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Everything posted by camillj

  1. I'll be lookin for it ! May just head to one of my old haunts on GB this weekend ... the big girls are makin noises about putting on their feedbags
  2. Welcome back Sis ... glad to hear things are lookin up for ya !
  3. They make AMAZING laker bait when the hardwater time comes ... eeeks ... did I just say hardwater ????
  4. Thanks Lew and Joey, she seems to be doing well and I think Igor is taming a bit .. apparantly CNN has some footage of her feeding the Dolphins in the middle of the storm .. will post the link if/when it becomes available.
  5. Man I love specks .. they are so special ! Thanks for sharing ... next spring I am gonna try the ol spoon and worm approach ... its very popular in Quebec where I fish ... and now I can see why
  6. well .. not really sure what to say, but I have to share with my OFC brethren how proud I am of my oldest daughter who is currently holed up at Dolphin Quest in dockyards Bermuda ... makin sure they are safe and sound through Hurricane Igor .. which is just finding its way directly over Bermuda as we speak ... been watching the 'live' webcast most of the day here is a link if you wanna tune in ... Online Video Marketing
  7. Walked all the way up Erindale last week ... nothing in yet
  8. If you're up to it ... I'd love to have a custom 9' rigger type rod (med action)... long handle ... suitable for a Penn 309 loaded up with 12 lb leadcore and for hanging off a double salty ... for chasing specks at 9 colours over 120 ft of water in a Laurentian lake .... if you can do custom inscription I'd love it to read "Kifinti" in bright red (which means "how are you" in Maltese)
  9. Nice Job Art ! And thanks for the little PM you sent me 3 and a half years ago when I was contemplating quitting smoking ... it worked
  10. Awesome Specks ... and great work changing it up to match the conditions ... most of our fish last week were 7 colors or deeper ...
  11. Be strong, golfers and fisherman have many things in common ... at the core its all about responding to an inner flame ... and sometimes that flame flickers ... but have faith it will will re-ignite ... just as the sun will come up tomorrow. Sounds like you lost a close friend, but if you choose you can keep him close to you for all times, and now it is up to you to keep the flame lit.
  12. By the way .. one of the major vermin attractors is bird feeders ... the rats etc love to get free food from the seed sprayed by the birds ... lose the birdfeeders if you have any. There are professional traps that worked like a charm for us ... gone in a day or two ... now the little red squirrels are a different story... they are crazy !!!! Keep trying to re-enter my house (had some winter boarders last year) by chewing through the dryer vent cover ... found about 20 lbs of pine cones in boxes in my basement I have taken to screwing wire mesh into the brick behind the vent cover but they are working on that too !
  13. HH - I feel your pain ... having had similar experiences (whenever we or doctors moved ) ... actually in one instance the real issue then wasn't even cost - it was in just getting it to happen. In my case we were going abroad and NEEDED a copy of our records to ensure the (as yet undetermined doctor) would have access to all the prescription issues (alot of them were ongoing at that time) Anyhow I agree this is an issue that deserves public review - we should at least be entitled to a copy of our own records - we do after all PAY for our medical system ... some of us more than others ! And no Billy ... our Health Care system is far from free - but it is (in theory at least) accessible to all equally regardless of financial status. BTW ... (and I know you already know this HH - but for the benefit of others) knowingly writing a bad cheque is not only immoral ... it's also against the law...it's called fraud.
  14. .. yes Joe is a heckuva good lake ... havent really fished lakers there this time of year but have had alot of success there in the hardwater season ... alot .... and some BIGUNS ... 25+lbs to be had ... my guess would be deep (50 +) and slow ... Let us know how you do !
  15. Actually, no I am not a cottage owner, but I am the kind of fisherman who places my respect for others above my own need to pursue any particular pleasure - especially if it is clearly at their expense. I am not suggesting that fishing a dock is wrong - but it is simply not good manners to intrude on any landowners privacy - whatever your activity - remember you can move - they can't - there is ALOT of public property (and water) to use freely without making a nuisance of yourself - and being all self-righteous about your right to do it - is exactly the attitude I am ashamed of. Nuff said.
  16. FLAME ON You know ... I never fail to be amazed by the lack of insight of a few of our members ... its enough to make me ashamed to be part of the fishing community. How anyone can defend their right to intrude upon the RIGHTS of privacy to any landowner is beyond me. We all know your neighbor HAS EVERY RIGHT to plant a lawn chair one inch off your lot line, or on a sidewalk and face it right into your living room window ... but it would be simply RUDE and inconsiderate and will guarantee a neighbor who has no respect in turn for you - so why would you think that is ok to do it from a boat. Using the need to catch that special fish from under someone elses dock or raft as an excuse to intrude on people's pleasure and enjoymenyt is simply that - an excuse. Get a life ! Just because you cant afford to own a piece of the waterfront doesnt make it ok to ruin it for those who do. FLAME OFF Be nice people - its alot more fun for everyone.
  17. Love mine ... HB 565X couldnt imagine life without it ... I replaced the cup early on with a clamp mount .. on the ice I clamp it to a 2 foot section of hockey stick ... it is SOOOO sensitive ... I can actually make out my two minnows AND the single splitshot at 65 feet... I can tell you which Minnow is being hit .. so of course you mark fish ... also it runs just fine on the little 12V rechargeable for about 20 hrs ... I just bring along a spare for the next day and recharge one while I am fishing with the other.
  18. Happy belated Roy ... heh ... and it was on the same day as my 25th Wedding anniversary !! (thats my excuse for missing it )
  19. Just get her a licence .. and double your chances for success
  20. Congrats, but ya know ... sooner or later you ARE gonna have to release her ... so enjoy every minute between now and then !
  21. Good to hear Wayne, hope all is well for him !
  22. No Wayne .. don't pinch the throttle
  23. Nice fatty ! (the Bass I mean )
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