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Everything posted by Freshtrax

  1. It's coming for your boat too... well the electric part anyways. I seem to always daydream and tinker thought it be neat to make an electric salmon boat.. up to 100 hp available http://www.elcomotoryachts.com/electric-101.shtml
  2. Nice going, too bad about BC, but life goes on make the best of it.
  3. Great rods I have a few. No need for the med heavy in my opinion.
  4. I need to do some exploring around home here for a good shore walleye spot . Looks like a blast.
  5. Nice going, I haven't hunted since my days in NC . I'm finally going this weekend to get my PAL and hunter safety. Going to try to fill a tag with the crossbow the last 2 weeks of the year as I'm off work anyways. Hope a beast like that strolls my way.
  6. Can't wait for the spring. Thanks for the report as always it was a great read.
  7. we hit a few lakes over the 3 days some of the crew hit a splake lake on the way home the got a few
  8. Nice going....thats it pete...were going musky fishing i have finally broke.
  9. only took me till 6 pm on the last day...was starting to get nervous
  10. I got a PM a few weeks ago stating that Ckewley had a line on the legendary lake that the MNR accidentally stocked with Auroras, and since they were stocked into a Brookie lake they were technically Brookies he asked if I was down and I instantly cleared my schedule for a few days. Last Thursday a motley crew of hardcore OFC Brookie fishermen met up at the hwy 89 carpool well before sun up and headed North for a few nights. We did not take a whole lot of pictures but ended up with about 20 Brookies , 10 auroras , and 2 rainbows between us. Not bad considering the lakes were mid turnover. The Brookies were nice and colorful, the Bonfires were massive, the fish-tales even bigger, and the beers were plenty. Thanks Guys for a great few days. And to you know who your are that gave us the tip ....we are forever in debt. till our next adventure.......
  11. I saw an iced over lake in Ontario this week..its coming...
  12. Feels kinda weird driving around in a snowstorm with a canoe on my roof. Should be an interesting trip.

    1. BillM


      I remember doing a float a few years back and the white stuff was coming down like crazy, good luck man!

    2. misfish


      This is steelhead weather now.LOL

    3. Freshtrax


      Close auroras and brookies

  13. Livin the dream... hope the little guy heals up ok.
  14. Nice work, i've been trying to stay calm about our trip next week but i'm starting to get the trout sweats wen i go to sleep at night.
  15. There's a few of us on here that team fish Lake Ontario . Helps allot
  16. I use the ones from Canadian tire on big lake o salmon to revive fish dragging behind the boat for a few min . once the water warms up. No issues yet only had them for one season.
  17. Awesome stuff. Makes me want to sell the house and move north.
  18. Just had a greedy pike steal sy small mouth.....first time for everything



      did ya at least get to scrap the pike? I had a 40+ pike do that this summer he held on and fought me for a while so it was worth it lol

    2. Freshtrax


      Yea almost had him in the net ..pulled the hook from the bass

  19. Home hardware has them also... They work good we had one at the lakehous growing up and def. helped in the winter.
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