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Everything posted by outllaw

  1. the days of 20 cents per gallon,,, yep you read it right. hemi cudas 454 chevies are gone. gas you want some eat more beans or cabbage. oh ya it takes more cabbage now to eat beans. i guess ya just cant win... funny though how the u.s. controls the greater part of canadian reserves?
  2. while they have their values, i have mine. honey wheres the batter mmmm.
  3. low down scum sucker steal a mans dog. man its a sad world. i feel they should neuter him, not the dog. whats become of society.
  4. funny . the richest woman in china became that way. from importing our north american paper waste to be re-cycled.. we have a long way to go. depleting resources is a north american habit.
  5. even southwest guys. its blwing here. good day for the fireplace and a movie.
  6. i agree with you. but vhs can mutate intio a new strain . immunity is only approx a 3 year thing after a kill. thats one of the many problems of diseases
  7. lew im with you on this one.. its a reminder of the days. only hearing a fish jump or a loons cry is decades back.
  8. not to be the opposite on the issue. the bait could be affected with vhs, or any newcomer virus. seeing this is in a couple years lets ask the proper questions from the ruling authorities.. we may even get a good answer. then make an intelligent decision.
  9. im so sorry mike. prayers and thoughts as you know will be sent your way.. . i do know one thing. hes raised a good son, and im sure your dads very proud.
  10. yes the standard practice is. its the price of doing business. things will be tougher as quotas have been reduced. lake eries sportfish can not feed the world. when some folks realize this instead of corporate greed, the sportsmen in ontario would be better off.
  11. ouch. i bet ya had a cold sweat going. im sure you got the point. i couldnt resist.
  12. you get what you pay for it. try getting a product exchange... im not slamming the product but... i have seen folks burn large. one order was 15000 bodies. not one was worth being a paperweight.
  13. a lot to absorb in one reading. i do know mortality increases with handling, aka photo -ops and water temps. i guess thats a peeve of mine. change hats, shirts. gotta make the sponors happy.
  14. every rod maker has faults. i prefer my charters choice. tiger rod blanks. i can pick up a 12lb bowling ball with mine. no crinkles or crackling. fiberglass composites are better for trolling. im not a caster. . these rods are in the under 100 category.
  15. This goes to show some are either not thinking or greedy. Resources should be available to all. . the sad thing this type of greediness is everywhere in canada.I do remember my days of quebec trout fishing. it was incredible. i certainly hope it continues for many generations to come.
  16. if folks want change lobby. thats the true way believe it or not. im sure theres reasons for laws, and for laws to be stricken from the books.
  17. hi guys theres several variables. the internet, aging cocooning folks and regulations that need lawyers to explain how to fish. our group in southern ont m.c.i. has a wide range of ages. its great to have young thoughts. whats even greater is for the exucative to explore their thoughts and suggestions. . the glue binding a fishing club is to have informative willing members to share and help the young folks , where how and when to.. another enticing factor for those looking for new members is if possible , to tap the family outlet. why not involve your kids, and wives. that provides a decent cheap outing to the families just starting out. every one knows how funds can be limited when they are starting out. and above all keep it fun. just a few personal thoughts.
  18. i bought the sony bravia. its un compared to. matched with the theater system, hd also. believe me i have been thrilled to go lcd.
  19. thanks guys. i have been busy.. lew hows my buddy marvin
  20. well gang after a long period i owe thanks to eh and the bosses of the site. happy new year.
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