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Everything posted by outllaw

  1. tomorrow starts t-day. your on your way.
  2. we have windmills everywhere in Essex county. they even tried at planning stages for l.st clair waters. everyone loves them NOT. why for gods sake are we being raped . the only benefits are the location owner-farmer and the company with the lucrative contract owner. taxpayers suffer .. . nuclear power far out performs. as for nuke waste,we store spent nukes here from the usa. why not our own???. guess it really is how far up the food chain you are. canadien joes are not in that equation.
  3. bullying is supposed to be illegal. maybe the lampreys in Ottawa should read the bullying act.
  4. not a hijack but. as whopper just stated a tracker went down,on the news. 4 souls. . don't know if its realted in your aspect. but trackers are well known for real bad issues. try to get your hull back if possible.
  5. in reality the boat itself would be evidence. . possibilities are endless without proof. you without the hull will be into a legal battle that the boat company mentioned,has been involved in for over a decade. many split open from defective welds/assembly. good luck . your into an uphill battle.
  6. I heard they parliament had a full sitting every mpp attended. that backflowed the sewage system. solve the problem. remove most mpp.s and theres less effluent overflow.
  7. we have allowed no accountability from our elected officials. from city polictics to federal.. pretty sad when folks have died for freedoms and then this.
  8. any trailer shop locally or princess auto ...tsc supply
  9. basskicker. my niece lives in manitouewadge lol.. that's out thar.. ooh caramat trail
  10. well. 3 inches of snow this morn. run my lab,he,s into that stuff. the 4 deer I saw looked at me in dis-belief also.. Windsor,s supposed to be the banana belt.
  11. either walk or call your mpp..option. buy a horse. his by product goes to the garden.. or you sell him off for glue
  12. 1.30 Windsor. are we paying for a 2nd gas plant lol.
  13. un conditional love. enjoy... labs live to please. after they teeth.lol
  14. amazing. he,s a hard working taxpayer with a family. some ones gotta take a hard look at that injustice.
  15. my jeeps never seen a dealership for warranty awesome. chrylser makes some very fuel efficient auto,s for mileage.
  16. that's sweet. and yes they taste sh---y
  17. there pests in Windsor ont. after closing the door they knock a second time. grrr..
  18. mike r your dead on..possession limits are outdated in some lakes... reality is a lot of huys have some fillets in there freezer for winter months. yes leagally it not legal. are they fish hogs. in my opinion not really. possession limits need to be updated in regional lakes.. the rule book is also so flawed its beyond belief.. the mnr state no money,and yes they have become very aggressive in finding ways to charge/ticket folks.. its a sad story about a world class resource.
  19. big cliff it seems to be common. please folks remember count your pills also.. I hope theres no bad affects to your loved ones.
  20. great invention. but pulling the hubs regulary and re-packing is sure insurance,and check those inner seals.
  21. diameter will be a problem . try braids. we use them with a led zeppelin weight/attactor.. lead zepilins come in sizes of 1oz-6oz. the don't twist with the bead chain system,plus there paintedin cool colors. lake erie guys luv em. they eliminate bottom bouncers and don't spook clean water fish.
  22. I went dreambox.500 wide open every channel...plus locals.. with my bell service I would never pay.
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