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Everything posted by outllaw

  1. love the Olympics. the back stories of heart,consideration,that's the real story for me. guess what CANADA sure has class,heart,. these young folks sure can make their countrys proud.
  2. ironmaker. your dead on about country,s to live in. sadly though canadien goverments now and past have swallowed the poison pill. following u.s. standards .. .selling resources and not developing them straddles Canada,s future.. anyone ever see a politician with foresight beyond there present term.. veterans ,seniors,handicapped all suffer... the young folks here ,if you don't get out voice concern,your futures even bleaker. believe me. I didn't believe my parents till I lived long enuff to see this for myself.
  3. I was going to type a rant... no use . who listens. not the folks we voted for.
  4. the government will just keep cutting cheques to other countries. and then seniors veterans disabled and lo-income earners will do without. as for wood stoves the government would much rather give the wood to foreign countrys at 5 cents stumpage.. make ya sic eh.
  5. I am amazed to see openly fraudulent claims on this site. if someone has an issue with a business if you cant resolve it don't patronize the business.. yes ive been burned to. I just don't frequent the business.
  6. sorry if I broke your bubble. obviously referring to my comments... I saw and was mistaken.... if that's your take of my comments I will refrain.... have a great winter
  7. I watched it with no sound oh well I must be mistaken.. but at 7.05 of the video I saw the feller on the right holding the rig with 5 hooks. my mistake gents
  8. on one of the rigs they had 5 hooks. illegal in Ontario. as we all know a treble counts as 1 hook on artificial lures. the max. hooks on a fishing line/rod is 4 in Ontario.
  9. either way on the hunting issue,as a society we pay folks to cut and slaughter our meat products. . used to be you go to farmers for chickens/pork/beef. as a hunter/sportsmen we can be proud as hunters,gatherers.. as putting a bull moose head on the front of a pickup its acceptable in northern ont,but joe average has no stomach. we all live in a modern day vacuum. go to work,eat fast food watch cable tv. .some folks choose the other way. neithers wrong... I think I will have some venison t-day,and enjoy the fruits of my friends successful hunt. oh ya back to the original post. hope no one shoots themselves
  10. I have hunted Michigan for deer. they do make it an event. there not shy about hunting heritage. one thing I do know. after the first shots are fired.you better be prepared to swamp hunt,if you want a decent buck... these nothing like eating corn fed deer chops lol.
  11. the only difference will be. that bears that are destroyed will be accounted for in a licence fee. . non-residents have always made up the majority..
  12. from Windsor Ontario. I feel sorry for your representation in office.
  13. big boards rock. on l.s.c a mainstay since the 70,s. as for clips which you will end up buying,check the scottys.
  14. funny. no one mentions. clean your boat out. all the munchies that are somehow still on board attract critters.. those old gummy worms potato chips and such are just a buffet in the winter.
  15. honouring our veterans. every time I meet a vet I thank them regardless of what day it is. our freedoms have come at a great cost.
  16. enuff silliness. that's sweet lew. you seem to have your own private zoo. keep them coming
  17. sweet lew. is it possible the senate was on a field trip??
  18. he is on a destruction path. he needs to look in the mirror.. as squid said. he needs help.
  19. if it snows I will have to get my wife a new shovel this year. not only does snow disgust me. im cheap. lol.. im just kiddin guys.
  20. please we need global warming in southern Ontario. ice belongs in drinks,not lakes
  21. sweet. living on st clair many take it for granted.
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