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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. IN the words of Forest Gump "stupid is as stupid does"
  2. you might want to try FLOCK...ive been using it for a year now and love it
  3. How concerned are you that literally thousands of fish per boat cross the border are potentially wasted??? or are your concerns only with Canadian anglers?
  4. nomad found himself??? might have to change your handle now for some reason my "Chief Administrator" capabilities are not working at all ....
  5. what a hypocrite she is lmao....i wonder how the RLTA selects the members to represent them and on what merits
  6. Those robins are a sight for sore eyes....
  7. depends on if you enjoy Iron Maiden or not nice fish to both both of you...the insanity is about to begin ....
  8. lmao....so much for finishing the honey do list....
  9. Owen Sound http://www.sydenhamsportsmen.com/derby/
  10. Bill you get ten chances to win a new sportspal at the Salmon Spectacular...(i think they are only 12 footers though ) with the numbers of entrants dropping over the past years ...your chances only get better
  11. i cant think of anything else i would rather read then a report like this on a sunday morning .... Nicely done !!!!!
  12. addiction is a perception of someone else other than yourself....i just asked my wife if i had a fishing addiction and her response was " no its who you are but there are times when i dont like you when your fishing Derbies" In my defense to her statement fishing isnt the problem ...sleep deprivation is
  13. kinda gets ya all warm inside ....dont it ????...or maybe its the scotch ...
  14. maybe bass fishing isnt so bad after all....
  15. copy and paste from the article in the paper "Further data shows that only 5% to 8% of visiting non-residents harvest more than 300 fish (some reports like those from Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) border crossing checks show boats leaving the province with staggering counts of Rice Lake sunfish numbering in the thousands). " i wonder how many of the 5-8 % own fish markets or restaurants?
  16. its a man made lake that isnt very deep....if there is ice on it ....i wouldnt trust it ...
  17. catch and release ....just like corrections canada.... i see NOW Irish has the same sence of humour....i watched the video before i seen the replies ...lol...
  18. her reactions in the video are as sweet as she is ....nice job....!!!!!!!!! ....i actually laughed out loud.... where else but in canada can you fish in a t shirt and warm your beer up on the BBQ
  19. i recognize the location from the ziplock sandwich bag....
  20. plytanium Dri - Ply......i stand behind my recommendation....i have two scrap pieces sitting out back that have been exposed to three years of midwestern ontario weather ...they look/ feel and are as structurally sound as the day i bought them.. furthermore...if you do choose to remove the PL and go from there ....a" multi tool" provides several different blades/scrapers that will literally cut the glue flush to the surface
  21. yummy ....nice shooting ...kewl video too
  22. welcome to the board 462liquid...i too dont find lakers worth the effort of catching ...personnaly i speed up a mile per hour so i dont catch them ....so i spend my time targeting salmon and trout.... how about you ???what do you target ?
  23. sumtin fishy going on here .... maybe if we all sit and bash the MNR for its said Laker limit the RLTA can bring this thread into their next meeting .... they put limits for a reason ...when they lowered the rainbow limit to two on lake huron ...i didnt get mad at the MNR.... i got mad at the people that continued to take 5.... thanks to that limit and restocking....we still have fish to appreciate... i think this thread is confrontational by design .... here comes another flame
  24. yall got balls ...ill give ya that ...holy crap ...but not as big as the dudes that dropped the airplanes on the ice....im pretty sure you guys know what your doing...i almost crapped my drawers just looking at the pics of land in the horizon... i think i just exposed myself as an ice wooosey
  25. so wouldnt "central salmon" be a more appropriate name as opposed to" atlantic salmon" for the freshwater self sustaining fish ?? (above Niagra)
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