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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. its been more then a few years since ive launched my boat out of there but i have fished on friends boats in the past two years in Glascow ....prepare for rainbows!!!! have fun and use caution in the area...."lake erie boil" is a reality ...30-35 dn over 60 - 75 fow Good Luck
  2. Life is but an adventure....yours is being etched into ours as well as yours .... thanks for that cheers
  3. Lew -with all do respect ...some thoughts are best not shared on the internet....but i totally understand
  4. i bet you find it within two degrees of you or your son ...someone has bragged about the car to someone and they want certain parts from it ...hope it finds its way home still in tact... i know how you feel ...VIOLATED with out a kiss...
  5. since you dont back up your files ....it wont matter... have your boss buy one of the huge arse drives for storage...
  6. i have good news for you ...you dont have to pay your wife child support because the kids arent yours Just Kidding ....i couldnt resist... day should get better now... oh....tell your boss he has to go fishing with you this weekend ....and his kids arent his....
  7. lmao..."im on a horse"
  8. Living in the St Thomas area at the time of this issue i always believed your statement to be a ploy to keep the bleeding hearts at bay from the real reason there was a required mass cull...(deer meet car)insurance companies pissed) i was all for the cull but i wish they had of opened it up to the general hunting public instead of just the natives....although they put a small dent in the population ...they drove more deer to the east and north ( london area ) shortly there after deer were showing up in the city..(literally in banks )..convenient for the hunters of the area but in essence ...what they did was relocate the problem...two years running a friend of mine hit the crocket list with two massive Bucks... The Carolinian Forest is as it was ( in my opinion ) This thread is a good read ...thanks Jocko and Rick
  9. hmmmmmmmmm suppose ill just have to go and confirm that statement
  10. cordless drill loaded with the appropriate sized socket and pull the trigger ....
  11. lmao.....good one ...got me ...."im on a horse"
  12. first time i told my mom i was going to Regina ....she slapped my face
  13. i kinda like this rant it is funny .....but then again i like the Old Spice commercial with the African American dude that says " Im on a horse"
  14. nah he would make a great late night comedian that steals other people material....hmmmmmm we could call him Jay Leno...lol....
  15. Zune ???? what is Zune.... Glad you asked....its a forum in which this was directed to
  16. ...ten spelling mistakes though ...ill chalk them up to you obvious frustrations....lol...
  17. Twocoda

    Dock shots

    Birds of a Metal Feather
  18. and if he doesnt??? are you still responsible????lol.... its all good ....i have to go there anyways just thought i would tighten a line while i was there..
  19. Thanks GBW... Look out skeeter ...your going to have a PM
  20. Twocoda

    Dock shots

    first frame- incredible ! third frame- Sweet capture!!! Fourth frame- great composition and colours ...love seeing the houses and cabins contrasting to the plane and water.. Second frame- does nothing for me but im sure it was kewl taking it ...with the noise of the plane Nice shootin
  21. thanks skeeter...
  22. thanks fish meister...ill do a googe earth thing and see what i can find ....on these spots...im not taking the boat down there ,,,,just going to bring the long rods and pin for a few hours...probably with little sucess as the water levels must be high with all this rain ...or should i bring spinning gear for chucking hardware ?
  23. i have to go to Ajax ( work related) tomorrow and will be bringing some fishing gear...i plan on staying the night and fishing saturday morning for a few hours..problen is ....i dont know the area at all...any ideas on where to fish ? If your uncomfortable posting a location in the open forum ...please feel free to PM me .... I'll return the favour when/should you decide to come to my neck of the woods...( i never have a problem putting people in front of fish) Cheers
  24. ha ha ha better plan the parade route now....
  25. i bet that sunfish is pissed you didnt catch the pike a half hour earlier...
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