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Everything posted by Twocoda
Good things come to those that wait ...congrats
Question for the hunters, buck or doe to eat?
Twocoda replied to Burtess's topic in General Discussion
there are many variables here to consider....age...method of kill (meaning instant or stressed) time of year ( buck in rut or doe lactating)...but for the most part ...a young buck ( stag with only spikes ) compared to a yearling doe ....you would be hard pressed to tell the difference assuming they were hung the same...(only an experienced conaseuir might detect the difference)...by far the BEST you will ever eat is a lactating doe of any age ....second place would go to veal...( before the mussle tissue turns red ) It isnt likely you will ever get the chance to eat a lactating doe or veal due to the time of year in the wild....unless you are unfortunate enough to hit one with your car... For inquiring minds ...i am a hunter and have never taken a deer out of season or illegally ....but in the 90s i used to farm deer and Elk and was subjected to many different type of culls of the herd to support the info i just posted... Hope it helps you are correct...venision is much leaner and healthier -
Majestic indeed...excellent perceptions
Well i just went through the fishingreports section on the Longpoint site ...and was wondering what two nuclear reactors had to do with fishing ...other then the fact that people that work in that field or live around that area and are members of that site ...obviously love to fish ...isnt that a common bond ??? The long point site is very well moderated and seems to be helpful for many things ( although i never knew it exsisted)... but when and if i do head down to long point in the future for a fishing excurtion ...ill be sure to read more indepthly on thier site to get the lowdown...and will go fishing with the knowlege i aquire from there as well as here......I wasnt even going to entertain a post in this thread but the shovel comment kinda made me laugh ...because we had two feet of fresh snow fall last night and my snowblower just went on the fritz.... Anybody got a shovel???...preferably with an operator...lol...
13 years ago i lost my Aussie ( Max ) prematurely...i could never bring myself around to getting another ( Max even saved my life).... until recently ( 5 months) we added a new addition to the family...not an Aussie but a Golden Retiever...Zoe is her name and when i walk through the door she literally shakes of excitement to see me ( kinda like Dino with Flintstone)....Now that Zoe is here i have come to realize what i have been missing for 13 years...Dogs truely are a mans best friend so dont deprive yourself like i did....13 years is way too long !!!! Max is etched in the memory banks of my life but Im really looking forward to the memories that will come with Zoe..... Condolences for the loss of Jesse and as stated before ...in your heart of hearts ...you did the right thing Now lets se if i can post a pic of Zoe
Welcome aboard Backlash....
Fantastic photography...extremely well done...how did you get those trees to stand still long enough to capture those images...
I used to have a 15 foot legend tiller ...served me great ...even out on the great lakes...but my trips were limited due to wave hieghts...so i went up to a deep v fiberglass ...As far as aluminium boats go ...i dont think there is a better boat then then princecraft....( just my opinion ) ....but for comfort ...fiberglass all the way...its alot better if you can plow through a wave as opposed to riding up and over it .....regarless of your final decision...im sure your gonna love it .....make sure to compare hull thicknesses and rivets/welds
I wonder if they would have any objections to retrieving your own out of thier tank.....Imagine walking into no frills to catch fish....better yet ....imagine getting skunked in no frills...lmao
If the glove didnt fit last time ...the shoe fit this time... Catch phrase for the US correctional system....." Pass the OJ "
hope it askin too much ......( hope the pic comes through too )
there should be water.... Sorry couldnt resist ( i tried too )
Quick Review on the BPS Pro Qualifier spinning reel
Twocoda replied to MCTFisher9120's topic in General Discussion
i would check to make sure there isnt any gap or crease between the bail and the bail roller that your line could possibly get caught in... -
Fenwick 10.6 HMX IM 7 ( sale $170ish )with a Garcia reel.....is the combo i have together for chucking hardware....only arm strain i ever get is if i catch too many ...everything from salmon steelies down to bass and perch ...all on 8 pound test...and if hardware isnt working and your " normal" float rod is busted...you can always throw the center pin on with out a problem ( providing your not surroundd by 15 foot rods)
Its really rather simple...when in doubt ...dont go out.....only you know your skill level in the yak ..your tolerances to water are pretty much the same for everyone give or take a few minutes should you end up in the drink...are you willing to pay the price ? foolishnss is in the eyes of the safer people ( ones that live long lives)...but in the eyes of a progressive adrenaline junkie that has succussfully conquered extreme adverse conditions its just another day at the office to share a story possibley with a fish in hand...( our hobby is expensive beyond belief when the price is a life)...(...condolences to his surviving friends and family should they be members of this forum ) Personally ...i choose to live but ill still be out on the water come spring derbys..in extreme adverse conditions with frigid water and 2-3 second intervals in 15 - 20 footers ...but i know my skill level ,tolerances, equipment and the price it may cost...its what we do...Evryone of us is an adrenaline junkie at some level...why else would stand in a river for 5- ??? hours for the rush of landing a fish.... Golfing is too boring unless its lightning out .....but i would never want to climb Mount Everest.....when my time comes....i can only hope that it is doing something i lived to do BTW...i had a close call ice fishing in alberta 19 years ago ....and havent ice fished since....
Its kinda funny ...we wer just saying the other day that there was crap out for movies....but i think i would actually enjoy this one.....the new Get Smart movie (surprisingly) actualy mad me laugh twice
welcome Newbie ...i too am new to this forum ...but no stranger to fishin in the Credit.....hows it been lately???
Half a dozen of one or 6 of the other....i say take the dog eventually he is going to have to get used to the sightings of everything in the bush...but i would keep him on a retractable leash for his safety until you are 100 % confident he will comply to your commands...take him off the leash when you want to try to work him to retrieve...i too have a retriever but she dosnt have balls of steel...5 months 45 pounds
Didnt happen to me but i know the couiple that it did ...fishing derby......out in the middle of the lake...probably close to 6 foot waves and the rod goes off.....wifey runs to the back of the boat to grab the rod and trips up.....right into the curtain of lures hanging on the side of the boat....at least 6 lures set into her leg...seriouly set..fish gets away and off to the hospital........ The next day we are all sitting around having a few drinks and admiring all of her new bandages up her leg ( looked like a cast ) and i turn to her hubby and ask what he won...he looks at me like im from Marz and i say ....well the reason you two were out on the water yesterday in those conditions was because it was Ladies Day ..and as far i know ...you were the only one to catch one....
I just found this forum and started reading through a bunch of threads...thought to myself...this is what i have been looking for ....as i get more familiar with how to work this site ill post lots of pics and updates conditions and such as to where and how the fishing is in any area im wandering ...and if the fishing is great in my backyard...( Lake Huron) ill be sure to let ya know ...so you too can hammer away at the steelies or salmon...whether its by rigging on the lake or running up the river...i just love to fish..and dont mind sharing info...so all i have to say now is .......... HI FELLOW ADDICTS