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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. sweeet Gerrit....up and running and working great....
  2. walleye - i agree about Kimbo....but ya never know ...he has been stepping up his game but i honestly dont think he has the cardio MacDonald is a tough dude he can take punishment
  3. Good thing your a handy guy Leechman....youve got a roofing project ahead of you very shortly .... Look on he bright side....at least you didnt run out of crap tickets in the "relief room"
  4. Heres my picks Machita Koscheck Stout Slice Cote Lawlor MacDonald hopefully the rest of the bouts will be entertaining ...GO Stout GO!!! represent London Ontario well!!!!!
  5. welcome aboard Kyle ....possibly see you on a river sometime or out on the lake ... Cheers
  6. its snowing speraticaly here with wind that cant make up its mind which direction to blow... what a thing to wake up to ( yeah i know its 2 oclock) ....we went fishing all night long in Kincardine..
  7. in the words of Freddy Prince...."LOOOOOOKEEEEENG GOOOOOD!"
  8. cheater/slider/snubber....pickerel /walleye regardless of the set up technique we have always referred to them as cheaters...but it does make sense to refer to them as their action...
  9. a cheater is roughly the half distance of your canon ball set depth ( 60 ft your cheater will run roughly 30 feet down from the bow in the fishing line) If you want to "stack" rods to get another controlled depth from the same cannon ball you can use stackers to introduce the second rod (10 to 15 feet higher then the first mainline) and throw another cheater over ...this setup will give you lures at 60 (first mainline) 45 (second mainline) 30 ( first cheater) 25 ( second cheater) As stated cheater lines vary in length ...the longer the line the more effective but the water needs to be calm so as not to tangle on turns... shorter cheater lengths allow you to make more aggressive turns and change the speed of the presentations from one side of the boat to the other. Lake Huron has the exception for two rods per person but Georgian is only one....make sure you know how many rods your allowed per person before "stacking rods" to accomadate the number of people on the boat... elastic bands for your cheaters are effective but as an option you can simply put on removable split shot (above and below)the cheaters snap.. Are you confused now ???lol
  10. Nice dinosaur Rock !!!!! ive only caught one in my life and it was only 49 lbs 54 inches long ....that alone was intense ....i can only imagine ( for the time being) how yours felt on the rod
  11. NOTHING worth doing or having is cheap...with the exception of .....well....neva mind
  12. yer special...lol... actually i think it defines you from everyone else..
  13. Ryan i dont understand why your float would need a rod ? Its pretty kewl that it talks though ....what will they think of next
  14. day and night is the difference...as anything your going to eat ....bleed it out ...and when cleaning remove the lateral line.... My method of bleeding a fish out is slice the gills and poke the tail on the lateral line with your fillet knife...let the heart pump the blood into the river...
  15. for the love of god Roy ....should you decide to accommodate this request ...please iron out the wrinkles before posting ...
  16. hey i watched it three times ....and i dont like mocha....extra large triple triple bubba... just kidding .....good on ya ...and it was worth watching three times...
  17. i think one of the funniest things i ever seen on the gong show was a rather large woman come out and start to sing and her false teeth flew out of her mouth...lol....still makes me laugh heres another favourite from back then http://www.youtube.ca/watch?v=3bnwbwrOM6g
  18. looks good ...36 miles on the speedo or on the gps??? where are ya going to mount the downriggers when ya get bored with the inland lakes? i always wondered what was in silver lake was told it was really shallow
  19. http://biggeekdaddy.com/humorpages/Humor/BestCardTrick.html just thought i would share this
  20. i think i would redefine the term "sanctuary" from a stretch of river (point A to point B ) to a depth of the entire river...say 4 feet or less through out any area of any trib/river be deemed santuary and non fishable during spawning seasons...This will eliminate the rippers of the rivers and if it doesnt the extra cash flow will subsidize the stocking programs i think we are all in agreement of reinstating the spring bear hunt
  21. My condolences as well Cliff...celebrate the friendship with a nice cold drink and a smile for the memories she gave you of making your life more fullfilled with her in it.. Cheers
  22. yep ....some real classy dudes on this site...good on ya
  23. i dont know if its an accident or co incidence but the composition of the first pic is KEWL!!! nice brown too
  24. who knew Virginia had equivalent bud to B.C.
  25. pretty sly for a flyguy....nice shootin...
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