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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. if your post count was higher i might consider it ...lol..welcome to the board ..way to bring the lurkers out to play jewlbee
  2. i think Oprah would be proud of the river otter( lol....she did a show on how a poop should look ) and in my defence its the ONLY episode i have ever seen
  3. yep it sure did take a looooong time for Canada to get Viagra...
  4. not intending on being the devils advocate or anything but it sounds like you need to go fishing ...to clear your mind... Dont let the weight of the world push you 6 feet down
  5. honestly i didnt even notice the ads on lostchilds link.... no pictures and just reading material
  6. within the last year there was a thread regarding the possibility of one of our members of possibly being mis-diagnosed....is this the same person you are referring to ???? If so ....holy crap !!!! my deapest condolences to his family and friends
  7. the beaver didnt seem angry ...but probably should have been ...cuz it was getting pounded...
  8. thats what i initially thought but couldnt find any online samples...( after all isnt that what the internet is for ???? looking for crap)
  9. Since Gerrit is stumped....ill answer for him "Call Me" is a song by the American new wave band Blondie. Released in 1980, "Call Me" topped the singles charts in both the US (where it became the band's biggest selling single) and the UK (where it became their fourth no.1 hit). Hits of the 80s for 500 Alex
  10. ha ha ha ....good to see it wasnt just my comp that had that on it ... um no apology necessary!
  11. Riddle me this so if a bear eats a deer and poops it out ....does that not make it deer poo?
  12. 11:08 - 80 MPH 11:09 - TOD in excess of 80 MPH Your going to be able to catch some really fast fish with this rig.... Nice Ride!!!!! to get my heart pumping im happy at 57 MPH...but i can achieve that also at 2.2 MPH...FISH ON!!!!!!
  13. I dont see mention of Canadians causing any of the problems related to the world but reference to Americans and Russians in your post... As far as religion goes....learn to read the lines in what ever book it is you read be it the Koran or the Bible( instead of interpreting between the lines)....i dont see mention of terrorism or after hour choir boy practice.... Problem solved free of charge... Im going to hit the back button now and see if i entered a political/religion forum by accident... Carry the weight of the world and you WILL be crushed Cheers
  14. both are deer ...one is scouring
  15. having farmed deer and elk for many years i can also assure you it isnt deer....( at least i have never seen deer poop look like this at any given time of year ) even on electrolites after a scour) black bear or bobcat ( eliminated yote coon and deer...)although i have found coon poop in the corn similar to this ) to know for sure ....taste it and see who it tastes like...regardless im sure it will taste crappy
  16. i hope the habs continue their run for the cup cuz part of the fun is the fan bantering back and forth ....although it is a shame things get outta control in and out of the stadium...but you just chalk that up to a distinctive society....maybe we should all boycott french toast for a week so the frogs can get the message they arent representing CANADA'S GAME very well...they need to quit acting like americans and switch to the classy side... hows this for stirring the pot?
  17. really hard to say ....i would expect more massive volume if it was a bear for this time of year as they would be replenishing their system after fasting all winter....could be a yote
  18. Happy 88th ....i swear you dont look a day over 87....all the best
  19. its a great site Gerrit ive loaded a few movies from there ...iron man 2 and Avatar....so far so good and it seems to be safer then the torrents it was a good find ....thanks
  20. ahhhh why bother ...it will only bug ya when its raining out....
  21. Twocoda


    Best defence is to raise your hands over your head and scream bloody murder ( if you cant make it to cover)
  22. WOW that was quick
  23. Both koscheck and Daily are pathetic.... time for the main event!!!!!!!!!
  24. gotta give the first round to stevens
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