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Everything posted by camillj

  1. With my humminbird 565 I can zoom in and see (distinctly) two minnows and a split shot when I am fishin lakers through the ice at 45 feet ...and I can see when the lower minnow swims up to avoid the 'incoming' fish ... before the line evens starts to move ... It is black and white lcd and a battery lasts most of the weekend in minus 20 weather ... can't say enough good things about it... But I do like those sidescan images - I suspect it will be a while before they drop down to the $300 range
  2. Nice fish ! Thanks for sharing ... sounds like some hefty Pike as well as the goldens and hey there Lloyd ya old hound dog ... what's with the caps-lock ... you think you are COPPER ?
  3. Wow Joey great report .. and jeeze Roy ... thats sounds like one heck of a 'supper' ... sounds more like haute cuisine to me !
  4. My favourite fish by far .. thanks for sharing ! What province was that in (if its not too forward of me to ask)
  5. Sorry for your pain Wayne - a huge dose of karma is surely coming your (and Jennifer's) way - you deserve it. There always a room for you here in the big smoke if you ever need it.
  6. Nice looking rods - and thanks for sponsoring our site !
  7. Sorry to hear Kelvin, live life one day at a time ... try to be thankful for everything you have today and enjoy every minute you can ... there rest will take care of itself.
  8. Wow .. pretty fish .. boy do they ever look like Splake ! thanks for sharing ... ya sure dont get rivers like that in Ontario !
  9. I gotta agree with Roy on this one ... it's amazing how much good a little honest heart to heart can have (if your goal is to improve the situation for the long term) ... on the other hand ... if the dad's first reaction was 'now you've cost us even more money' instead of ... 'thank GOD nobody was hurt - what were you THINKING son !" ... then maybe dad needs a little wake up call too ... sometimes sorry just isn't good enough.
  10. Wow .. if I knew you were catching those in Rice lake ... I'd be renting a boat there for sure !!!!!
  11. wow if thats 2 acres ... I live on a farm !!!!!
  12. Awww jeez and right before the hockey game .. now I gotta go wash my face Very touching ... for a guy who has two daughters right about that stage in life ...
  13. Wow .. fabulous day on the water ! Thanks for sharing.
  14. Thats a pretty brown for sure .., and I too love those Diawa Whiskers ... best drag on the market IMHO ( I own several )
  15. I have a couple ... havent had em out in a few years ... heh ... maybe I will have to re-integrate them with the rest of the 'active' baits
  16. Welcome back JF ... sorry to hear about yer leg ... but glad its lookin up for ya !
  17. ziplock bag in a sink full of cool water .. will defrost in under an hour
  18. I love my old Johnson Seahorse(s) .. they re great and will putt along at zero-point-five
  19. cute ... but very tiny for this time of year ...
  20. Agree 100% - Cant say enough good things about the Knipex ... they aint cheap .. but they sure do work .. fast and like cutting through butter ... I always keep them and my 10" needlenose pliers OUT and on the bench beside me ... right there on the towel I wipe the slime off my hands with
  21. hey Cliff, I have had a 2 man Ice cube for about 5 years .. love it ... when I am fishing alone ... about 3 years ago I got the 4 man ...the 4 man is perfect for two of you ... lots of room for 2 chairs and coleman-cat heater and coolers/thermos etc ... and its VERY light ... goes up in only a few minutes and has AWESOME Ice screws to keep it in place even in high winds ... I have tried a few but the ICE Cube does it for me ... I use mine every year up on Lake Joseph for the lakers ...price is also in the $200 - $300 range - cant honestly remember (I got one off of ebay and the other was a christmas gift from my better half)...anyhow .. other BIG selling point for me is that I can put it up all by my lonesome ... in under 5 minutes... I believe the dimensions on my 4 man are 8ft x 8ft x 7ft high.
  22. Sounds like a special time Roy ... I second the request for a pic ...
  23. I never gotmy sticker ...but I just leave my OFC cap in the rear window .... I find it keeps the hoodlums away
  24. Wow ... I must surely have misplaced my invite !!! Darned Canada Post .. and they have been pretty reliable lately ??? Oh well ... Congrats Joey and Paul !
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