cheers!
  17. counter charge her for sexual assault sounds like a good idea to me.
  18. sorry to hear about the passing of your mom. all the best in this difficult time
  19. yeah there sure are some nice people on this board! Cheers!
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