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Everything posted by camillj

  1. Wow !!! And I wish I even had a 'stocked' lake near town ! (pm me which town )
  2. hmmmm ..... Never thought of a fire extinguisher for the trunk ... lord knows I got EVERYTHING else in there .. axe, saw, flashlights, tire repair kits, blankets, warm clothes, comforter, water bottles, ropes, flares, tools, jumper cables, fishing gear, golf clubs, jeez if you ever saw Hoarders ... my trunk is IT ... and every year when I empty her out I seem to find only one or two little pieces of paper that can be tossed .. EVERYTHING else goes right back in ther ... but I guess now I got an excuse to cram just one more thing in there (just in case) - thanks Lew! But .. ya know what ... I have been lucky enough to be able to help out more than a few folks because I got the junk in the trunk .. and love to be able to do it.
  3. My favourite mother in law turns 85 tomorrow ... Happy St Paddy's day Beryl ... and many more
  4. Now THAT'S what I'm talkin about !!!! Great job !
  5. Fabulous !!! Have a great time Dan ... hope they kick butt ... Go LEAFS !!!! Make sure you bring your OFC cap so when they put you on TV we will all recognize ya And yes, from what I know tons of the fans have cell phones with cameras going at all times ... I think the issue (as has been pointed out) is more with gerat big bulky cameras.
  6. wow .. guess it wasnt your time Lew ... I have had one or two like that over the years ... it sure puts you in 'reset' mode and makes you remember just what everything in life is really about .. and how quickly everything can suddenly change ! Glad you (and he) are all right bud !
  7. Yep ... I have thousands of hours and a hundreds of fish to prove that a good time can be had (even in well known waters) if you are interested in going out and looking for it. (Normally when I see more than two folks fishing an area I do little more than say hello and move on (no matter how many fish I see in front of them)... so I dont normally have trouble with the crowds ... and if someone crowds me out of a spot I am fishing ... I am happy to move on (normally back were they came from - because all those spooked fish will settle down sooner than most people realize) and come back when they are done 'muddying up my crick' For me its about peace and quiet ... and that is just a simple choice you make .. not something that is done to you.
  8. I think this is just a little overstated... When you figure you have a mile or so of water its not that many people. The key is not standing in a crowd of 5 people chasing the same 5 fish... there's plenty of water if you are prepared to walk a bit
  9. Jeeze Cliff ... be careful out there .. or better yet STAY off the ice until next season ...Shallow lakes are dodgy even in the dead of winter ! We really don't want to hear any more tragedies !
  10. I have 3 wetskins ( got one for the Wife and another for the daughter ... all different styles ... the ladies never ask to go in beacuse of the rain (and they wear theirs in August when its WARM)... I like my heavy Yellow one as shown above BECAUSE it is also very warm ... I go fishin in the mountains early May when the water is 39 degrees surface temp .... and it keeps me warm AND totally DRY ... and when the sun comes out I just take the jacket off and ... if I get warm I use a really thin 'second skin' vest style rainjacket (ala golf) ... with the Wetskin pants ... (btw the suit also acts as a 100% blackfly barrier when I slip a headnet over the hood and velcro the pant legs over my fireman style yellow rubber boots ! Wouldnt even consider the gore-tex (and cost is not the issue) when I watch the guys I fish with in their fancy $800 + suits soakin through a lookin like drowned rats I have been out 10+ hours in the beating rain and come in BONE Dry.
  11. Wow Art ... thats truly amazing .. I just googled "wicked edge" ... best system I have ever seen ! http://www.wickededgeusa.com/
  12. Nice I was gonna wait a bit more - guess I ought to rethink that !!!!
  13. If ya ever need a hand with the 'carryin' just ask bud
  14. Noo Wayne ... jeeze bud ... my heart is with ya ! Dare I ask who ?
  15. Noone says you cant catch fish without live bait ... but ...nuthin catches smallies like a little piece of worm on a single hook with a single split shot .... nothin ... and THAT is why it is illegal on most Bass tourney's And if a bucktail nails a dozen pickereyes then a bucktail with a little 'viande' nails two dozen ... its just the way it is.
  16. In a strange sort of way I have to agree ... Hardwater season seems to be the shortest one to me ... really only a month or two of opportunity ... and lucky to get out 2 or three times ... oh well ... One of the things I love about Ontario ... we get FOUR seasons... bring on the chrome !!!
  17. best app there is ..... m.google.com/search ... talk (ask it a question) and it answers
  18. Nice looking laker right there !
  19. Love my new torch ... and love my iphone 3 ... wouldnt want to give either of them up (havent decided yet whether to upgrade to iphone 4 (probably will) Either way fdont forget to go to m.google.com/search and download their app ... it is a MUST have ... voice activated google means never having to type
  20. It always used to be the last Saturday in April ... in fact I had my calendar all booked for the 29th ... guess I better crack out the regs
  21. In the old days ( way before float reels) I used to use a fly reel with 6lb mono and left it on the 'clicker' (I found the drag more reliable than the old spinning reels and liked the direct contact with the fish ... since Diawa came out with the whisker 1300 (just a beautiful drag system) spinning set up that has been my go to choice ... but I can't honestly say I have ever seen anyone with a baitcaster set up on a noodle rod ... I would think the balance would just be all wrong.
  22. Seek first to understand .. then to be understood. The old saying in real estate was .. him that asks the last question normally wins the deal. ("djuuuuuwannn fries with that ???") Remember ... there are lots and lots of solutions ... the key is finding the problem. Have a look at the Miller Heiman solution selling stuff ... (the courses drove me nuts) ... I am a type A personality ... but some sage advice in there about getting to know ALL about the decision making process. ... honestly though, most of what you really need to know you (should have) learned in kindergarten. And yes JF is right.. this was one of my favs ... Stephen Covey - "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"
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