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Everything posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. i heard about a crack this morning on nip. im hopeing to get some pics of it emailed to me, apparently every year there are some pretty crazy pressure cracks on the ice on nip. be safe all! Cheers!
  2. my bday is on the 17th so i will take the long weekend bday! first time for that. Seriously though I would rather see this holiday mid july instead. It sure would make working the summer easier if we had a long weekend may 24, july 1, july 15, civic first week august, labour day but hey for the ice fishing guys im sure this is great! Cheers!
  3. corey i understand your frustration with non smokers giving you a hard time. its your choice not anyone elses. used to drive me crazy too. however you being upset about this being a fishing board and the post not related to fishing. this time of year majority of posts are non fishing and danbo clearly stated warning graphic pics and smoking related. if you dont want to read the non fishing related treads then dont read them. i personally have learned alot of things from peoples topics on this board that had nothng to do with fishing at all. and many memebrs here enjoy the nf posts because they find it entertaining. Hope you have a great weekend! and just think in about 4 months soft water season will be here and all the nf posts will be put to bed for the fishing reports until this time next year lol where im sure we will do this non fishing vs fishing related topics all over again. Cheers!
  4. 3-0 final. good game. its nice to see these games. you kind of get the idea of who will be in the next world juniors and maybe an early glimpse at future super stars in the nhl. Cheers!
  5. sure hope everyone reads this topic. be safe cheers!
  6. my boss lives on kempenfelt bay in barrie and he said there was open water all holiday long. its going to get worse with the warm temps coming. you may have to go north to a smaller lake to get good safe ice. Cheers!
  7. 2 things 1 floater suits will increase your chances of living 100 times if you go through the ice. It allows you to float and gian your composure to get out of the ice. The next thing is until the ofsc clubs stake the trails I wouldnt venture out on the ice. The trails are not open if they are not safe.
  8. i quit 3 years ago next month. Its been over a year since i quit caffine to! Feel way better and have way more energy! Cheers!
  9. i know a bunch of people up around simcoe that sled. My boss put on 1000 km over the holidays and he never ventured out on ice at all. It just makes no sense why anyone woudl risk there life on ice when they know it wasnt safe. All the best to the families who will be asking this same question for the rest of there lives.
  10. oh oh not looking good. hope they find them safe and sound
  11. that was a crappie report! lol ok that was cheesy but good report nice slabs for sure! Cheers!
  12. great pics thanks for sharing! Cheers!
  13. i talked to a fireman at wades landing marina in south bay of lake nip last summer and he told me his snow machine broke down at 430pm in the middle of winter about 3 miles out. he was lucky enough to be about 1000 yards from a shore line so he camped out and light a fire with his water proof emergency matches. he swears he would have been dead without them. Just goes to show you you can never be to safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good on you for thinking of everything! Cheers!
  14. wow im surprised there is 11 inches of ice with the mild temps and rain. good for the hut operators!!!!! Cheers!
  15. that was a pretty cool report. love the surprise while cleaning the fish! Cheers!
  16. that is a big slab for sure! cheers!
  17. This morning my wife wanted me to help clean the garage as its rammed full of work catologs from both of us. 2007 out 2008 in. Well i wondered over to bass pro shops with $350 worth of gift cards as a reward for one of the companies i sell for instead of doing the garage. This is what I came home with. A new tackle box and spinning rod with a whole bunch of lures, plastics etc...... to help fill the new box up. Got home and my super cool wife was almost done the garage! Then I had her help me organize my tackle box. What a woman! I think i will keep her for a little while longer! Cheers!
  18. cool good to know! thanks for the info. Cheers!
  19. dont worry to much about it. it was kind of expected. I wish taverarse would play more then just the pp but hey its an 18+ year old tourny anyway it always has been. As for goaltending? there has not been to many years were goaltending didnt win this tourny. Could be worse. They could have raycroft in net lol Cheers!
  20. my golden had her knee done in the fall. she is still in recovery. its a long process but it will be well worth it! Cheers!
  21. still a few years before i was born. Cheers!
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