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Everything posted by outllaw

  1. try getting out of warranty parts. impossible
  2. morning folks. been up 2 hours now. anyone else messed up time wise. LEW feel free to ring in. is it lew o,clock. dam time changes
  3. very sweet lots to that story. heritage. keeping the future of the sport. and the best. family time. congrats
  4. never was a fan of the time changes.. at least now it will be back to normal.
  5. I just lost a supplier in business because of a wester union idiotic deal. I called for a tracking question. they refunded the funds. I never asked for refund. of course I asked for a superviser. she was in china. man I have not been this wound in a while. I went from Canada,malaysia,to c.hina in 2 hours. are there any canadiens in this business anymore
  6. why is it,when you call to contact business on an issue. there all offshore non understanding of English . I have had enuff. that's my rant. no wunder I am bald
  7. I need my glasses checked. is that not a bunny cliff. a cottontail
  8. coyotes are my issue. I have been within10ft of snarling yotes while dog training.. that's in the city of Windsor ont.. I feel for the woman and her best friend
  9. reason for ammo shortage. STUPIDITY
  10. mike you will do fine. . keep up the good work.finding the fine balance is the key. just keep on being who you are and things will happen.. we appreciate the thanks. but in the end its who you are that will make ,the good things in life happen. keep at it.
  11. the thames empties into l.s.c. normally you can head out beyond the runoff of the thames. theres very little major structure.. this time of year the majority of muskies head to rivermouths. tere feeding on the shad migration. even though you saw brown ugly water,thats where the baits at. muskies there feed thru there lateral lines..normal patterns are 6-11ft this time of year. shad follow shorelines to their destination.
  12. if the c.o were not underfunded things could be different. as stating habitat and environment,thats right on. now to report a poached deer I found an hour ago. just the hinds taken. sad but mnr are underfunded and the powers that be do squander.
  13. shipping is brutal. even in Canada rates have gone up. while express post is good there not cheap by no means.. when we ship to the u.s. side there system has there own way of dealing with Canadian products imported. they shelve them up to 30 days.. when you include brokers the goverments definatly aligned the brokerage firms up.. I am sure theres a few polictical nest eggs out there lol.
  14. its food that simple. muskies just don't taste good .. just think.. no anti-biotics lo in cholesterol and fats.. somehow pioneers survived bye sustinence gathering.. im quite sure theres no grocery stores nearby..lol.
  15. get some 9-a bombers-32ft deep -100 back hot lips-1 oz.
  16. a dream for a trophy hunter. need a big den wall for them beautys
  17. I talked to a big musky the other day. she said wheres that SQUID guy.
  18. tires I did them for chrylsers on the truck fleet. I have seen some grisly puntures. best though was a live 303 round casing and all. as personal issues I always get sidewall bit. new tire then.
  19. a lighter and the fuzz in my belly button. endless supply
  20. and the judge just gave Kwame Kilpatrick 28 years in Detroit. why cant Canadians have a justice system that would do something. policticians should be held accountable and jailed.
  21. no laws broken. they had tags. whats the deal. do we not eat white cows,goats,sheep.
  22. thanks lew. that's pretty darn cool.
  23. guarantee the new legislation the pharma companies get on board soon. theres lots of money to be made. then doctors will prescribe on compassion grounds. guaranteed within 3 years. funny though pots been around since time started pharmaceutical companies not so.. as lew stated in a past post. theres bigger fish to fry.
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