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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. Actually Rick this is one of very few years i consider to be on perfect timming with the schedule of the fish...literally thousands upon thousands have been up the river to do their thing and there are still fresh fish comming (in skien) In my opinion the controlled cull of two is perfect to the capita and timming of not letting the bows exhaust the baitfish in the lake...they are one of the prominent top predators afterall... Im only speaking from this area though but have noticed a drastic decline in the amount of Musky that are normally running the river at this time... As already stated the warmer water is making for some amazing fish fights with recovering males and fresh hens comming in and going out... it couldnt get any better to tell you the truth..from the perpective of entertainment ,availability, fish being put back due to recovering and fresh fish for table fare....something for everyone !!!
  2. that might piss off his mistress...just kidding ....looks like the two of you had a good time and i enjoy seeing the adventures you two have together regardless of the season...you are a lucky man to share it with your best friend....so man up and marry the girl already!!!!
  3. Jack has been the source of successful chumming over the years....looks like a good time
  4. nice going Dutchy....looks like the water was still high enough to be over Splashoppers head
  5. Condolences ...its real cool you let him go on his own terms...
  6. shootin ducks in a barrel...it was a very good opener but not as good as last year when the water levels were higher .....i hope this whole season can be compared to last year though ...it was amazing and this year in right on track to "one up it "... .... i havent played tennis in 25 years but i have tennis elbow
  7. lol...shoulda told your buddy to fish on shore at your feet ....
  8. you cant carry the weight of the world on your shoulders....youll get crushed Good on ya Cliff...maybe create an aura of no tolerance and eyes are always watching
  9. Whats "up" Vinni ???? Viagra has been around for many years now...j/k Good Luck to you too..
  10. now that is clever....or is it alcohol abuse....
  11. Now that they exposed themselves to this board as fools i guess they need to go through the media to ensure the whole province is aware they are
  12. yeah no waders required....just a comfy pair of crocs for the average size person...lol..but its still over your head Splash
  13. lmao...yeah im just wondering how to get a job with the Ontario Fish Census Board....i fishy two fishy three....
  14. if your fishing in a stocked pond ...try kernels of corn ...or small cubes of velvetta cheese or worms....good luck
  15. NEWSFLASH : Due to unseasonal temps and lack of rain the Ontario Fish Census Report has determined that there is no sport in targeting trout in 3 inches of water and has released a statement that trout opener will be canceled on the 24th of April in all Ontario tribs and rivers until the rivers water levels have risen to a respectable depth /flow to make it more sporting. There is an exception to this statement that if fisherpersons carry garbage bags and clean 6 pieces of debris each along the shorelines of thier perspective streams they will be permitted to fish and enjoy the tradition of trout opener to its fullest! Tight lines everyone !!! have a safe adventure and clean up after yourselves...so as not to ruin future opportunities on the rivers... Ill leave you with this little "catch phrase"(pun intended)..."if its black .....put it back"
  16. lol....that was almost a week ago ...you should see it now...if it keeps going like this the name is going to be changed to Geen Creek
  17. congrates on the win... ...curious though ....do you eat the fish out of lake O ?
  18. your last pic is simply amazing and depicts fishing's solitude to it finest...its an image burned in every fishermans mind ( even when standing in a crowded river in Missisauga Amazing trip!!
  19. Most of the time i find lack of knowledge is the base for poaching just last weekend i was heading to a legal spot on the river and noticed a person clearly fishing in a sanctuary in the middle of the river....i called out to him to ask how the fishing was ( this provided the opportunity to see his face and see if he was a native) and if he understood he was fishing in a closed section of the river ....his lights came on and he high tailed it out of the river...when he got to shore i reminded him it was wise to do your homework on any given body of water prior to casting a line so you know where and when you can fish...he was a nice guy ...just made a mistake...thats all it was...i took him down river and put him front of fish ...and he had a good day... Every encounter doesnt have to be confrontation when its approached from the angle of trying to help or save someone some hardships of fines...i think 9 times outta 10 youll find you may just get a big thank you from most people for saving them from themselves... in the same note...some just cant be saved i was taught it was illegal to shoot a bird not in flight...maybe the rules have changed...
  20. hey ive been to Regina...oooops never mind
  21. Fish roe may be legally stripped (taken) from fish that are legally caught provided that the fish itself is not discarded and wasted. You may also give fish roe to other anglers for their use but an angler may not sell, trade or barter fish or fish parts including the eggs. Only the holder of a commercial fish licence or an aquaculture licence may sell fish roe. this is the second time i posted this information for you Afraz...hopefully youll get the hint that what you proposed in the other thread is illegal and the buddies you hang with are prctising illegal activities as well....
  22. what you proposed is an illegal action ..."if" you want to "give" him some you can "Fish roe may be legally stripped (taken) from fish that are legally caught provided that the fish itself is not discarded and wasted. You may also give fish roe to other anglers for their use but an angler may not sell, trade or barter fish or fish parts including the eggs. Only the holder of a commercial fish licence or an aquaculture licence may sell fish roe."
  23. TJ those shoes dont match that hat so i didnt watch any of your Dancing With the Stars debut...but it was nice of you to shave your arms/shoulders for the pic IM sure glad you didnt debut in the Rocky Horror Picture Show
  24. serial number and check the manufacturer to see if it was registered to someone for warranty issues should they arise....some people actually do fill out those forms and send them in ....might be a long shot but ya never know..
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